He definitely didn't want to be responsible for the death of her again, or a woman who had just given birth and was holding her baby tightly as they made their way back into the house, wrapped up in a weaved blanket.

She watched Janet interact with the baby when she had cleaned him up in the sink, when she had wrapped the baby up tightly in a new blanket and then when she handed him over to a beaming mother, duly named Luna.

Looking around, he was trying to get a feel for the place. It was almost cozy. When she had almost finished cleaning up; washing up, putting all the medicines and supplies back in their places, the name, Snow White came to mind. "I think I can see my face in the floor." Jack stated, leaning forward to see his reflection. "Yep."

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying this." Janet laughed quietly, looking over at a sleeping Luna. "But even you should know that things don't magically get done around here." Patting his shoulder, she laughed and went out of the room.

"She's back."He offered in a sing-song tone; the corner of his lip twitching into a smile. His mind kept fighting to tell him this was too good to be true; that none of this was real. "Don't you ever get the feeling that you're in some kind of dream world?"

He raised his brow when he got no response, but heard some rustling around in the hall. Just as he was about to go see what she was up to, she walked back in, carrying some extra blankets.

"To answer your question Colonel—all the time." Answering his question, she began packing the blankets and other items." I'm just as at a loss as you are. One minute I was seeing white light—the next, I was alive." Stuffing in the blankets, she put a few more items on top of them into the pack.

"How exactly did you survive? If you don't mind me asking."

"Some kind of healing technique, I suppose. And if you're asking if I'm real, I'm not even sure of that myself. I still feel like I'm still in some dream state."

"Except for you sent this." Jack held up the empty Kleenex box in reminder, and then set it down on an empty desk. "I was just going to throw it in, but the vortex that you created, seemed to like me a little too much and decided to suck me in here."

Janet raised her brow, taking a seat. "Granted, it was an experimental project."

"Really? Remind me to personally thank the guy later." He called back over his shoulder as he glanced back over at the box.