Kira: Well I'm starting a different story-cuz I'm in a depressed mood.

Sarah: But don't worry! We will be updating ALL of our stories SOON!

Kira: Hm. Whyyyyy?

Sarah: (glares) Because.I.Said.So.

Kira: Hmph. Fine.

Chapter 1: The Betrayal

Kagome walked down the forest path, because Inuyasha had asked to meet her here under the full moon. She shivered due to the coldness going up and down her spine...something was wrong. Her heart was hurting, and telling her to flee for her life. Yet, she stayed...the foolish girl.

Inuyasha's shadow walked out from behind the trees.

"Kagome." He snarled.

Kagome took a step back.

"I-Inuy-yasha?" She stuttered as she stumbled over a stick.

Inuyasha's eyes blazed angrily out at her.

"When were you going to tell me that you are trying to kill Kikyo?!" He growled out.

Kagome blinked behind her frightened tears.

"What are you talking about Inuyasha? I have never tried to kill Kikyo. She's always the one trying to kill ME!" Kagome tried to reason with him.

Inuyasha refused to listen to the distraught Miko.

"You tried to kill my I will kill you!" He lunged at her.

Kagome closed her eyes and spread her arms.

"If that is what you wish." Her eyes glowed a silvery white.

Inuyasha was thrown back into the tree, breaking off the bark and making a decent size hole.

"Inuyasha, you have betrayed us. You have lost all trust Kagome and I have had for you."

"What do you mean US, and KAGOME AND I?" He yelled.

"I am the Goddess Artemis. I live in a human body that carries part of my soul, and Kagome is my human body." Artemis explained, glaring coldly at the half-demon.

(I was thinking of stopping here, but my fans are yelling at me outside...painful threats...cringes as a brick breaks window and back to the story!)

Inuyasha stared blankly at the Goddess in human form.

"That weak wench is no Goddess in human form."

Artemis sent a shot of moon energy at him.

"Don't you DARE call her a wench! She can rival Lord Sesshomaru in battle any day. You may have not noticed, but she has tapped into her full potential energy, so why should she kill a weak copy of herself? That is right. Kikyo is the God's attempt at creating another Moon Goddess. A failure at that." Artemis snickered.

"How can that bitch be that old?!"

Artemis glared at his stupidity.

"You foolish half-breed. Kagome has lived this long, she has known it as well. She just didn't trust you enough to give you that information."

Inuyasha was up and growling again.

"I don't care if she was Kami himself, that witch tried to kill my mate!" He charged again.

And again he was throw back, but this time he saw what threw him back, a wall of pure energy, sparking blue and white.

Sarah: Well, that's all for today, I guess...

Kira: Hmph.

Sarah: Ignore Kira...she's just tired.

Kira: I AM NOT!

Sarah: My point...exactly. SO! Till next time my faithful viewers!