Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender. It i did it would be full or action, tragidy, and angest.

Summary: After TBR. What happenes when the worlds last hope for peace(Aang)and the sacond to last hope(Zuko)are captured.

"Ive plotted out every two have nothing. Especially you Zuzu .Just to wait until your slow painful death. I though of that too" she smirked "Naturally" his rough voice replied.

"So…." Sokka said trying to keep conversation between himself and the other boy. Zuko stared at him beckoning with his eyes for Sokka to say more. Sokka looked around the room stopping at a glint. "You fight with swords?"

"Ya" Zuko replied. "Had to in the earth kingdom. Pretty stupid to fire bend. Trust me." Zuko said smirking at the memory. One of the most stupid things he'd done by far.

"Are you any good?" Sokka asked gesturing to his own sword.

"Shall we find out?" Zuko asked standing up and grabbing his sheath. Sokka smiled and the two boys walked to the courtyard.

Suki approached them on the way out. "What are you two boys up to?" she asked mischievously.

"A sparring match" Sokka answered smugly thinking this would be an easy win.

"In the mood for an audience?" Suki asked motioning for Katara and Toph to come over.

"I don't see why not." Sokka answered grinning at Zuko. He shrugged.

Within a minute the two boys were in position and the rest of the gaang plus Hakoda and Chit Sang stood around them.

"Ready?" Sokka asked

"Are you?" Zuko responded with a question yet again. Sokka nodded. "Good" Zuko said. The two bowed.

Sokka struck first lunging in with his sword. Zuko drew his and separated them, using one to block as the other countered, slicing above Sokka's head. Sokka looked at his stance. And he thought this would be an easy match.

Sokka was in offence for a while, sending continuous jabs, but Zuko blocked them all with easy. After one particular far out lunge Zuko sensed a weakness and switched to offence. Sokka did have a problem. He was distinctively right handed and was much slower with his left hand. Zuko send a swirling attack to the left side as Sokka staggered to block. Just when it looked like Zuko had the upper hand Sokka found his lead, and the others down fall.

Zuko was easily able to fight with bother hands, and was extremely agile, his one problem with yet no one knew was his vision. The incident three years ago didn't cause much damage to his eye and ear, and the little it had done, which was a blind spot in the corner of his left eye, never posed a problem with bending. With weapons though, the little things mean everything. As soon as Sokka noticed he immediately went into circular attacks. Zuko switched stances sweeping the other boys leg. You could faintly hear the others giving bets.

For once the boys were having fun. For a moment there was no war. No one nation. Just two teens training. One water and one fire but none of that mattered. Aang looked upon the battle that was. That way things used to be. The way they should be.

Of course things could never go so well for the gaang and at just the wrong moment for the group arrows struck the courtyard. Before anyone knew what hit them Toph and The Duke were pinned to trees. The gaang was engaged in a fight that they didn't even know their opponent.

Ice shields and air blast coming from every direction as one by one the enemy was winning. The non-benders were the first to go. Teo almost immediately. Without weapons Hakoda and Chit Sang also were pinned. Ice and earth walls blocked almost everything giving Katara and Haru advantages. Aang was using a mixture of the elements while his eyes scanned for the only people who could shoot like this. Yu Yan Archers.

Zuko and Sokka fought the old fashioned way. Moving in as the sliced anything in their ways. "Stupid Yu Yan Archers. Stupid sister and father" Zuko muttered.

"How do you know they….right" Sokka said correcting himself as he realized how stupid the question was. Of course Ozai wanted Zuko and Aang. "They only want to capture Aang right?"

"Well yes they want Aang alive. Me dead, and they don't care what happens to the rest out you" Zuko answered.

"Well that's reassuring" Sokka said sarcastically. Just then one of Aang's blast caught Sokka off guard pushing him in front of Zuko. Someone was hit or something because there was a scream. Sokka staggered to catch his balance as Zuko flinched around to see Katar on the ground. Just as Zuko turned back an arrow pierced his side knocking him down.

"Are you alright?" Sokka asked.

"Ya" Zuko said pulling out the arrow and tying part of the cloth from his shirt over the wound. As he stood the red of his sash turned nearly black with blood but he was immediately back in the game as were the others. That was until the archers were visible anyways.

As the archers closed in Aang and Katara were too caught. Leaving Haru, Zuko, and Sokka in the fight of there lives. Silently an arm was put over Aang's neck, choking him. Zuko swiftly turned and threw one of his swords at the man around Aang. He fell as Aang regained the color to his face.

Zuko probably shouldn't have thrown the right sword. Not only had he never used just one before but he was right handed, and the left side was his vision impaired. Zuko mentally slapped himself as he sliced more arrows. But this was a loosing battle. Two swords and an earth shield against about twenty of the best archers in the world.

Zuko felt the back of his mind slipping into unconsciousness due to loss of blood from earlier. His head was throbbing and vision blurring as he was hit again, this time in the leg. The fire bender fell to the ground. Sokka and Haru tried to fight back as they too were pinned to trees. The arrows around everyone doubled making moving physically impossible.

The archers had it completely planned. An arrow was held to Katara's neck as Aang was pulled away. He willingly went. Another grabbed Zuko's lifeless body. The archers surrounded the gaang as if deciding what to do with the others. They left them pinned to the wall.

A fire nation air ship waited for them. Aang and Zuko were thrown into a locked room. Aang moved over to Zuko's body feeling if he still had a heartbeat. Ya, he was alive. Kind of anyway. Aang sat against the wall, sad and powerless. And this is where out story begins.

Well this is just another idea I thought of. Yes I know I keep promising to finish old fics before stating new ones but ya thats like nearly impossibe. Sorry.