Okay, i totaly and completely realized i sorta stoped posting and i'm so so a million times sorry. Plus side. I updated now. More plus side. I have no school all next week so i can update again.

thanks to all my awesome reviewers. and sorry this chapters not the greatest, its a filler, but an importaint filler.

well read on and enjoy XD

"We're lost. We're officially lost. Lost and tired and hungry. We're gonna die out here" Toph started muttering all her complaints to nobody in particular.

Aang glared at her. "Toph, we can be negative later"

"Look, lets make camp. It's pitch black and we're not going to get anywhere's tonight" Hakoda suggested, though coming from him it was more of an order.

Grudgingly, everyone set up camp, which - considering they had nothing - took a whole few seconds.

Zuko stifled a moan as he was placed on the ground, immediately rousing attention from the others. Once he could trust staying awake, for a moment at least, he began to realize someone was talking to him.

Zuko hadn't been too sure of the question but he knew it was related to his well being. "I'm fine, really" he spoke in the strongest possible voice he could muster.

Sokka smiled, almost laughed in fact, "You always were a horrible liar"

The others couldn't help but smile too. Zuko propped himself on his elbow, which in retrospect was excruciatingly painful, and looked back. "I see we made it out fine" he commented, his voice slightly raspy.

Sokka nodded. "Barely"

"Well you all look alive and in one piece so I'll assume you did something right" he wheezed, but held a playful smirk.

Sokka smiled and laid down but to his, and anyone else that was awake's shock, Zuko got up. "What are you doing?" the water tribe teen exclaimed.

"Just going for a walk" Zuko answered, as if nothing had ever happened.

Sokka looked at him dumbfounded. "you've got to be kidding me. Don't tell me you don't believe getting shot with three lightning bolts doesn't require at least a days rest or healing or um--"

Zuko smiled. "You've lived with me long enough to know the answer. I'll be right back"

Zuko walked, well a cross from walking and limping, and making sure his face didn't face the others. If he had thought sitting was painful then walking was hell, but he did not intend on being dependant through the rest of the trip.

After a few moments of ensuring he was capable of waking he made his way towards the group where Hakoda eyes him suspiciously. Apparently he was on watch.

Truthfully, Hakoda's parental instincts were telling him how much an idiot Zuko was being, but his respect for the warrior kept him from doing anything about it.

The teen settled near Sokka and Haru but had no true intention of sleeping. After about thirty or so minutes it was clear to both Hakoda and Zuko so the elder called Zuko towards the watch post, meaning big rock.

"Any reason your awake?" Hakoda asked. "I'm a pretty big believer on the fact you need to recover"

"First of all, and all due respect, but I've been sleeping a day now. And you can cut the act. They're all asleep. We both know, rest or not, there is no recovery"

The man looked down. He had hoped Zuko didn't know how close to death he really was. Hakoda knew there was only one other tactic to this mind game. "So your giving up?" he asked

"No. But if this is the end I'm playing it strong. If not, well that would be mighty nice too." Zuko said, determination glinting in his golden eyes.

Hakoda looked at him sternly. "For someone so young you care too much for others. For someone raised against my children you protect them with your life. Do know I respect you immensely"

Zuko looked down somberly. "If so then I assure you I don't deserve it" Hakoda put an arm on the teens shoulder but Zuko got up. "Thank you sir" and he left.

Hakoda watched inconspicuously as Zuko laid near the other boys. The kid was to strong for his own good, he thought with a twinge of reminisce to the Boiling Rock, what seemed like an eternity ago.

Finally Zuko fell asleep, though it was practically morning. Within a few minutes he felt the others get up around him. Zuko joined them momentarily and was met with a few genuine smiles. The others were a bit more fake and wondering.

They shortly took to walking again. Toph went and brought Zuko out of the others earshot. "You can cut the brave act you know."

Zuko raised an eyebrow. "huh?"

"Oh the whole 'everything's fine' thing. It's not" she said, exasperatedly. "You know it's not"

Zuko smiled lightly. "Everything will be fine soon. We're almost near the base where we can steal a ship and be on our way"

Toph's face was stern. "You know that's not what I meant"

"But it's the best I can offer"

So Zuko's all better, sorta! And next chapter they're off evil forest road place so no more fillers. The story is almost over. :*-(

Oh well. xD

Again, sorry but i really had a blank on this.

Hopefully it was alright, and peop[le didn't forget about this story.

Please review