Okay! So this didn't take that long right? It's only been like a week.... er... Right? XD

Well, here's the last chapter! I hope you've enjoyed this story!

Please tell me which chapter you liked best! I really wanna know! ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy, or any of the songs used in this fanfic! Psh. I wish.... .


Saving Jane

Little Miss Mary Sunshine had a bad day
She says it's overrated, living this way

Sighing, she dropped her jacket on her desk chair. She resisted the urge to plop down on her bed, knowing that she would never be able to get up. Instead, she grabbed her cell and dialed her favorite set of numbers. After the second ring, someone picked up.

"Hello?" a familiar, gruff voice answered.

"Hey," Rikku said in a miserable voice.

"The usual?"

"Yes, please."

A grunt was heard, then a click.

Rikku set her set her phone on her bed, and walked over to her closet. Rummaging through the mess, she picked up her favorite pair of pink pajama pants and a matching oversized top. She dragged herself into her tiny bathroom for a quick, hot shower. Her hair was braided and beyond help so she just left it up, focusing instead on trying to get all the grime off her body. When she was done she dried off as quickly as she could, and dressed in her warm, comfortable clothes. Throwing her towel in her overflowing hamper, she walked out.

"Took you long enough." Rikku looked over to see Auron sitting in the chair where she had recently discarded her jacket. He got up and handed her a coffee cup.

"Hey, it wasn't that long!" Rikku grinned and took the cup from him.

This was one of their things. Rikku would have a horrible day at work. She would call Auron, and he would bring her her favorite drink; a steamer. A steamer is basically frothed milk with your choice of flavored syrup. She was never a coffee person. It was much too bitter for her liking.

Rikku took a sip. "Vanilla!"

"Of course."

"You know me so well."

He merely grunted and said, "So... Are you going to tell me about it?"

At this Rikku finally allowed herself to plop down on her bed. Taking another sip from her heavenly drink, she let it warm her throat before trying to form her horrible day into words. This was another part of their routine. She would think for a while, and he would watch her. He loved watching her think. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head. Finally, she spoke.

"Okay, so I'll start from the beginning." She looked over at him thinking he would say something. However, he only nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "First off, I get there and some stupid machina is going crazy because that new guy I told you about didn't program it right. So he's over crying in the corner, and everyone else it running around like chocobos with their heads cut off. I mean, yeah it's swinging it's arms around and spraying oil everywhere, but we have to stop it or it'll destroy the place!"

At this point she was flinging her arms all over the place to help describe her situation, and Auron was trying not to laugh. He always loved it when she got this riled up over something. She looked so... adorable. Whoa. Did he just go there? Anyway, she was too wrapped up in her story to pay attention to him.

"So I run in there, and I'm dodging the arms and stuff. I get hit by a few oil squirts though, which is what I was washing off in the shower by the way. I climb up on the huge machina beast and it rip out it's vital wires. It was just on the back of it's neck, I don't know why they didn't just jump up and rip it out when it started going haywire..."

"Maybe because they aren't as brave as you?"

Rikku studied him for a minute, thinking about what he said. He shifted in his seat, feeling a little uneasy for an unknown reason. Okay, so it was known. It just was... ignored. Thankfully, she continued with her story.

"Maybe... But as I was climbing down, I slipped on some stupid oil and that's where I got this." She rolled up her pants leg and he saw that she was busted and bruised from the knee down.

He moved over to her side, perhaps a bit too quickly, and inspected her leg. "Is the other one like this too?"

Rikku suddenly found her throat too dry to speak when his hands touched her skin. She nodded, and he gently rolled up her other pants leg. Lucky she just shaved....

He nodded and got off her bed, heading to a random cabinet in her kitchen. She saw him pull out a first aid kit that she had no idea was there, and walk back to her side. Sitting on her bed, he started to fix up her wounds.

"Go on. I'm listening."

Rikku nearly jumped when he spoke, but cleared her throat and continued. "S-So after that... I made sure that stupid new guy was the one to clean all the mess, and I thought that would be the worst part of my day. But I get to my office and I see paper work and dirty machina parts all over it! So I storm out to the secretary's desk and ask her what all that crap was, and she tells me it's Gippal's "leftover work". "Leftover work" meaning he didn't feel like doing it, so he left it on my desk to do it."

"What did you do?" Auron was still busy fixing her up. He began to rub some sort of cream over the cuts on her knees, and Rikku almost choked on her spit. Almost.

"W-Well I knocked down Gippal's door and started yelling, but he wasn't there. So I asked the secretary where he was, and she said he'd called in sick. Can you believe that idiot?! I started yelling that I wasn't going to do his dirty work and he could do it when he got back from being "sick", but she told me that it was all due TODAY."

"How irresponsible." Auron said, disapproval clear in his voice.

"I know! So I work my butt off all day, and I even have to work straight through lunch! I don't take any breaks, and I don't take any calls. I just lock myself in my office, and work for HOURS."

"Did you get it done?" Auron was now bandaging her knees. For a second, he put his hand on the back of her knee. His rough touch to such a sensitive part of her skin made her eyes roll back in her head a little. She blushed at her reaction to such a small act, and she almost forgot to respond.

"Y-Yes... Yeah I did." She cleared her throat, again. "I got all of his work done, and mine."

"I didn't doubt that. You are very skilled at what you do." When he said this he touched the back of her other knee, causing the same reaction from Rikku and making her blush a little deeper.

"Oh-Uh-Um... Th-thanks Auron!" She beamed at him.

He paused to look at her, raising and eyebrow. Then he turned back to his work. "So, is there more?"

Rikku's eyes clouded over as she remembered. "Yeah... I got on the bus to go home.... After I had chased it for three blocks. Then I couldn't find any bus money in my purse, but this nice old man payed for me. I started thinking that maybe this day might not end so badly, but as I sat next to him he tried to feel up my thigh!"

Auron's jaw tightened as he ripped the bandage. He secured it so it would stay in place. "What did you do?"

Rikku could hear him trying to mask his anger. "I let him have it! Socked him right in the jaw. He flew across the bus."

Auron chuckled. "That's my girl."

For some reason Rikku's heart fluttered at that statement. "Well I'm glad I did it... That perv deserved it! But... I got kicked off the bus, and had to walk all the way home. Thankfully, I made it home without further incident and just as the sun was setting. And that's where you come into the story." She smiled at him, and finished off her steamer. She hadn't realized she'd been drinking it.

Auron finished bandaging her up, and looked at her. "Rough day."

"You're telling me..." Rikku closed her eyes and leaned back on her pillows. She placed a hand over her eyes.

They sat in silence for a moment. She could feel Auron studying her, but couldn't bring herself to look at him. She was still feeling a little dizzy from having him actually come in contact with her skin. It's not like they hadn't touched before... But... Wait... Had they touched before? She racked her brain to remember.


Her eyes shot open. She'd been so lost it thought that she hadn't realized he'd asked her a question.

"Sorry! What now?"

He gave her a quizzical look, and asked again. "I asked if you were alright. Your face looks a little red... Are you ill?"

"Oh! Um... No! Nope! I don't think so!" She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head. Then she felt his hand touch her cheek.

"Rikku... You're really warm. Are you sure you're okay?"

She opened her eyes. "I'm-uh... fine."

His face cupped her cheek as he looked into her eyes. The look he was giving her was so intense. She felt like she was drowning, and yet she didn't want to look away. She didn't know how long they stayed like that.

"Rikku..." he whispered.

"Y-yes?" she sounded out of breath.

"Do you have any other wounds I need to take care of?"

"Um... I have a... paper cut on this finger..." Wow. That sounded dumb.

To her surprise, Auron took her hand gently in his and kissed her papercut without ever breaking eye contact.

"Better?" his voice was still a husky whisper.

"M-Much... Thank you..."

"Any other wounds?"

"Now that you mention it... I did bite my lip earlier today..."

He gave a low chuckle. "Did you really?"

"I sure did..."

"Did you draw any blood?"

"No... A-Almost though..."

"Sounds pretty serious." Their faces started moving closer.

"It is... It still kind of hurts..."

"Well then I probably shouldn't do what I'm thinking of doing."

"What're you thinking of--"

She was silenced by Auron's lips over hers. Once the shock wore off, she eagerly kissed him back. She tangled her hands in his hair, and he cupped her cheek with one hand; the other hand found its way to the back of her neck. Suddenly, he pulled away a little.

"You'll tell me if your lip starts hurting you too much, right?"

"Of course!" Rikku giggled and smashed her lips against his again. She could feel his grin in the kiss, and that only made her giggle more. She could still taste the coffee on his lips.

That's when Rikku had two thoughts.

One, she might could start liking the taste of coffee.

And two, maybe this day wasn't as bad as she first thought.


Well there's the last chapter!!

So did you like this story? Better yet, which chapter did you like the best? I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA KNOW!!!

I don't care if you've never reviewed before, just review this chapter and tell me which chapter was your favorite. I REALLY WANNA KNOW!!!!!

And you can expect other Aurikku stuff from me. I would suggest putting me on your alert list if you care to read more of my Aurrikku stories. I doubt I will be posting more than just one shots. In case you haven't noticed, I kinda get side tracked and don't update as much as I should! XD

Thanks you guys for reading!!! I love you all!!! :D