This story is my first fanfic, and the beginning of it is a little shaky and well just not so good lol. I promise that the flow and writing get better as the story goes on, and I have gotten a ton of great reviews on it. Just keep in mind while you are reading (especially the first couple chapters) that it was my first fanfic! There will be a sequel which the first chapter will be up shortly so put me on your author alert. Also even though this story is complete if you are still reading it, or just started reading it I really would still greatly appreciate your feedback. Let me know what you think, what you liked, what you hated so that I know how to make things better in the future. Thank you again to everyone who read, reviewed, put this story on your favorites, and alerts. I love you all and hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

These Characters Belong to Stephenie Meyer


I was pretty nervous; butterflies filled my stomach as I drove slowly to La Push. What did I have to be nervous about? Jacob would be thrilled when I told him the news. However, I was nervous and I could feel the heat creeping slowly into my cheeks. I took a deep breath and tried to just focus on getting to Jacob's house in one piece. I pulled up in front of his house ten minutes later. I smoothed down my hair and glanced in the rear view mirror before exiting my truck. My dad had just bought it from Jacob's dad when I finally agreed to finish high school here in Forks. I of course hated the weather here but there were benefits, first of all I would get to see Jacob more. We had been a little more than friends for years now, but we couldn't really take our relationship to the next level, seeing as we only got to see each other every summer. Second, it would give my mother the freedom to travel with Phil, her soon to be husband.

I walked up and knocked on the door. Jacob answered after only a few seconds passed.

"Hey Bella! I didn't know you were coming over" he exclaimed excitedly.

I laughed a little, Jacob was always so enthusiastic. "I know, I wanted to surprise you" I replied as he held the door open for me to come in." Actually, I wondered if you wanted to take a little walk with me" I asked.

"Oh, okay hold on just let me go tell my dad" he said as he turned and disappeared down the hallway. "Alright, lets go" he stepped outside onto the porch with me and flashed me one of his goofy smiles.

We walked silently for awhile, taking in the beautiful surroundings. I peeked over at him, and studied his face for a moment. He was becoming more handsome with each passing year, not to mention taller. I smiled and decided to go ahead and tell him.

"Jacob, I have something to tell you"

He stopped walking and turned towards me "Okay" he said, his brows furrowing together.

"Don't worry, it is good news" I said and smiled

His face lit up with a huge smile "Okay"

I took a deep breath "I'm moving to Forks to finish high school"

"What! No way! Are you serious Bella?" he said pulling me into a tight hug

"Yes, I won't be leaving tomorrow as planned. Renee is shipping all of my things down here and Charlie already has me registered for school."

"That's awesome Bella….wait, Charlie already registered you, how long have you known about this?" he pulled back from me just enough to look into my face

"Well, Charlie's been asking me since the beginning of summer and I finally agreed about three weeks ago." I looked up into his face and smiled. "I wanted to keep it a secret, until I was absolutely sure. Plus I wanted it to be a surprise."

He hugged me close again, pressing me tightly against his chest. "Bella, you have no idea how happy I am" he said softly.

His breath tickled my ear and I could feel the heat creeping into my cheeks again. "I'm happy too….we will be able to spend more time together now" I said shyly.

Jacob pulled back again and studied my face for a moment. I looked at him trying to figure out what he was thinking. I began to doubt myself; maybe he didn't want to spend more time with me. Suddenly, before I could even realize what he was doing, his lips crashed down on mine. They were warm and soft and full of eagerness. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. It was our first kiss, and it couldn't have been better.

I returned home and hour later. We had talked about Forks High School that I would be attending and the people that went there. I already knew a few from being here every summer like a guy named Mike Newton who's parents owned the sporting goods store Charlie and Jacob's dad Billy got all their fishing supplies from. I also had met a really sweet girl named Angela a couple of summers ago. Jacob would not attend Forks High School; they had their own schools in La Push. Sometime in the middle of our conversation Jacob decided to make things official by asking me to be his girlfriend. I was surprised, I didn't know he felt so strongly about me, but I happily agreed.

Charlie was sitting on the couch in the living room watching football, when I walked in.

"How'd it go Bells?"

I walked over and sat down at the other end of the couch. "Good, he was really happy!"

"He asked you to be his girlfriend?" he asked trying not to smile

"What! How did you….." my cheeks were absolutely on fire now

"Billy, apparently Jacob couldn't keep the happy news to himself. He's a good kid Bella, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, ch…Dad…..okay I'm going to bed now" I said jumping up. I was so embarrassed and ready to get out of there before Charlie could say anything else. "Night!"

"Goodnight Bella, get some sleep, I need to take you shopping in the morning for school supplies. School's only three days away!"