Hey there!

My friend wrote this story but doesn't have an account so she asked me to put it up for her!

We'll update about once a week and reviews would be appreciated!

Disclaimer: Nope, sorry, my friend doesn't own... but I'm pretty sure she's got a Twilight T-Shirt if that counts.... and a calendar... probably a bunch more stuff too, but I dunno what... :D

Edward left. It's been almost a month. It's funny, you would think it might get easier the longer he's away, because then you have longer to forget him. It just gets harder and harder with every hour he isn't here. I feel like I don't even exist. It's like he ripped out my heart and took all of my emotions when he left. I can't even say, much less think his name. It hurts too much. Why did he have to take everything and leave me with nothing but pain? It makes no sense.

I was driving home after work at the Newton Family's shop. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular. I never do anymore. I thought about turning on the radio, but every time I hear music I think of him. I was about to turn onto my street when I heard his voice again.

Bella, no! Keep your eyes on the road! LOOK OUT!!

Then the car disappeared. The road disappeared. His voice disappeared. Everything disappeared and went black.


It's been 28 days. Twenty-eight days, seven hours, fifteen minutes, and thirty-six seconds to be exact. Bella is all that I can think about. Every thought, every fiber of me revolves around her. It's funny; you would think it might get easier the longer I've been away, the longer I have to try to stop thinking about her. No, it just gets harder and harder with every minute I'm gone. This is the stupidest move I have ever made in my whole existence.

Currently, we are in a small, vacant region north of Delaware. We've been staying in a small cabin since we left Forks. Most of the family talks or goes off and does their own thing: Emmett watches sports, Jasper reads, Carlisle goes to his office to study, Rosalie goes to look at herself in a mirror, and Alice talks quietly with Esme, although sometimes she would rather be designing clothes or something of the sort.

I sit in my room and stare off into space. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about my Bella. She is my world. Without my Bella, I don't exist.

Today was like any other day. I was sitting on the couch in my bedroom, doing nothing, not even bothering to breathe. Then all of a sudden, I 'heard' Alice. She saw Bella driving home. She wasn't paying much attention to the road. A semi-truck smashed into her car, and her old, outdated truck was thrown twenty feet. There was blood running from her head and arm, and she was out cold.

"BELLA!" I screamed. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and out the door, grabbing Carlisle, Alice, and Esme as I went. The others would realize soon enough where I was going, and they could come if they wanted.

I ran to the driver's seat and slammed the door a little harder than necessary. The others were fast behind me. In two seconds, we were on our way to the airport. Our destination: Port Angeles.

Reviews are nice!