A/N: This is my first story. So, sorry if they're OOC. Anyway, Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own any TV shows…wish I did…but I don't.

I sat calmly on Carly's couch watching the gears in Freddie's head turn. He was still trying to come up with a good comeback. I knew it wouldn't happen. Even if he did think of something, I would be right on top of it. I never lose our arguments. Ever.

"You know what, Sam?" He came up with.

"What, dork?"

"Nothing." You see, I never lose. I could see Carly's face. She was frowning at us both. She always does. I guess she just doesn't understand that it's the way our relationship has always been. But, deep down, I really do care. A lot. Much more than Carly will ever know.

"Guys..." She started.

"What? Hey, the dork had it coming!"

"I resent that!"

"No one cares!"

Carly sighed. "Why can't you guys just…SAM!" Carly gasped. I had just poured Freddie's smoothie over his head.

"What?! It wasn't like he was drinking it! It was just sitting there, on the table, begging to be poured! Come on! You can't say you didn't hear it begging!"

She glared at me. It was different that her usual irritated look. It was more serious…more angry…and it just didn't seem right. "Sam, I…I have some homework…to do…So, would you mind…going home?" It didn't really seem like a question. It was more of a masked demand. And, I knew it was one I should follow.

"Sure, whatever. Come along, Fredward." I dragged him away from his (unfortunately) one true love. He wasn't too happy.

*New Scene*

I crept slowly into Carly's apartment. Usually, I would just barge in, but after seeing the face Carly had given me earlier, I had a feeling she didn't want to see me. Unfortunately for me, I had left my backpack in the studio. I decided to take the stairs since the elevator would make too much noise. When I came to the door, I saw Spencer and Carly sitting by the window drinking coffee. I could hear exactly what they were saying.

"I don't know, Spencer. I really don't. She's my best friend, but sometimes…" My face fell. This was bad.

"It's OK, Carls. I know, she can be a little…um…" I sighed. I guess I could be a bit annoying…

"I know this is mean, but sometimes I just wish she would get out of everyone's hair. I don't want her to disappear, but I don't know…I just…don't…" At her words, I caught a glimpse of a shooting star in the sky.

What are the odds, I thought to myself as I turned to leave. Little did I know, her wish was about to come true.

A/N: So…What do you think? I liked it. I'm not sure when I'll get to update, but I will sooner or later. Please, R and R. Thanks, SheriffBoB.