A/N: Here you go, next chapter!

When I woke up the next day it surprised me why the door was open and why I heard snoring sounds. That's when I figured someone was in my room. I looked at my clock and it stated it was 5:30AM.

I got up of bed quietly and grabbed the phone on the table, holding it up if ever I saw any sudden movements. The blinds were closed and it was very dark. I looked around with my eyes, standing out of bed, and waiting. I heard a loud snore and screamed, tossing the phone to where I heard it. I heard something scream and the next thing I knew, my lamp turned on.

"Holy shit! Bella! That hurt!" I heard Edward's voice.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I yelled. I was so thankful Charlie leaves for work early.

"But Bella, I'm always in your room this early." He told me, dumbstruck.

"Not that I recall much." I muttered. "Now get out!"

"Bella I don't—"

"It's not that I don't want you here," I told him, frowning. "But I'm not used to it anymore."

We watched each other silently and I figured my sentence had a double-meaning.

"I'll…" He whispered, "Go now…"

"Edward, I didn't mean it like that." I told him urgently.

"No, no," he chuckled nervously, "Its ok, I understand."


"It's my fault." He said. "I broke our promise."

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Promise?"

He laughed. "We even pinky-swore it," He shook his head. "I promised to be your best friend forever. To always be there for you."

I bit my lip. Oh.

"And I broke it by going to London, I knew I shouldn't have. Then nothing would've changed."

"You went to London for a reason; it's not your fault—"

"A stupid reason, actually." He shook his head. "It…doesn't matter anymore. See you at school."

He left the room and out the door and to his car. He got in a drove away, leaving me there speechless.

"Maybe…" I whispered to myself, picking up a picture of him and me on my beside-table, "It was broken because we were meant to be more."

I wished really hard that Alice never had set his alarm to 5:00AM this morning.


I climbed out of my car, ready for some more school. I walked off to my first class when someone tugged me on my arm.

"Bella!" Alice yelled, smiling evilly.

"Do I have to know what's going on?" I asked.

"Yes! After school I'm having a party at my place. Wanna come?" she asked.

"Party? Again?" I asked, remembering the last party.

"I know you might not be interested," She sighed, "But come on! It's August! I am sure you don't have anything better to do." She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, fine. I'll go," I said, "On one condition."

Her eyebrows scrunched up. "And what would that be?"

"Don't 'Bella-doll' me." I told her.

She pouted but agreed, telling me she'll see me next class. I sighed and set off to whatever class I had next and dreaded for the end of the day.

At Lunch, Alice offered for me to sit with her again and I gladly agreed. I noticed only later that her whole family was at the table, along with Jasper and Rosalie.

"We're planning the party tonight, the invitations are sent and now we need to choose the music, lights and everything!"

"You're really into parties aren't you?" I muttered.

She nodded vigorously and then stopped when she saw something coming from behind me and turned around. I turned around and gasped at Edward's face so close to mine.

"Hello." He said, smiling.

I didn't know if that meant he forgave me for this morning, so I just turned around.

He sat beside me and then asked me, "Wait, shouldn't I be the one mad at you?"

I didn't say anything.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him glare, "Fine, if you're going to be that way."

Alice looked at me and then shook her head. I could already tell she had something up for me later today.

When we arrived at her house, she dragged me to her room and threw me onto her bed, locking the door.

"What do you think you were doing?!" she asked, walked over to her huge closet and finding something.

"About what?" I muttered.

"He was going to apologize!" she said, then I heard her say, "Aha!"

"Well how should I have known if he was going to do that?" I muttered. "And how do you know he was going to apologize?"

She stepped out of her closet with a box in her hand. "That's none of your business." She said, then blowing the dust off the box. "This is, though."

I gasped when I realized what was in store for me.

"You promised!" I yelled, dodging her as she tried to tackle me down.

"But Bella!" she cried, trying to tackle me again, box in hand. "You haven't even seen the dress yet."

She started opening the box and I turned around. "It's not like I'll be in awe and force you to Bella-doll me after your promise for some dress!" I yelled.

"Turn around." She ordered.

I rolled my eyes turned around and gasped.

It was a very pretty-cute kind of dress, casual yet formal at the same time. It was blue and it parted out in uneven ways, but that's what made it look so pretty. I walked over to it and picked it up, staring at it in awe.

Alice giggled. "Well?"

I snapped out of it and then smirked at her, "I'll go dress myself up."

Alice glared as I walked into the dressing room, laughing as I went.

When I got out Alice's eyebrows shot up and her mouth hung open. Then she squealed and clapped her hands. "I knew that dress would suit you perfectly!"

She brought me over to her make-up center and sat me on the chair. I completely forgot about being Bella-dolled.

She started styling my hair. "So what's the party's theme anyway?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Formal cocktail dresses, tuxes, like a ball."

I looked down at my dress. "You think this will—"

"Why won't it?" She said, curling my hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed, waiting for this to be over.


"Hey wait a minute!" I heard Bella yell from the other room and snickered, dropping the magazine I was reading onto the table beside my bed. I got off and entered my dressing room. I searched for my tux when I accidentally tripped over something. I grabbed onto the first thing I could hold and then crashed to the ground. I groaned as I rubbed my head and then tried to see what I had grabbed onto. My eyes scrunched up into confusion.

It's…a curtain?

Since when did I have curtains in my dressing room?

Suddenly, I could hear Alice and Bella's squealing much clearer and I found it brighter in my dressing room. I followed the light and my mouth hung open to where it led to.

Alice. Is. Dead.


Later at the party, Alice was downstairs while I was reading 'Wuthering heights' for the hundredth time already in her room.

There was a knock on the door and Alice came in wearing a black sparkling dress with gloves and high heels.

"You can come down now, everyone's here." She said.

"Ok…" I said, getting up.

"Hang on, I have a dare for you." She grinned.

I pouted. "What's in it for me?" I asked.

"I wont Bella-doll you forever unless you ask." She said.

My mouth hung open and I closed it, trying to not look shocked. I tapped my chin, thinking. Would there be any side effects with this?

"Fine, what's the dare?" I asked.

"I dare you to flirt with Edward," she smirked, "For the whole night."

I smiled nervously, "Ok…fine. I guess it's worth it." And followed her to the stairs, until I realized how many people there were.

"No Alice… that's a lot of people!" I said, "A lot more than the welcome back party!" I said. I was going to do the dare in front of them? And his fangirls?

"Duh, it's the whole school, now come on!" she said.

I gulped. "THE WHOLE SCHOOL?" I whisper-yelled.

"Yeah, now get your butt moving and get down there!" she said.

I didn't say or do anything.

She made a 'hmph' sound and said, "Fine, then I'll go down first."

She started marching off and I whispered, "Alice, wait!" but she pretended not to hear and strolled down the stairs. The spotlight went on everyone who went down the stairs.

(A/N: The stairs look like this: Wide, tall and center steps, and then there are 2 more on the side that curve. The one on the left looks like a C the one of the right looks like the opposite, like this ). Get the picture? The Cullen's are rich, so this is really what their ballroom should look like. The ballroom is like their living room.)

People were talking as Alice went down the stairs. I saw Jasper walk up and stretch his hand out for her to take. She blushed, took it and they walked into the crowd of people.

I sighed and stepped out of the corner and into the spotlight.


As soon as I saw Alice walking down the stairs, I marched off to get her and explain to me why there was a hole in my dressing room connected to her dressing room.

Jasper had slowly brought her to the crowd and I reached to her and Jasper.

"Alice! You better explain why there is a hole—" I said, but was interrupted by a flash of blue light. When I looked up I stopped breathing.

There, was Bella, slowly going down the stairs. She wore the most beautiful dress I had ever seen and she looked absolutely breath-taking. I didn't realize that I was walking towards the stairs, and I didn't notice Alice and Jasper snickering at me.

Bella looked frightened, nervous, and at the last few steps, wasn't looking properly that she tripped.

She closed her eyes, but I reached her just in time to catch her.

"You alright?" I asked.

She looked up and smirked. "Sorry…weak ankles." (A/N: I got that from Hercules =)))

I laughed, "Well, maybe you should sit down for awhile?" I asked.

She shrugged, but I was already carrying her to the sofa.

A lot of girls were glaring at us and I hoped it wouldn't get Bella in any trouble.

"Soo, you have any problems with things like this?" She asked, and then suddenly there was a foot near my face. My eyes widened and I looked down at her leg.

"Uh—I, uh, uh…" I muttered.

She laughed, "Weak ankles, I mean…"

I gulped and put her leg down, "'Eh, uh, no…"

She raised an eyebrow and smiled. I think I melted right there.

"You sure about that?" She said, moving over to me from the couch. One of her sleeves fell off her shoulder and I gulped. Oh man…

"Absolutely." I said, keeping my voice straight.

"Nothing at all?" She laughed. It rang like bells.

I gulped again because she was so close and put her sleeve back up. "Nothing."

She rolled her eyes and sat back down. "You're perfect then…"

I laughed; happy this 'scene' was over. "Thanks."

I looked at her, and then coughed loudly. She turned to me. "So, then you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked.

She looked away. "I guess not." She sighed.

I cocked my head to the side and smirked. "You want to be mad at me?"

She turned to glare at me and muttered, "Of course not."

I laughed. "I knew it."

She glared at me. "NOW WHAT?"

"Well…of course you don't want to be mad at me," I said, waving my hand, "I'm you're best friend, you can't ever be mad at me."

She gasped and then stood up.

"What, what did I say?" I asked.

"So you're inclining that since I'm you're best friend I can't be mad at you?!" She screeched.

"Wait—what?" I chuckled nervously.

"Stop acting so stupid!" She said, and then stalked off and started climbing up the stairs.

I slapped myself and sighed. "Wow Edward! That was a fantastic way to be friends with your best friend again!" I growled to myself.

I looked back at the stairs to where Bella was supposed to be and then glared. She wasn't the only one there.

Jacob Black.

I wanted to stomp over and take her away from him but she smiled at him when he stretched his hand out. She took it and went into the crowd.

I blinked until I realized what happened. Then I marched up to the stairs and into my room, muttering unintelligibly along the way.

A/N: Well, there you go. That's it so far. I'm TRYING to work on it ok?

Just be happy I've posted 2 chapters at least. :D