I'm not sure if I'll continue this story, it depends how many people like it… Oh and I'd like to note that this story will be mainly focused on an OC even though most of the time it's from Yuuki's point of view.


All was quiet at Cross Academy, at the gates stood Yuuki, Zero and The Headmaster.

It was early morning and the sun had yet to rise, there was a chill in the air and as Yuuki hugged herself she let out a sneeze.

Zero glanced at her then looked at the Chairman, "How long do we have to wait?" he snapped; his fingers were near to falling off from numbness.

The Chairman merely replied in a happy voice, "Only a little while longer."

Zero groaned, he had been saying that for half an hour.

Suddenly the sound of tyres on gravel could be heard, the three turned their heads to find a black car making its way up. The windows were tinted preventing anyone from seeing the people inside.

"She's here." Cross said happily, Zero resisted the urge to punch him.

As it stopped in front of them a man stepped out of the car and walked around to open the back door nearest to them. Yuuki couldn't help but realise how pale he looked, his eyes were vague and blank and he looked as if he had all the energy drained from him.

The thought chilled her more than the air around her.

Opening the car door a figure then daintily stepped out of the car; Yuuki examined the newcomer who would be attending the Night Class.

The figure was a girl of around the same age as her, her long hazel hair was tied in two pigtails making her seem younger and as she looked up and met their gaze Yuuki felt her two brown eyes burning into her.

The uncomfortable feeling caused her to look away.

"John." The girl said in a soft voice.

The boy – only a few years older than her – nodded and walking back into the car drove off.

"My, my, such a cute girl!" Cross exclaimed with a happy smile.

The girl looked up and met his gaze.

"What's your name?" Zero asked.

The girl's gaze drifted towards his, "Yuku Kiwitzura."

At this Yuuki's eyes widened and she felt Zero stiffen slightly, Cross seemed to pause for a moment before continuing.

(For those of you wondering, 'Yuku' means 'to die' in Japanese so that is why they're reacting as they are)

"What an interesting name." Cross said unsurely.

Yuku shrugged, "I don't like it."

As Yuuki sneezed again Cross said, "Well let's get you inside shall we?"

Yuku smiled slightly however it merely made Yuuki feel more uncomfortable, "I'd prefer to make my way to my dormitory."

"Oh, do you know your way?" Cross asked.

Yuku smiled, "Yes."

As she wandered off Yuuki glanced up at Zero to see his reaction, "Zero?"

Without looking down Zero said, "She's dangerous, watch yourself Yuuki."

With that he turned to walk away.