Sheik paced, the bright sky contrasting his anxiety. He stopped next to the altar stone, looking out over the empty Lake Hylia. The Hero had gone into the Temple below him far too long ago, and had never come out. The blue clothed man fidgeted with the hem of his mask as he looked out to the forested horizon. The temple, he knew, wasn't much more confusing than the previous two that Link had liberated. So what was keeping him? Just as the forlorn man moved to sit on the grass of the island, a dull roar rumbled around him. Moving with a start, daggars were gripped tight in his hand before he recognized the noise. Water. Rushing back into the lake. A relieved grin spread underneath his mask, turning to the stone as Link stepped down onto it from his crystal.

"Hero, you have no idea how worried we were. What happened?" Sheik stepped forward, a hand going to the boy's shoulder. A comforting gesture. Very much out of usual element- but who wouldn't be ecstatic when they found out the only chance for their doomed world was still alive? He expected Link to smile, answer. Certainly not shove away the hand, eyes wide and face pale, stance wavering. He hadn't thought the other would cry out-

"Don't t-touch me!" He crumpled to the ground where he had stood, consciousness draining from the boy as water would from his boots. Sheik knelt quickly, fingers automatically checking for a heartbeat.

Link woke with a start from a fitful sort of daze, less than conscious but not so merciful as sleep. The sudden movement made the shallow water under him splash, the sound echoing about. He'd managed to crawl to a wall the night prior, as far from the small island as possible. He scrabbled at the moist wall, painfully standing. The blond shivered violently – after ally, he was soaked from collapsing in the chill water. Everything ached, hurt. He'd rather just slide back down and sleep his life away.

A lethargic hand reached for the hilt of his Master sword, cobalt eyes sharp despite his body's condition. He would beat this one, like every other monster in every other temple. It didn't matter, couldn't matter, that this one wore his face. Wore a smile. He shuffled towards the tree that stood out in the mist, signifying the only piece of dry dirt in the giant room. Suddenly Navi was wailing warnings at him, too late. Someone shoved him hard in the back, sending him sprawling, sword clattering from his hand. Link bit back a cry as he hit the floor, making a quiet splash. Scrambling up, he looked wildly around for his blade. It had spun a good ten, fifteen yards, away. He then looked up, hands falling into a fighting stance to greet the attacker. Blinking, he took a sharp breath of air. The other wasn't there… it took a delayed moment to realize the sprite hovering over his shoulder had begun caterwauling again. He spun around, right into the other's sword. Link's eyes widened slightly, stilling at the feel of cold metal pressed against his throat.

The mirror image smiled slowly at the expressionless face. Even with the stony set, he could see the drawn tautness in his features, the weak line of a frown that barely covered the fear. The most wonderful thing about that fear was that Link didn't even know it was there. Didn't even know about the exhausted panic flashing in his icy blues, just underneath the thin layer of authority, translucent in it's facade.

His smirk widened, free hand suddenly shooting out and grabbing the boy by the neck of his tunic, ignoring the fairy beating around his head. Lifting the teen up, he leaned his face in close. "Good morning, Hero." He flung Link towards the island, the blue clad boy skidding against the ground, forcing himself not to cry out. The dark form strolled easily over, stepping down on the fallen one's chest to stop him from rising, kneeling onto the knee not attached to the leg restraining the teen. Leaning in close again, he clucked.

"You look so tired, Hero. You've only gotten an hour or two of sleep. That's not good for you." A dark hand smoothed over Link's cheek in the way a comforting mother would. "It's too bad I have to defeat you." A smile at this idea, grabbing the hands that had been beating at the leg pinning him down, at anything he could reach, binding them together. The fairy had managed to bite him on the ear. Whirling, he caught her in his hand and shoved her unceremoniously in a bottle off of Link's belt. Corked back up, he rolled it across the room, turning his attention back to link as he swung a leg over, straddling the boy's stomach. Surprisingly, the Hero didn't strike at him, only tried to wriggle away from his counterpart. A grin crossed raven lips again; sleep deprivation was wonderful for making the mind unable to process. Link had only gotten two hours of sleep in the past couple days. Ah, well. He watched the other squirm weakly. He had been ordered to break the boy, stop him from going any further.

"I can do more than make you hurt externally, Hero. I can make your mind and body hate each other."

"Fuck you." The dark one chuckled at the spat response from Link.

"Don't mind if I do."

He traced his hands over the others neck, collar bone, wrinkles on the blue tunic. "Of course, you could always submit to Ganon's will. Everything would stop right then." He spoke quietly, huskily as he found the belt on Link's tunic, carefully unfastening it and letting it fall to the ground. "No… Link doubled his efforts to get away as his shirt was snaked upwards.

"Stop it!"

"Your clothes are wet. You'll catch a cold if you keep them on."

Red eyes glittered as he jerked the boy up by the tunic to pull it off, letting him fall back. Link realized dumbly that they were on the island, having not realized he'd been tossed that far until he noticed the cold sand rubbing into small slashes on his back. The other leaned down, nearly laying on the other. Dark Link thoughtfully plucked the Hylian's hat off as his tongue traced the others earlobe, earning a tiny gasp of disgust at the writhing wetness. He kissed his way softly down the others jawline, ignoring the strained threats that were choked by fear.

"Link, you really need to relax. Even the Hero of Time has to be able to enjoy himself sometimes."

The words vibrated on Link's neck ever so slightly. He shuddered, eyes closed tight as the other ran hands along his sides, sucking on the joint between Link's throat and shoulder. He was tensed, waiting for the other to bore of the torture and leave him alone. Link bit his lip harshly, avoiding letting out another gasp when a lick flicked over his nipple. Eyes tightened, trying to ignore the filthy sparks that shot through his body every time the one above him touched a piece of skin.

He didn't realize as his lips murmered without him intending to, a run together line of 'nodontpleaststopnostop… please… no…' It was practically inaudible, more to keep his mind focused on not letting the other know anything.

Dark Link sighed breathily, looking up at the others strained expression. Not once since the first gasp had the Hero made a noise other than his silly pleads that weren't even directed at him about what was at hand. He dipped his tongue into the others navel absently, feeling the boy squirm under him at the sensation, at the hardness pressed against one of the Hylian's legs.

When fingers felt around at the lacings of his leggings, he jerked out of his awkwardness, kicking at the other, pushing with his bound hands to get up. Before he could even stand, his ankle was caught and he hit the ground again. He was turned back to face his mirror image, the others face darkened into a dangerous look. After a long moment, he let a smile fall back on his face; it wasn't a good sign.

"Hero, I refuse to be mad with you. That's what you'd like. You are going to enjoy this, no matter what you'd rather have happen." A hand went roughly down to the arousal Link hadn't realized existed. The others face split with a grin. "But it seems I won't have to do much to force you to." Link's eyes widened at the suggestion.

"No! Th-th-that's not… ah… true.." Link was flushed, eyes closed tight as a strangled noise ripped itself from his throat, hands fisting as he tried not to stutter, his copy palming him slowly, sitting back on Link's thighs as Link tried to thread a sentence. It failed, Link falling into a muddle. Why? How could this happen? How could he have let himself fall so low to be shivering, helpless, underneath someone's mere hand? He was weak… so weak… he was proving so right now as he grit his teeth, fingernails cutting into his palms as he tried to hide from the filthy heat building in his stomach.

Something shattered as he bucked without thinking into the dark form's hand, emitting a mewling moan, breath quick. His dignity, maybe. Probably some of his sanity as his mind still keened to get away and watched helplessly as he writhed for the other. He was so weak, giving in to something that should have been avoidable. Dark Link took notice, wanting to laugh as the Hero's face crumpled, only leaving a defeated need as he locked his spirit into the recesses of his mind. The Hero rose needily into the dark hand, desperately trying to cause more friction through his leggings. The hand disappeared, flitting up to the waistband again. Link refused to look at the other, cobalt orbs still shut, head to the side as he arched into the empty air, disapproval at the lack of contact rumbling deep in his throat.

The dark image just smirked as he dragged down the others trousers, musing accurately on what must be going through the back of the Hylian's mind. That he was filthy for aiding in the other's actions, he should be pushing forwards towards his goal… he'd spent too much time in this wretched temple. Despite all this, he still shivered and trembled into the others slow paced ministrations. Dark Link smiled.

"Oh, my dear Hero. If you need something, you must ask for it." There was silence, then a whispered request.

Not waiting, he took the entirety of Link's arousal into his mouth all at once. Linked moaned almost painfully, length jerking in response. The noises came out of his mouth uncontrolled as he was sucked down mercilessly, jerking his hips up once. They were pushed down to the ground with a gloved hand, forcing him to endure without moving. Unable to take it as teeth scraped down him, he came hard into the others mouth, a ragged scream of release ripped at him. He kept crying out for a few seconds, Dark Link swallowing readily even as the other came.

Silent tears came then, Link turning his head away further to try and hide his weakness, unable to believe himself. He didn't react when he was turned over, simply continued weeping silently. A finger tapped on his lower lip wordlessly, prying its way into his mouth when he didn't react.

"Suck, my dear Hero. It'll make it better for you, I promise." He did as he was told, feeling utterly overwhelmed as he tried to drag himself away on weak arms.

He whimpered a curse when a slick finger pushed its way into his entrance, eyes closing tightly at the discomfort. "Relax, Hero. It will only hurt worse if you do that." Link ignored the mirror image, glad he was face down. He didn't have to look at the other. Three fingers then, stretching him impossibly.

"Please… stop…"

"Hush, hush, love. I need things too. It'll all be over soon."

Fingers stretching, probing, looking for something. Link cried out sharply when the other found it, lighting fire in him. Then, the spot inside him wasn't let lie, practically massaged by those cursed fingers. His breath was heavy, palms bleeding from the half crescents cut by his fingernails. Link wanted to die, hard again. When something larger pressed against his entrance, his eyes widened. "No! Please don't… please…" He could feel the ruby eyes glittering over his form. The copy didn't bother to mention the offer from Ganon. He'd do so later, he thought as he pushed in suddenly, the Hylian screaming in pain.

The pace was fast and relentless, hardly lubricated with anything other than the Hero's own blood. He wasn't so quiet as before, crying out and pleading loudly. A pivot in the angle and he cried out for a different reason, length hardening again. Link's legs gave out, collapsing on the ground unceremoniously as the other still continued, hoisting up his pale form.

There wasn't a response when he was lifted back up with one hand. There was when the other hand snaked around him and encased the neglected erection, pumping it in time. Link's voice cracked as he screamed again, splattering his stomach, the other moaning his own release when muscles spasmed around him.

Pulling out, Dark Link stood, cleaning himself off and refastening his own leggings. He waved his hand idly, the doors unlocking seamlessly. Looking down at the broken figure that still lay crumpled and desecrated on the ground, he smiled. A job well done, he must say.

"Well, Hero. I have other things to attend to. Think about that offer for Ganon; we might see each other soon." Hands in his pockets, he disappeared, scattering with the shadows.

The boy woke with a start, gasping for air. A figure leaned over him, looking down. Red eyes met blue.