Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Harry Potter & Co. belongs to J.K. Rowling. Tyrael belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. This is purely a work of fan fiction.

First of all a greater, fuller summary: The Potterverse is not how it's supposed to be - Tom Riddle is dead, yes, and the Light side won, yes, but it didn't happen the way it was supposed to. So the High Heavens decided that a redo is in order. To ensure success they send two of their best mortal agents to interfere and ultimately help Harry Potter. A beautiful half-elven girl and a cocky daredevil boy will befriend Harry at primary school, then go to Hogwarts with him. The magical world won't be the same...

First book in the ShadowGuard series.

Warnings: Harry/Hermione; OMC; OFC; Many characters will be OOC; Smart!Harry Independent!Harry Set 10 years in the future (means Harry was born 1990)

On a higher astral plane

Two hooded figures dressed in robes stood silent in waiting. Barely a meter apart, they had a few but notable differences. The right one was clothed in cobalt blue and pure white, decidedly female and with an exotic air about her that denoted power, intelligence and wisdom. To the left the aura was different – raw fury and might, reigned in by an adamant will, a ruthless mind and a heart of honor. Male and clad in black from hood to boot the second figure hardly looked in place alongside his companion, unmistakable darkness and shadow in sharp contrast to the serenity and beauty next to him.

However these two had much in common. Both were mortals, both were very powerful and experienced, both worked as Private Contractors for the High Heavens. It did help that they had been best friends for several centuries.

Suddenly a third being appeared in front of them. This person was also unique. Wearing a set of golden full-plate armor, a hood which left his face shrouded in darkness despite the bright aura he exuded, and finally the long glowing wings on his back, signifying his status of an Archangel.

"At long last! The mighty Tyrael graces us with his presence!" The male deadpanned, his sarcasm betraying his boredom and annoyance.

"Be respectful for a change!" The lady's the imperious tone cut off the rant before it began.

"It does not matter, his impatience is well-known by everyone." said the Archangel, drawing the attention with his echoing voice. "I have summoned you in haste for this is an urgent matter of great importance. The Angiris Council just reached a decision about Earth 17."

"Wasn't that the one which had severe problems with the Tapestry of Fate??" The male cut in, "I heard rumors that Fate was going around the bend trying to deal with it."

"That is correct. Fate indeed had, and still has great problems with it. In fact the whole dimension had broken free from the Tapestry on account of a great many things going wrong or not happening at all. The Burning Hells already had active agents there and had managed to destabilize it even further. Thankfully the forces of Light among the humans managed to pull through and preserve the balance. Even so the time-event line is very different from what was supposed to happen. The Angiris Council decided that we must intervene, even if indirectly, so that Earth 17 can be brought back to order and rewoven in the Tapestry. I was charged with overseeing the means to do just that."

"And you called us. Well I'm flattered. Also I'm past due my fix of adventure." The male's baritone made its presence know again.

"Yes, I'm sure." The imperious mezzo-soprano rang out. "Still, broken free of the Tapestry, outside Holy influence and the Burning Hells… what a complete mess!"

"Precisely the reason for me to summon you. Both of you have worked for us with outstanding results, you know each other and are the best team I have seen in many a millennia. The assignment is indeed a "complete mess" as you put it; however you have dealt with such difficulties before." Concluded the Archangel.

"Indeed we have. I'm taking the assignment, either alone or with her. Though I wouldn't want to be solo on this one." Remarked eagerly the male.

"I agree! This will not be a solo mission my friend, I'm coming with you." Sounded the reply.

"Very well. These are the details. But first to ask you – are you familiar with the name Harry Potter?

"Yes!" Came the surprised reply…

A/N This will be a full 7 books cycle - my version of the Hp books. J K Rowling wrote a great story but ultimately ruined it at the end. So this is my take on it. I don't know how often I'll update maybe once or twice a week depends on a lot of things.