This story is currently being rewritten, please enjoy the first reworked chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any other characters from the books!

Chapter 1: Awkward Reunions

Life was starting to lighten up considerably for a young bushy haired female named Hermione Granger. It had been a year since the war had ended, slowly but surely everything went back to normal and order returned.

The trio had just finished their last year at Hogwarts and were currently plunging headfirst into what we call 'real life'. Harry had followed his dream to become an auror, while Ron started working in the department of magical games and sports, Hermione started to work at St. Mungos, very closely with a famous witch called Fellen Greeves.

About two years passed, everything went great. The trio still met as often as possible, Harry and Ginny have been dating for over a year now, and so have Ron and Luna. It was only Hermione's personal life that felt left out in the end, for she went on consuming her work, just as much as it consumed her.

It was early in the morning at the hospital when Fellen approached Hermione, a large grin was plastered on the older woman's face. "What's going on?" Hermione asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice. She knew that expression; it meant something was going to happen, something out of the ordinary. "Well... I need to ask you a favor." She began and dropped into a chair in front of the cluttered desk. "Go ahead." The brown haired female urged on.

"I will be leaving tomorrow; I have received a few jobs from the ministry, these jobs will take me across the world, and I am sure I will be gone for a long time."

Hermione let out an audible sigh, disappointed about this news. She really didn't want Fellen to leave, they had become more than mere colleagues over the last years, she was more a mother figure, her inspiration and a very good friend.

"Wait, I'm not finished." She held up a hand to motion for the girl to stay calm. "There have been a few new discoveries as of late, I can't go into detail, because it is still confidential, but it is my job to learn what I can from these new discoveries and use them for the good of the world." She paused for a moment, eyeing the young female across from her knowingly.

"And Hermione, I would like for you to come with me as my assistant." She finished with a grin, looking at the girl expectantly. Hermione's jaw dropped, shock was evident in her eyes. "You want me to be your assistant!" She stood up quicker than Fellen had expected, making the woman jump back in surprise. "Fellen, I don't know what to say, of course I will come!" She pulled the other female into a tight embrace.

And that was when Hermione left…..

Nine years had passed.

On a cold December morning, the fourth to be precise, a young bushy haired girl arrived at the front gate of the burrow, looking up at the building she had missed so dearly.

It seemed ages ago since she had last carried her luggage up the narrow dirt road leading to the crooked building which was home to none other than the Weasley family. Slowly she made her way up the front porch and pushed the little button located to the right of the door. Moments passed, a few thuds could be heard inside and then the door jumped open revealing a well built redhead who's jaw seemed to drop to the floor.

"Merlin's beard, Hermione!" The woman shrieked and pulled the girl into a tight hug making her drop her bags to the floor. "Come in dear, you must be freezing, it's about time for breakfast, almost everyone's still asleep." The girl stepped into the warm house and immediately started to shed her shawl and coat. "We will take care of your bags later." Mrs. Weasley smiled brightly as she led the way into the kitchen.

"You look amazing dear, would you like some tea?" The woman asked as Hermione took a seat at the already set table filled with many delicious looking meals.

It was true; Hermione had changed a lot over the years, especially since Fellen had given her so many beauty tips. Her hair was now a golden brown; it hung down her back in long luscious curls. She wore clothes that fit her perfectly and showed her figure well, and to top it all of she wore just the right amount of makeup.

Mrs. Weasley was about to say something when another shriek filled the kitchen. "Hermione!" A red headed female practically tackled the girl, making the chair swerve and almost fall.

"Ginny, it's so nice to see you again. How are you?" The girl grinned. "I'm doing great, as you know me and Harry got married, it's actually a coincidence that I'm here, since we have our own house now." Hermione's smile turned into a frown. "I'm very sorry I couldn't attend your wedding." The other girl waved it off dismissively. "Psh, don't worry about it, your gift was great by the way."

The girls ate and talked for a little while, until a sleepy Harry entered the kitchen, he seemed to wake up quickly though once he spotted Hermione sitting at the table talking to his wife.

"Am I still dreaming?" He asked with a hint of confusion in his voice. Ginny smiled and padded his arm as he walked over to pull Hermione into a hug. "Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" He asked, also taking a seat at the table. "I wanted to surprise you, of course, and who knows, maybe someone could have caught my letter and then this place would be overrun by reporters." The male grinned, knowing exactly how she felt. "That's what happens when you become famous, even if it's just through discoveries and the few books you've written." She playfully hit his arm and they all started to laugh.

The rest of the morning went by with simple catching up. Harry had told her that Ron was currently in Ireland taking care of a few quidditch arrangements, and everyone else was at their own homes. She was really happy to finally be back home, but she knew the next few days would be a little more than stressful with finding a new job and a place to live, Harry and Ginny had allowed her to stay at their house until she found a place.

"You have heard about Fred and George's success, right?" Ginny questioned Hermione. She gave a short nod. "Of course I have, but not much, been too busy." The other girl chuckled lightly and straightened a bit on the couch to give Hermione every juicy detail.

"I am pretty sure you have noticed the many changes around the house, new beds, a new kitchen… well everything is pretty new." Hermione nodded again, she had wondered about that before, but she couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

"Well, all these new things came from Fred and George, they have become quite wealthy, but they seem to put their money more into friends, family and their business rather than themselves. I am really glad they haven't turned into snobs." She grinned at the thought and took a cookie from a plate her mum had set on the table.

"Wow, what else have they done? I am pretty sure they have widely expanded their network." She mused lightly as she remembered the various pranks the twins had played back at Hogwarts. "Oh, of course they have, they actually have created a world-wide business, its fascinating really, who would have thought that they'd be so successful. Their main store is of course still in London, you should really go check it out, they have joined together with other companies and created a large shopping mall, like the humans have, just with the typical magical things we know." Hermione was stunned at this news; she really hadn't thought they would expand so much.

"Where's this shopping mall at?" She questioned, already planning to visit the next day. "How about we go there tomorrow, we can meet with Fred and George, I think they would be happy to see you again." Ginny smiled and Hermione agreed. So they were going to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes Central tomorrow.

The next morning Hermione woke up and took a quick shower. Once she was done she met up with Ginny in front of the chimney where they were to floo to WWWC.

Ginny whistled once she saw Hermione and grinned. "You look great." She laughed and took a handful of floo powder. Hermione looked down at herself shortly. She was wearing a tight navy colored pair of jeans tucked into black low heeled boots, along with a v-cut cream sweater she also wore a silver necklace and a silvery-black shawl around her neck.

The two women called "Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes Central!" And within a few seconds they were engulfed in green flames and disappeared from the living room.

It seemed like mere moments until they popped out of the fireplace into a long white hall. Everything around them was made out of white marble, door frames, windows and other decorations were all golden colored and gleamed in the sunlight that shone in through the glass ceiling above.

Many other witches and wizards came and went through the fireplaces lining the corridor. With some difficulty the girls made their way through the crowd and emerged into an even larger hall that was decorated in gold, white and red. Many smaller booths lined the outer circle of the entrance area, a mixture of loud chatter, laughter and delicious smells washed over her. People and children all around her were smiling, browsing the booths with a certain joy that seemed to vibrate throughout the building.

Looking up Hermione could see long red banners hanging from what seemed to be the sixth floor all the way to the second, WWWC written on them with large golden letters.

"Wow, this place is amazing."

Together they walked through the crowd, occasionally they stopped at a booth or dropped into a store to buy something. The mall had everything, clothing stores such as 'The magical Needle', a broom store, book stores, various plant, pet and magical artifact stores, potion stores, diners, the list seemed to go on and on.

It took them a few hours to comb through all the stores until there was only one left.

It was the center piece, a narrow store located right across from the entrance of the mall that reached up to the very top floor "Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes" was written in proud bold letters above the open double doors.

The two women looked at each other and with a final nod they entered the most magical place of all.

The light inside was dim compared to how bright the rest of the mall had been, the floor was lined with a dark red carpet, the walls and ceiling a rich maple wood. Immediately the air around them felt mysterious and playful.

Ahead of them lining the entire shop were shelves and displays with some of the most wonderful oddities Hermione had ever seen. She smiled fondly at the memories that came with the rediscovery of love potions, puking pastilles and extendable ears.

She also marveled at all of the new products the twins had come up with, such as delightful dream drops to give you the most memorable dreams you have ever experienced, portable pools so you can spontaneously throw a pool party or just dump the water over an unsuspecting victim and pocket closets for all your emergency wardrobe needs.

Ginny and Hermione were currently musing over a particular category of delightful dream drops that would surely deliver on your most lustful desires, when a voice suddenly boomed from behind them.

"Ginny, didn't think you'd be coming in today!" The women turned just as a tall, well built redhead walked towards them with a smile. As he focused on Hermione he looked absolutely baffled, his eyes wandered over her body, then focused back on her face, he looked confused, but also .. hungry for a moment, seemingly remembering his sister his smile reappeared. "And you brought company! It is a pleasure, I am Fred, co-owner of this fine establishment." He took her hand and kissed it tenderly, a cheeky grin plastered on his lips as he straightened again.

Hermione just stood there shocked and amused at the same time, but Ginny was the one to burst out laughing before she could even react. "Fred, you really don't recognize her?" She spurted between laughs, she had trouble containing herself. For a second time Fred looked baffled, again his eyes focused on Hermione, you could practically see the gears turning in that brilliant brain of his, then his jaw dropped. "Hermione?" he blurted, his ears turned slightly red, he looked a bit uncomfortable as he ran a hand through his hair. "I really didn't recognize you." He took that moment to reach over and give her an awkward hug. "When did you get back? You look great! It has been so long, we've all missed you." He said all this so quickly that Hermione was the one to burst out laughing this time, which made Fred turn even more red.

In that moment Ginny's phone rang, she answered it, repeating a few 'uh-huhs' and 'oks' before hanging up. She turned towards Hermione smiling apologetically. "I am so sorry, but Harry needs me, I have to run." She looked over at Fred with a bemused expression. "You should entertain her from here, we were going to go grab a bite to eat." Before either of the two could respond Ginny suddenly disappeared with a pop, leaving the pair standing in awkward silence for a few moments.

"How about a tour before we eat?" Fred asked, smiling at her sheepishly. Hermione just nodded, then Fred's eyes focused on the display the two women had been looking at before he had interrupted them, and just like that his cheeky smile returned, while he started to wonder just what Hermione would dream about when taking those drops.