A/N: grab the tissues!!! 'beautiful disaster' is officially over. I hope you've enjoyed it :) Once again, thank you HSMandChelseaFCfan for all of your help. Ummm...guess what? My laptop's back :D

There will not be a sequel. However, if HSMandChelseaFCfan or I come up with a storyline, we might start one but I really want to concentrate on 'Troy and Gabriella' and 'Promises you weren't around to keep'

Later on today, I'm going to upload the prologues for 'Troy and Gabriella' (that's the one I'm co-writing with HSMandChelseaFCfan) and 'promises you weren't around to keep'

Don't own HSM x

Btw, I finally had my HSM marathon...at 3 this morning. I couldn't sleep lol. enjoy x


Twenty-nine year old Gabriella Bolton glanced momentarily away from her computer screen and smiled at the picture frame situated next to her screen. She'd never forget that day. All the way in California – so many miles away from Albuquerque – she had seen her youngest sibling. Gabriella had had a video phone conversation with Lucas and she had seen her baby sister the day she was born.

"Troy!" She exclaimed excitedly as soon as he'd stepped foot in her apartment. "I've got a sister."

"I know." He laughed. "You told me on the phone. What are they naming her?"

"Ummm…" She shuffled her feet nervously as she glanced again at her cell phone. "Daddy wants to talk to you." She held the cell phone out to him.

He took it cautiously and looked at the screen to see Lucas sat down, presumably in a hospital room, holding a pink bundle in his arms. "What's up, Luc?"

Lucas sighed and looked down at his new daughter. "What would you name her?"

"Lucy." Troy whispered.

Lucas smiled broadly at the nineteen year old Troy. "That's what we hoped. But, we wanted your permission."

"I'd be honoured." Troy exclaimed.

Gabriella giggled at the memory. Her baby sister was what Troy claimed was 'like a hand grenade' when let loose with sugar. She was like nothing anyone had ever seen before. Devon had been truly fascinated with her and spent every spare minute entertaining her as Troy and Gabriella were, regrettably, in college a thousand miles away. As Lucy grew up, she became sporty and a prankster – like Troy; headstrong and beautiful – like Gabriella; and sweet and mischievous – like Devon.

Troy didn't need much persuasion to drive himself and Gabriella back to Albuquerque the following weekend – especially when his fiancée was so excited that she had a sister that she practically attacked him when he 'undressed the pace of a caterpillar' according to Gabriella. He was completely used to her impatience when it came to making love that it didn't bother him but caused him to move even slower.

He had confessed sometime during their early college days that he loved how Gabriella became a different person when they made love – he was pleased she enjoyed their time together so much. She had teased how she saw that as an understatement.

The memory of the summer before college brought an uncontrollable smile to her face as she continued typing. At graduation, with herself being valedictorian and Troy voted most inspirational student, both of them had had to make a speech.

Troy strode up to the podium in all his red and gold glory and cleared his throat. "Well, um, I'm not all that good at public speaking but I've been voted most inspirational student. I guess it's pretty self-explanatory as to why. But, I hope that wasn't the only reason. We survived high school. Each and every one of us. It's a tough place to be. If you've lost your parents, or if you feel like your life's falling apart…or if you fall in love with your best friend." Troy and Gabriella shared a smile before she bowed to hide her blush. "But, it becomes the easiest thing in the world. If you have people who care about you: friends, parents, or maybe even a cool little dude who idolises you." He grinned when he spotted Devon in the crowd. "Or maybe someone who's leaving to attend Stanford – someone you can't live without. And that's why I've chosen to attend the University of California, Berkley. Exactly thirty two point seven miles away from the future Mrs Bolton, Gabriella Montez."

Gabriella giggled to herself despite the fact that she was still in the hospital at five thirty – half an hour later than she should've been. Devon had just graduated East High and – as Gabriella had predicted – turned out exactly like Troy. He had been the basketball captain since he joined the varsity team when he was a sophomore – the first sophomore ever to make the varsity team at East High; was a real ladies' man if she ever saw one – but he finally settled down on a girl named Celia who had moved to Albuquerque in their junior year.

Lucy was beginning middle school in the fall and was taking a real take to music thanks to Sharpay and Kelsi. Her friends were all married with children of their own, with their own careers. Chad owned a gym in Albuquerque and Taylor was a well known lawyer. Sharpay was a famous fashion designer and Zeke hosted his own cooking show. Ryan was on Broadway, choreographing the shows along with Martha. Kelsi composed the shows and Jason was on the Knicks' basketball team.

That lead her to Troy's career. He was a drama and gym teacher at East High. He had taught Devon and Celia and most of their friends' children. She was a paediatrician at Albuquerque hospital and worked alongside her parents.

She sighed blissfully at the thought of her parents. They had gotten married the summer before Troy and Gabriella left for college – so that there were no baby bumps in the pictures - with Troy as the best man, Gabriella as the maid of honour and Devon as the ring bearer. Gabriella, sheepishly admitted to only Troy who was sworn to secrecy, didn't pay any attention to her parents. Throughout the whole ceremony, she was thinking about how handsome Troy would look on their wedding day.

(A/N: This is HSMandChelseaFCfan)

The years after her parents' wedding had flown by with everything from moving away and getting used to being away from her family, but thankfully not too far from Troy, to suddenly finding herself in her senior year of college. There was one weekend in particular that stuck out from the rest in Gabriella's mind.

Troy had visited her at Stanford like he usually did on a weekend and if you asked Troy now; he would say it was one of the most shocking weekends of his life, almost as shocking as when he heard the news of his parent's death. The two had been laying in bed together cuddling after making love as usual. Gabriella was lying on her side, her head resting comfortably on his chest. The conversation that followed could be remembered exactly word for word.

Troy had been running his fingers in slow soothing motions down her arm before he broke the quiet. "So are you back on the pill now?"

A few months ago, Gabriella had discussed not only with her doctor but Troy too about stopping her pill to see if she still fainted during her period. After giving it a good few months, Gabriella had successfully had her period several times consecutively without fainting - which had been a relief. Finding her voice, Gabriella answered Troy's question in a quiet voice. "No." She began fiddling with his fingers of his free hand and concentrated solely on hers and his fingers.

Troy suddenly stopped his actions and moved into a more upright position. "What?" Troy's voice was filled with shock as they'd obviously just made love but hadn't used any protection.

Gabriella rolled onto her side, moving further away from him. Troy picked up on her nervousness. She never moved away from him when they were like this and he was worried she thought he blamed her for not going back on her pill sooner or something. Moving closer to her, Troy wrapped his arm around her and did the one thing that has always soothed her; massaging her stomach. Troy became even more worried as she tensed at his touch, something she never did. "Troy." Gabriella whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Bella, what's going on?" Troy asked, scared he really had done something wrong and upset her.

Knowing what she had to do, Gabriella finally confessed what was on her mind. "Troy, I'm pregnant."

Troy's hand had stopped moving and suddenly disappeared from its position on her stomach. "What?...How?...When?...What?"

Smiling at how cute her fiancée was, she turned to face him. "I found out at the beginning of the week. I'm about two months gone." She bit her lip as Troy had remained silent as though it hadn't sunk in. "Troy, please say something. You're freaking me out."

"Is this for real?" He finally choked out.

"This is real. It's happening whether we planned it this way or not." She whispered, breathing out deeply. She was terrified that Troy wouldn't be ready and leave her. But, she soon realised that her hormones were causing her to think very irrationally.

Before Gabriella said anything else, Troy said four words that had confirmed to Gabriella that everything would be ok. "I love you, Bella."

The following seven months had been interesting to say the least for the couple. Lucas had warned Troy, once he, Maria, – who'd been a little, well completely, shocked at the news they would be becoming grandparents so soon considering their youngest daughter had only been born a little over two years earlier - Devon and Lucy had found out about Gabriella's impending pregnancy, he had faith in Troy not to screw up but if he ever did, it would be the last thing he ever did. The threat was something Troy had never forgotten.

Gabriella smiled as she twisted her wedding band on her left finger. After finding out about the baby, they had finally set a date for the wedding, wanting to be married before the baby was born and for Gabriella, getting married before she looked as fat as a hippo – she could now fully understand why her mom had done so, too. As soon as they'd graduated that summer, Gabriella only four months gone, they'd decided to get married in an intimate ceremony, their closest friends along with Gabriella's family only, on the very beach in California which held so many memories for the couple. During their time in California, they had spent many days there when they had both had free days or needed to get away for a while. The whole day had been perfect for the two.

Five months later, she had finally given birth to their first child. After a relatively slow – in Troy's opinion- and extremely painful – for Gabriella – labour the couple had been blessed with their first child, a gorgeous baby boy. They hadn't known the sex of the baby as they wanted it to be a surprise and partly because if they'd have known, they would have gone over the top with buying baby things. The moment Gabriella held him for the first time in her arms, the first skin to skin contact, was a memory she would never forget even if she lost the rest of her memories. Troy hadn't been afraid to let his eyes water at the sight of his son. Cody Jack Bolton. Troy and Gabriella wanted their son to have a name that meant something to them and it had been obvious as soon as they saw him what it was going to be.

Cody was their everything and although they had never planned on having a family at such a young age they would not have changed it for anything. After spending a few months adjusting to the roles of being parents, the two had decided one day when they were slightly older and a little more settled, they would definitely love to have another child as both wanted a large family.

Gabriella had finally gotten the chance after Cody turned two to go to medical school as she just hadn't been able to bring herself to part with Cody before, too scared of harming their bond. A month before she started, Troy and Gabriella had taken Cody up to California in recognition for his parents because they wanted him to know how important this place was to the two.

Sighing, Gabriella glanced at her clock. She couldn't wait to get out of here and get home. She just wanted to get home to her husband and cuddle up with him on the sofa to relax after the stressful day she'd had. Yes, she wished she could spend twenty four seven with Troy but their relationship hadn't always been perfect. They had had their fair share of arguments but the two were still so crazy about each other that they never lasted more than a few minutes, a few hours if they were absolutely fuming with each other. Gabriella laughed at the thought. The arguments usually ended up being resolved with one of them seducing the other and as an outcome a few years ago, Gabriella had found out she was pregnant again. She had felt like killing Troy when she found out because he would rub it in her face about what had led to the baby being conceived.

His exact words were, "I told you that I would make you pay for saying I was incompetent in bed."

Eight months later they were blessed with their second child, a daughter, whom they named Marybelle. They had chosen the name Marybelle as Mary had been Lucille's middle name – Gabriella wanted their daughter to have some sort of reference in honour of Lucille – and Troy said Belle made him think of Gabriella as she was his Bella. Devon and Lucy were forever round either looking after or playing with Cody and Marybelle.

(A/N:This is me again)

Gabriella glanced at the clock again, knowing Troy would be furious that she had worked all day and then worked extra. Troy and Gabriella had planned to have a night alone – something that was extremely rare with an eight year old son and a three year old daughter. Cody and Marybelle were staying over at Chad and Taylor's, leaving the house empty for the married couple. Gabriella had the meal all planned out: the famous Montez lasagne that Troy simply couldn't get enough of. She could almost feel the anger in his gaze at the sheer thought of his reaction when she called him to pick her up from work.

She shuddered slightly. There was nothing worse – or more pleasurable, Gabriella secretly admitted – than an angry Troy. The last time he had been angry with her, Marybelle came along. She knew Troy openly admitted that he loved it when she was angry and would purposefully use the 'Sweetheart' and 'colouring' remarks to provoke her.

Gabriella frowned at the feel of two hands on her shoulders. Either she was really craving Troy or… She leaned her head back and bit her lip guiltily. "Hi, Wildcat."

"What on Earth are you still doing here?" He growled into her ear.

Gabriella gestured to her computer. "Today was really busy and I have to finish these reports on our interns."

Troy wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. "Baby, you can't work overtime anymore. I really don't want you working at all, really, but I remember your reaction to that suggestion too well." A dreamy smile appeared on his lips as he recalled the very memorable night four months ago.

Gabriella rolled her eyes and continued typing. Damn Troy and his over-hormonal self. She was going to finish those reports whether he liked it or not. "Troy, why are you even here? I haven't called you yet."

"No." Troy said slowly as he walked away from his wife and jumped onto the bed at the side of the room which Gabriella used to examine her patients. "Maria did. She wanted me to take you home. Bella, you have to stop. It's not good for you in your condition."

"What condition?" She cried as she twisted in her chair to face him. "I've had this 'condition' three times now. I see loads of women in my 'condition' everyday!" She moodily turned back to the computer and she angrily stabbed the keys on the computer keyboard.

Troy chuckled in amusement. "Yeah, but they're not married to me. Come on. I want the lasagne. Or," Troy paused as he jumped back down and walked back over to Gabriella. He crouched down until his mouth was level with her ear so he could whisper, "we could simply skip dinner if you want."

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Can't you keep your hormones in check for, like, a minute?"

Troy groaned quietly as he slid his arms around her shoulders, the back of the chair pushed against his chest. "How can I when you're so beautiful?"

"Beautiful?" She exclaimed as she shut her computer and turned the chair around so she exposed her enlarged stomach to the thirty year old Troy towering over her. "I'm a house with legs."

"A very sexy house." He murmured as he kissed her cheek.

She rolled her eyes. "Kiss up. You just want that lasagne."

"Maybe." He said sheepishly. "Although," He said thoughtfully as knelt down in front of her and pushed her blouse up. He kissed her bare stomach and smiled up at her, "I can think of something that's tastier."

She giggled and pushed her shirt back down. Gabriella could remember what happened six months ago as clearly as Troy's face in front of her right now. To celebrate their eight year anniversary, Troy had surprised Gabriella with a week in Paris. They do say it's the city of romance. Before their anniversary, they had been trying for a baby but no baby came. Until Paris. Gabriella found out a month and a half later and Gabriella released an uncontrollable giggle at Troy's reaction.

Gabriella drummed her fingers against the edge of her book as she glanced across at her husband. They were both in their pyjamas – some of Troy's boxers and one of his shirts made up Gabriella's and Troy's consisted of a plain white t-shirt and some old red basketball shorts. As soon as Cody had come along, Troy had stopped wearing only boxers in case his children wanted to sleep in their bed. They were sat up, their backs resting against the headboard, and Gabriella was reading 'A walk to remember' by Nicholas Sparks and Troy was flicking aimlessly through a sports magazine.

"You're awful quiet." Troy commented as his arm slid around her waist and began massaging her stomach.

Gabriella held back a smile at the feel of his hand resting over the place where their child was resting. "I know, Wildcat."

Troy threw his magazine onto the floor and swiftly rolled over to straddle his wife. A yelp escaped her mouth and he smiled slightly as he pried the book from her hands. "What's up?"

"You remember Paris a couple of months back, right?" She asked, running her hands up his arms.

Smirking, Troy leant forward to whispered in her ear, "You were fantastic that week." Before resting back on his haunches. "What about Paris?"

"Firstly, are you implying that I'm not normally fantastic?" She smiled teasingly up at him.

He chuckled and he leaned down to kiss her softly. "Never." He muttered against her lips. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. "So, what about Paris?"

"Well," She began, "I'm pregnant."

"Really? With a baby?" He asked incredulously.

She frowned slightly. "No. With a cat." She giggled up at him. She reached for his hand and placed it over her stomach. "Yes with a baby. You know the thing we've been trying to make for a while?"

He suddenly grinned and leaned forward, pressing his lips hungrily to hers. His hand still made soothing motions on her stomach and he pulled back to look at her happily. "Really? For sure?"

"For sure." She confirmed. "We're having another baby."

"Babe?" Gabriella broke from her thoughts to see Troy looking at her worriedly.

"What?" She jumped slightly.

"You okay? You spaced out on me." He chuckled.

She rubbed her stomach and then held her hands up. She waited until he got to his feet and helped her into a standing position. "I'm fine." She shrugged her lab coat off and walked over to swap it for her bag and jacket. "What about you?"

"I was thinking," Troy started as he walked over to her and embraced her, her large stomach pressed softly against his flat one, "I love you."

She giggled and nodded. "I love you, too. You know, we've been through a lot together, haven't we?"

Troy rested his forehead on hers and smiled. "I know. And I know we got together when a disaster happened but look where it got us."

She giggled and pressed her lips to his. "We truly are a beautiful disaster, aren't we?"

Troy chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. I like the sound of that."