Disclaimer: We do not own Twilight or Harry Potter nor will we ever.

Summary: Lord Voldemort and the Volturi team up to destroy Harry Potter and the Cullens, so the Cullens get sent to Hogwarts.

A/N: This takes place after New Moon but before Eclipse. Also it takes place after Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix but before Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

A/N: Thank you soooo much to everyone who reviewed and read our story. Sorry we update at the pace of a snail, school is trying to kill us all!!!!! (And RPattz's sexiness, not that we're complaining about that.)


Meeting of the Minds

Carlisle POV

I was on my way to a meeting with one of my oldest and dearest friends, Albus Dumbledore.

We met back in 1891, before Edward joined me, back when I was still perfecting my self-control.

He was traveling the world for the sake of knowledge.


It was the year 1891. I stepped inside the doors of a bar, when I spotted a young man who couldn't be any older than his late teens, early twenties. He was peering over, what looked like very thick textbooks. What really separated him from the small cliques of drunken men, wobbling and slurring, was his smell. He had this funny smell about him, not the smell of normal blood, human or animal, but definitely blood.

The strange man turned and caught my eyes. His piercing blue eyes looked at me, in a way that just old me he knew. He knew I was a vampire. How he knew I didn't exactly know. I expected the man to be afraid, knowing the myths and legend about my kind. Instead the he smiled at me.

He walked over to me and held at his hand for me to shake. I nervously took it.

"Hello, my name is Albus Dumbledore and I couldn't help but notice something about you, I assume you know what it is." He said with a wink.

"How did you—"

"I'm a wizard."

"I beg your pardon, a what?"

The man—Albus explained about magic and wizardry, the other part of the mythical world.

"Now, if you don't mind, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course." Albus had just explained all about his world, and he seemed to already know about mine, would it really hurt anyone to answer his curiosity.

"I know the symptom of vampires, but from all my findings they always had red eyes, never gold. How is it that you do?"

I in turn explained about my diet.


After telling someone all about your life, there isn't really anyway you two cannot become friends.

I learned later the story of Voldermort and Harry Potter when we met up just a few weeks before this all began.


It was the beginning of the summer months and I received a letter from him, asking me to meet him and that it was urgent.

Albus showed the problem that brought us together. His hand was severely damaged. I was taken aback at once. I'd never seen anything like this before.

"Albus, what happened?!"

"Me and my old age. I stumbled over an old textbook, and hit it."

'I've seen many patients hit their hands. None of them were shriveled and blackened! Now, how did this really happen?"

"I'm sorry my old friend, but it's a private matter that I can't discuss."

I had to say I was slightly offended that he wouldn't share something with me, since we had been friends for so long.

Albus, perceptive as always noticed that his comment offended me.

"I'm sorry, Carlisle, it has nothing to do with you. On our side of the world a terrible war is taking place."

Albus explained to me that the darkest wizard of all time, who everyone thought to be dead, was back and now their world was resting on the shoulders of a sixteen-year boy, Harry Potter.


I finally reached Hogwarts gates. The school was magnificent. Even with vampire eyes I couldn't detect a flaw in the architecture. Albus' description didn't do it justice even though he described with such detail and love.

I don't know how I will be able to find Albus' office. As I approached the gates, a woman approached.

I had written to Albus to explain that I was coming to his school for a visit, apparently I was expected. She gave me an once-over and said, "You must be Dr. Cullen. I am Minerva McGonagall. Please come with me, I will be leading you to Headmaster Dumbledore's office."

Professor McGonagall led the way to Albus' office. "Dr. Cullen, the password is vampire." Professor McGonagall said, with a quirked eyebrow in my direction.

I chuckled, Albus and his jokes. I walked up to the gargoyles, said the password, laughing aloud as I walked up the stairs and was still laughing as I knocked on the door. "Come in," I heard the shuffling of papers, and the scribbling of a pen.

I opened the door to see an amazing office. There were books everywhere, moving portraits, and a red phoenix that sat perched in a golden cage by Albus' desk.

"Carlisle, so good to see you!" my old friend exclaimed joyfully.

"Albus" I said smiling.

"Please, please, take a seat," said Albus.

I sat down the chair across from his desk.

"Carlisle, you've made me very concerned ever since I received your latest letter. Is there something wrong with your children? Your wife?" Albus said worriedly.

"Well, Albus. It seems both of our lives are in grave danger," I said.

"Oh, is this about the agreement made between Lord Voldemort and the Volturi?" he asked calmly.

"Wait, how did you know?"

"I have my ways," he said. "So I will be expecting you and your family to be here on September 1."

"Wait, what?"

"Carlisle, this is a serious matter," Albus stated. "Carlisle, you know you're welcome here. There is only one thing that we can do that would make everyone safe, which would be for you all to be here. Plus, they need to learn about wizards, and our students need to learn about vampires. I want you to be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher as well."

"Albus, I cannot teach students about defending themselves against the dark arts! I have don't have any experience teaching," I said.

"Well, you will be assisted. A fellow teacher, Professor Severus Snape, will be teaching with you." Albus stated.

"Albus, I must say this is a clever plan, but what about my wife, Esme? I cannot leave her in Forks or anywhere else, I need her by my side," I said pleaded.

"Carlisle, you don't think I would leave your wife out of this, do you? Esme will staying at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, which is a simple floo away." he stated.

Thankfully, I knew enough about wizard life to know that when he said floo, he meant a magical way of transporting using a substance called floo powder. There is one thing that he said that I didn't know.

"What is the Order of the Phoenix?" I asked curiously.

"The Order of the Phoenix is a secret group that I have formed. We plot against Lord Voldemort. Surely, you and Esme must join it," Albus said.

"Albus, we will be here on September 1st," I stated.

I stood up, "Thank you, Albus for your time and your services. Please notify me if you find any more information."

"Good-bye Carlisle," Albus stood up as well, taking my hand in his and shaking it.

I left the office and made my way down the stairs and past the gargoyles. In the corridor, there was a man in long black robes with dark black hair. He gave me a cold stare, sneered, and turned on his heel, his robes floating behind him. This made me wonder, was that Professor Snape?