Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, Madara would BURN!

A/N: Domo arigato, everyone!! :D And gomen for the delay.

Part Two is dedicated to:

firefoxxe; thanks for Alerting!

devotedtodreams; thanks for reviewing and Favoriting!

hakuisagirl; thanks for reviewing!

Ninjashallow; thanks for Favoriting!

Hana-Tenshi, thanks for Alerting!

And to moonfairie; thanks for reviewing, Alerting and Favoriting!

You guys rock!! XD I hope you enjoy Part Two! –SS


Pain: Uchiha Sasuke


Seven Years Ago

"…I should have known."

Four small words. Yet they hold so much power. The power to crush a young boy's spirit and any happy feelings in one second flat.

His father doesn't need to finish the sentence. Sasuke knows. He can think of a dozen different endings to it. He's heard them all, out loud or otherwise.

I should have known that you couldn't do it.

I should have known, because you aren't a prodigy like Itachi. You are nothing compared to Itachi. Worthless.

I should have known, because all you do is disappoint.

I should have known better than to put even a little faith in you.

I should have known better than to wonder if you might actually make me proud.

The one that sums it all up-I should have known better than to think you were worth anything.

He doesn't cry. To do so would only bring more weary, disappointed scorn. He does it silently, in the form of words that will never be spoken-Why am I never as good as you expect me to be?! Why couldn't I have been born the prodigy?!

Why can't you learn to just accept me for who I am?!

I am not Itachi!

But his father can't seem to see that.

Even though Sasuke loves his brother immensely, he can't help but feel a twinge of resentment.

Why did you have to get all the smart genes, aniki?

He watches his father walk away, leave him behind in more ways than one.


Six Years Ago

Maybe he's finally making progress? After all, Fugaku did teach him the Fireball Jutsu the other day.

Although a small, sensible part of him says that Fugaku only turned to his younger son because his eldest was acting strangely, the little raven pushes such thoughts away. He's happy to simply be acknowledged by his father, the one he wants to please above all others.

For once, he's feeling optimistic about his chances of becoming more than just a disappointment in his father's eyes.

Maybe Itachi will train with me more if I get stronger, is more of his hopeful reasoning. We could be the best ninja in Konoha, and Father would be proud of both of us!

This cheering thought propels him back to the Uchiha compound, where he stops short.

The lights are all off.

But…but why? he wonders. It's too early for everyone to be sleeping..so what's…?

Nervous, he walks through the gates and immediately wishes he hadn't.

The compound is a masterful mess. Flags are shredded, lanterns are broken, kunai and shuriken are protruding from various buildings, and blood is everywhere.

Scattered all over the ground at intervals are the bodies of Uchihas-his aunt and uncle, among others-all tossed aside carelessly like rag dolls that some sadistic child has tired of.

He stands in shock for a minute, then realizes that his parents must also be in danger. He runs to his house, but upon reaching the door is warned away by a yell of "Sasuke! Don't come in!"

It's the first-and last-time that Uchiha Fugaku has ever protected his younger son.

Seconds pass, and a scared-stiff Sasuke forces himself into the house.

Lying dead on the floor, slumped over each other and covered in blood, are his mother and father.

Faces devoid of emotion save for the dark and dull remnants of their last, all-too-real nightmare.

And standing over them with a bloody katana, eyes cold as ice, remorseless, is his beloved older brother.

Itachi..? But..


The utter and total agony that follows doesn't answer his question. But the torturer isn't replying.


Three Years Ago

He still isn't strong enough.

Why? I hate him with everything I have! Why can't I come close to his power?!

The battle was painful-mentally and physically-but more than that it was humiliating. This is proof of what he denied, but somehow knew-he is nowhere near Itachi. He never has been. Possibly he never will be. (Not that he'd ever admit that aloud.)

Even now, Uchiha Itachi, the prodigy, is number one. He is superior.

Sasuke is nothing.

He screams in frustration to a sky that can't listen.


Two and a half years ago

Decision made.

Emotions locked away.

Reputation sealed.

Naruto is injured, but still alive after their vicious fight. I'll never be forgiven.

Sasuke tries to think impassively. So what if he is hated? Hate makes you stronger. That's why he joined the disgusting snake, Orochimaru. That's why he betrayed the only ones he had left. That's why he will beat his brother.

He will beat him, even if he loses every limb and has to fight with his teeth.

No matter what. Death, injury, hurt-love-none of it will stop him from achieving his goal.

"Just wait, Itachi," he growls quietly. Predatory grace and soft bloodlust swirl in words part of him wishes he doesn't mean. "You will pay for this."

He will carry out the deserved sentence. Revenge for everything he has lost.


In days recently passed

Who's number one now, brother.

It's not even a questioning mental tone. He doesn't have enough energy to inquire and wait for an answer. One that won't come. The prospect of one more question mark, after everything has been resolved, is just exhausting.

It's over. Finally. Finished. Done.

Uchiha Itachi is dead.

An eye for an eye, is the grim thought. (The irony of that statement does not escape him.) You killed our family, took everything from me. And now I have killed you. My duty as an avenger comes to a close.

Rain is pouring, like it did the day of the massacre, mixing with a young man's blood as his brother watches in weary, shocked silence. Dark eyes, blind and unseeing, stare at nothing as they are filled with the sky's justified tears.

The ghost of Itachi's last, nostalgic smile is faintly traced on his face.

Sasuke remembers that moment with a twinge of confusion. Why did he poke my forehead and smile like that? Was he hoping I'd forgive him?!

He looks off to the distance as an invisible soul wings away. I'm strong enough now, brother, he thinks, closing his tired and bloody eyes.

I am finally strong enough.

He has fulfilled his purpose, his duty.

So he can't help but wonder why he's crying.

(There's no sign of tears, but he is crying.)



The sea sparkles and laughs, making a mockery out of the ultimate misery of the young raven.

Madara has told him the truth about his brother.

Ignorance is bliss. Truth is painful.

For the second time in his short life, the only thing keeping Sasuke going is the addictive need for revenge.

This time, it's not so much intoxicating as it is a pure need to shed blood-not much of a difference, but he realizes now that the true enemy was always within reach. His aniki, his loving elder brother, had lived and died, always protecting him. Selflessly sacrificing his life, feelings and peace of mind to strengthen his little brother and keep him safe.

The waves move along lazily as exquisite agony riles up in the form of anguished thoughts. Why did you have to die? Why did everything have to end so badly?

Itachi…big brother…

Coherent thoughts are temporarily extinguished. All save for Why?

Everything is blocked, tuned out. For long minutes, nothing outside can reach him.

The other members of Hawk watch with silent sympathy as one of the last Uchihas bows his head and sobs.

Tears fall rapidly.

They won't stop.


Pain means different things to different people.

Knowing you were a disappointment, having it blatantly rubbed in, even though you were trying your hardest.

Losing your entire family at the hands of the person you idolized and loved.

Drifting impatiently through life with nothing, letting no one in, striving to get somewhere you could never reach.

Always failing, until you betrayed everyone and every bond to reach your goal.

Watching your brother die in his own blood before your eyes.

Remembering the days when you thought he would love you forever, protect you forever.

And then realizing you were right.

After it was far too late.

For Uchiha Sasuke, that is pain.

(And only time will tell if he ever heals.)

Part Two:



A/N: Apparently my plot bunny was depressed. Gomen if it wasn't worth your time.

Reviews are always cherished, but feel no obligation.

Thanks a thousand times for reading this.

