Disclaimer: Viewfinder and all its characters belong to Yamane Ayano. This story is done solely for my own perverse pleasure (and possibly a few others' :-P)

Bed of Roses


By: shad0wg8

Yoh stared at Feilong with a blank expression, his poor, befuddled brain still soaking in the reality of a naked Fei. The words and their meaning eventually began to trickle in to his fogged brain. He blinked and glanced at Akihito, then back to Fei. Wasn't what they had just… He closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. When he opened his eyes, Feilong was mere inches from him. The long haired man leaned forward, his cheek pressed against Yoh's.

"Use your mouth, and comfort him Yoh," Feilong whispered against his subordinate's ear, enjoying how it made the man squirm. There was something wickedly delicious about making the man bend to his will. He pulled away and settled back against the headboard, watching expectantly. Yoh shifted uneasily and focused his gaze on Akihito. The boy was curled in on himself, eyes squeezed shut as soft pants fell from his lips. There was little resistance when Yoh rolled the younger man onto his back and nudged his thighs apart.

Akihito mewled helplessly as Yoh's tongue flicked out to taste him, the man's larger hands holding his hips down. He watched through half-lidded eyes as Yoh licked up his length and then suckled the head, tongue pressing into the slit. His head flopped back onto the mattress, eyes drifting shut as the warmth descended lower, slowly taking him all in. It was slick and moist and so incredibly hot.

He squirmed as the man's bangs tickled him, the light touch burning his overheated, sensitive skin. His hands came up, fingers twisting in those soft, teasing strands as Yoh moaned around his cock, the deep sound sending a thrilling hum through his body. Exquisite didn't even begin to describe it, and all too soon it was over. Akihito cried out his release, desperately trying to keep from passing out as he gulped in air. Yoh swallowed and laved his spent member clean before letting him go, Akihito's limp fingers slipping from his hair.

As soon as Yoh pulled back, a pair of slender arms wrapped around his chest. One hand drifted up to his chin and tilted his head back. Feilong's lips descended on his, tongue easily slipping into the slack mouth. Yoh turned in the man's embrace, loosing himself in the kiss. He moaned against the Baishe leader's mouth as Feilong's hands drifted down to tease his nipples. The hands were quickly replaced with teeth and tongue, Yoh arching into every touch.

He bit back a curse as Feilong suddenly pulled away, leaving him dazed and somewhat frustrated. He followed the man's gaze to see what had made him stop. Akihito was slumped at the foot of the bed, hand frozen in mid-stroke over his stiff member. Feilong's disapproving gaze fell from the photographer to the discarded scarf still lying rumpled in the sheets. His eyes glinted as he turned back to Yoh.

"Tie his wrists to the bedpost."

Akihito flinched and tried to scramble away, but his limbs were too weak to cooperate. He ended up sprawled limply, face down in the mattress. Yoh easily captured his wrists and wound the slippery silk around them, cinching it tight. The photographer tugged uselessly at the tight knots once Yoh was finished, his struggles instantly stilling as Feilong pressed a kiss to his neck.

"Be a good boy, and I'll let you have a little more fun later," he murmured, nipping at the exposed flesh, his voice silky and sensual. Akihito buried his face in his arms, biting his lip to keep from begging. Feilong chuckled at the reaction before turning back to Yoh.

Yoh practically passed out when Feilong turned and began to crawl across the bed towards him, long, dark hair falling over his shoulders in silky waves and trailing on the sheets. He felt his face burning as the man caught his gaze, a knowing grin gracing his lips. He hadn't realized he'd been backing away from the Feilong's advance until his spine hit the headboard. Fingers curling into the sheets, Yoh watched with wide eyes as Feilong closed the distance. His heart nearly stopped when the Baishe leader straddled him, caging him in with his sinfully elegant body.

Yoh's heartbeat became wildly erratic, his heart threatening to burst, as Feilong's firm bottom pressed against his thighs. Leaning forward Fei licked Yoh's bottom lip, pulling away with a devilish smile. Yoh watched the tantalizing pink organ flick out to wet Feilong's own lips before the man leaned in again. He tilted his head back willingly, eyes closing in pleasure as a mouth worked over his throat. The temptation to touch was almost unbearable, but he knew his place. Feilong demanded absolute surrender, and he would settle for nothing less.

"Fei-" the rest of his plea was smothered in a hot kiss, Feilong's graceful hands skimming down his chest to rest on Yoh's hips. The kiss deepened to something rough and carnal, and Yoh lost all sense of his surroundings. Bodies pressed together, Fei rolled his hips, a soft groan falling from his lips and sending a jolt of pleasure to Yoh's groin. He wasn't sure if you could die from desire, but Feilong seemed to be trying his damndest to make Yoh's heart stop.

The bodyguard released a startled cry, muffled into Feilong's mouth, as a slick palm cupped his arousal and began to stroke. Yoh sucked in short gasps of air, his head spinning. He groaned when all too soon the hand was pulled away, leaving him straining and painfully aroused. His eyes flew open, startled, wide, and disbelieving. Small, heaving pants fell from his lips as he clutched desperately at the sheets. Feilong watched him with cloudy, lustful eyes as he lowered himself, inch by agonizing inch, slowly onto Yoh's pulsing cock. The Baishe leader sighed in satisfaction once Yoh was seated fully inside of him, practically purring in contentment.

Akihito's jaw dropped, his mind spiraling off into numbness as he watched Feilong impale himself on Yoh. He whimpered helplessly, rubbing his straining cock against the sheets, desperate with need. The photographer choked when Feilong glanced at him coyly over one smooth, creamy shoulder. Locking eyes with the younger man, Feilong rose up on his knees and then pushed back down. He smirked at the bound photographer, watching him writhe from the denied sexual satisfaction. Hand sliding down to his own neglected member, Fei began to stroke himself as her rode Yoh, never breaking Akihito's gaze.

The photographer was the first to crack, pulling his eyes away with a violent jerk of his head. He panted against his arms and tried to calm his thundering heart and heated body. Burying his face in the mattress, he was able to block out the images, but he couldn't close his ears. Feilong turned away from the photographer and back to the man shaking beneath him. Yoh was admirably holding himself in check. Hands fisted in the sheets and eyes squeezed shut, he was desperately trying to keep still. He wanted so much to grab those slender hips and…

He regretted opening his eyes as he watched, enraptured, as Feilong let his head fall back exposing the long elegant column of his neck. Dark strands of silk slipped against Yoh's legs, the soft strands teasing his skin as they shifted with Fei's movements. He wanted to taste that ivory skin; lick it, suck it, nibble on it to his heart's content. He wanted to bury his hands in that glossy, luxurious hair, let it slip through his fingers and tug on it as he… A soft groan fell from Fei's parted lips and Yoh almost lost it.

"Touch me," Feilong breathed, half command, half plea. Yoh was more than happy to oblige, hands sliding up lean thighs and massaging the supple skin. He paused at the hips, enjoying the feel of the fluid muscles moving beneath the warm flesh before letting his hands wander up Fei's toned chest. He brushed his thumbs over the pert nipples and shuddered as Feilong purred.

Watching Feilong in his rapture as he caressed and teased, hands roaming over every inch of the well-built body was enough to push Yoh beyond the point of no return. Unable to hold back any longer he came with a harsh grunt, hands convulsively gripping Feilong's still moving hips. He blacked out for a moment from the force of his orgasm, sight, sound, and sensation fading to a dull buzz. When he came back to himself Feilong was no longer on top of him, but the evidence that it had not all been a dream still coated his stomach. As he fuzzily tried to orient himself, he felt something tickle his abdomen and glanced back down.

"Takaba…?!" he managed to choke out, frozen in place as he watched the photographer lapping up the viscous fluid coating his stomach. "N-no! Stop…"

His hands were grabbed as he tried to push the blonde away, tied up in the same scarf that had bound Akihito's wrists moments ago. He was forced to watch, chest heaving, as Akihito licked him clean before moving on to tease his stiffening cock. Tearing his gaze away from the erotic sight, Yoh tried to focus on the ceiling. It wasn't long though before his body gave in to the pleasure, his hips rolling up into the moist heat surrounding his aching shaft.

Akihito pressed his tongue against the large organ pulsing in his mouth, breathing erratically through his nose. He relaxed his throat, letting it slide deeper as Feilong settled between his legs and pushed in. Feilong grabbed the boy's hips in a bruising hold, his thrusts sharp and controlled. Akihito writhed, pushing back against Fei and hungrily devouring Yoh's cock. He lapped and suckled, lightly grazing the engorged shaft with his teeth. Yoh rewarded him with a deep groan, hips rolling up, begging for more. And Akihito obliged, taking him in deep again and swallowing as Yoh came, his hips arching off the bed as he let out a throaty sob.

Releasing the spent member Akihito panted heavily, face flushed and gaze blank. Feilong buried his face in the crook of the boy's neck, biting down on the soft curve of his shoulder. Akihito practically wailed when Feilong's hand slipped around his waist and began to stroke him in time with his thrusts. His body seized up as he came, delicious shudders wracking his frame as pleasure thundered through his veins. Fei restrained his own cry as he came, teeth sinking into Akihito's neck and sucking hard on the salty flesh. They both collapsed to the bed in a sweaty tangle, breathing hard.

Wrists released and Feilong now dressed in a robe, Yoh sat listlessly on the bed, his pleasure hazed mind still trying to process what had happened. Akihito was still collapsed on the mattress, trying to slow his rapid breaths.

"Get dressed and take him back to his room," Feilong commanded with a dismissive wave of his hand. The man nodded numbly and rose to comply.

"Oh, and Yoh…" A wicked smile curved the Baishe leader's lips as he stared at his subordinate. "Don't think this is the end of this."