You guys, I suck. 6 weeks without an update, what's going on?
I'm gonna end this soon. I'm loosing ideas rapidly for it.

Ima update Mouth Shut in the next few days hopefully.

A little confused, Miley turned the envelope in her hands again. It was an informal letter, she never received those. Ripping the seal open carefully, she pulled the letter out, unfolding it.


I know the first thing you want to do with this letter is to shred it into the smallest possible pieces, but please, don't. I know I don't deserve the chance to be heard out by you, but I need to.

In 2 weeks times, I'll be out and I know Shane is probably freaking out about it. I'm not going to wreck your lives. Okay, so you're probably thinking "easier said than done" but it's the truth. Denise has a restraining order on me, I can't exactly blame her.

Everything I said to you at the police station is the truth Miley. I know I'll never get your forgiveness I just need you to know that I've changed, I'm not proud of what I did and I hate that jealously took me that far.

You and Shane deserve the best; I just hope that you don't let anything get in the way of that again.
- Alex.

Frowning, Miley folded the letter as she heard footsteps heading for the kitchen. Mitchie appeared a few seconds later a large smile on her face.

"I think a little shopping trip is in order"

Laughing, Miley shook her head at her friend. "Again Mitchie, we had one 2 days ago"

"But we didn't have a date tomorrow night"

Miley cocked her eyebrow, confused.

"You know double date, me, Nate, Shane, you?" Mitchie pushed.

"Oh right, yeah"

Rolling her eyes, Mitchie grinned. "C'mon then"


Sat at the back of the cinema, the four friends sat watching the new final destination movie. It wasn't the girls' first choice, but hey, if it meant Mitchie could curl up into Nick every time someone got killed, she wasn't going to complain.

Noticing Shane fidget again, Miley turned to him in concern.

"Shane, you okay?"

He nodded, turning to smile at her. "Just a little cold"

Miley herself thought it was too hot in here. "Are you sure your okay, not coming down with something?"

He shook his head. "I'm fine, promise"

Nodding, she scooted over in her chair a little more, resting her head against his shoulder. Arms scooping around his waist, she smiled.

His own arms wrapped around her, a light kiss being thrown to her head. "I love you, you know that?"

"I do. I love you too"


Miley frowned as Shane pulled up to the beach in complete silence; frankly she'd had enough of his weird attitude today.

"Why are we at the beach?"

Again, in silence, Shane jumped from his side of the car heading around to the passenger's side and pulling her door open. Climbing out, she waited as he closed it and took her hand guiding her down towards the sand.

Well if he wasn't going to initiate a conversation...

"I got a letter off Alex 2 weeks ago"

Stopping, Shane turned to her a vary of emotions evident in his eyes. "What?"

"You know Shane, a letter, something someone writes"


Miley shrugged. "She comes out tomorrow"

"She wrote you a letter Miley and you won't even tell me what she wrote in it?" He asked, trying and failing to keep the anger from his voice.

"It doesn't even matter Shane, all she basically told me was that she wouldn't be wrecking our lives anymore and that your Mum had a restraining order on her, which by the way thank you for telling me about!" She argued back, pulling her hand from his grip.

"Like you told me you even had the letter?"

"It slipped my mind"

Shaking his head, Shane continued to head towards the ocean. "I want her out of our lives for good, why can't she just do that?"

"She will Shane, she's changed, and she doesn't want to wreck this for us anymore"

Sighing, he turned to look back at Miley who in turn gave him a questioning look.

"Why did you bring us here?"

"I-uh it doesn't matter anymore" He shrugged a little, the moment was ruined and he wanted to do this right.

Frowning, she made her way towards him. "Shane..."

"Some other time"


"What was her answer?" Shane was bombarded by both Jason and Nate as he headed into his family home, in search of his mother.

"Where's Mum?"


He shot them both a glare as if daring them to carry on.

"In the kitchen"

Turning on his heel again, he made his way to the kitchen sitting himself one of the stools at the island. Denise turned to smile at him, before moving to hug him.

"What's wrong Shane?"

"Alex is released today"

Sighing, Denise sat on the stool next to him placing a gentle hand on to his arm. "There's a restraining order on her sweetie, she can't and won't come anywhere near you. I promise"

"She wrote Miley a letter"

"She did? What did it say?"

Shane shrugged a little. "That she'd changed, she wanted Miley and I to have the best and that she wouldn't be wrecking our lives anymore"

"And she won't Shane. You need to let the past go sweetie; it's not going to help either of you if you're still stuck with hatred for what happened in the past. She's not coming anywhere near either of you Shane, you and Miley need to believe that and go back to living your lives, normally"

He stayed silent for a few minutes. "We've never known normal"

"You're worried that you're relationship won't like normal?"

He nodded a little.

"She loves you, you love her Shane, it's just your time to have a calm relationship for a little, and the two of you deserve it"

Shane smiled. "Thanks Mum"

"So... how did last night go?"

"It didn't" Shane sighed. "I was all set and then we kind of had a small argument about the letter, it just didn't feel right after that"

Shameless plugging.
I post a lot on here and if you want you can join too, we dont have many members atm, but you know.

http:// blackkeys09(dot)proboards(dot)com


Also, go buy Honor Society's album! They are amazing, I love them... too much.