Okay! First 90210 NavidArianna story! Hope you like it!

Many thanks to TheLiesWeTellForLove for beta-ing it!

They used to make crappy versions of movies together.

He has liked her since middle school.

He would do anything for her.

Then she got that sitcom.

She ignored him.


He decided to "move on".

She got into drugs.

He sort of "knew".

Someone was arrested.

She went to rehab.


He got her there.

He visited, She wouldn't talk.

Then there was Homecoming.

She tried to get more drugs.

He stopped her.

They got even closer.

A romantic first date.

They started dating.

They were inseparable. They were happy.

Married after college.

Whispered promises of "Always and Forever".


She became an actress.

He became a journalist.

They had two kids, Lily and Ryan.

They loved their lives.

A shooting at the grocery store brought an end to their perfect lives that


Adrianna Elizabeth Duncan


Beloved mother, daughter and wife

You will be forever missed

Awful short yeah? R&R!