When Persona Falls In Love


A/N: Oh! Hello, minna-san. I read my previous chapters or those that you know as "pieces" and I found myself laughing… not because it's a good humor fiction but because of my grammatical errors! *LOL* I'm sorry about that. Haha! If you want to laugh more about my crazy grammar then read my notes at the end too. Well, that's optional. Just for those who wanted to laugh some more. Geez! I'm happy nobody flamed my works. Too many errors. Still I'm glad many of you reacted positively. Thanks. The fact that you're reading this "piece" and also this 'author's notes' proves that you've been enjoying the story. I'm happy to know that. Thanks so much. So here's your very long final chapter. The last piece. The reviews are well appreciated. ^_^

Warning: Persona may be a bit OOC.

Disclaimer: I "NEVER" owned—I only LOVE!!! ^_^

"Piece #3: A White Feather"

"Story dedicated to: AnDReaGRaCHeLLe

just because you believed in me…"


"Chapter dedicated to: michie3richie

maybe laughter can cure the empty feeling…"

Sometimes when you see something different and interesting like a heart-shaped pebble or even just leaf flowing along with the waves of a river, you would stop and take a better look at it.

Nature and its beauty! Oh how lovely two things look together!

Often, you will find out that it's a real beauty! Maybe even one of earth's greatest mysteries… You will begin adoring it. You will feel lucky to have witnessed such a thing. And the encounter becomes a treasured moment. But there are also times when you end up finding that what you saw was a trick of your eyes. A game nature played on you. An illusion, that is. Does it hurt when you faced the reality concealed behind it? Is it such an irritating feeling? Or will you decide that you've just been taught not to trust what the gift of sight readily presents to your eyes?

Whatever your reaction is, it wouldn't change the fact that you once felt something positive deep in there. Even if it was a sly trick or maybe a simple prank of your sight, you have witnessed beauty and that should be enough to be thankful that you did, right?

Well, if you'd ask that question to someone, who's currently sitting on a chair set many feet above the ground and is frowning all he could like there is no tomorrow, he would have used his alice on you and, by the next second, you would have diffuse with just a soft blow of the wind. Or if you ever have survived that ordeal, which is most likely around a -99.9% chance to happen, he would have kicked you out of the cable like a soccer ball so that you would be sent flying to the other side of the universe which is somewhat scary when you imagine it.

Yes, you guessed it right! Persona is currently sitting as patiently as he could in a ferris wheel! How did he end up there? Hmm… You'll never know till you ask the creature who's happily viewing the whole amusement park, Alicarcadia!

Persona can't help but think of how inappropriate they look together. It's the entire reverse of the beauty that nature presents where people could only gasp and give awed sighs while viewing the breath-taking scenes. Persona and Hachi together can cause gasps too! But, oh well, not in the most pleasing way though. The gasps would be closer to gasps of disbelief, horror, and distaste.

Persona looked at the clothes he wore and then at Hachi's. He thinks that they have the makings of a good dictionary! Or if viewed in another way, perhaps they could be the best thesaurus or pictograph any seeker of knowledge would find helpful!

They are like the definition of angel and demon. Hachi as the angel descending from the heavens and him as the demon. A graveyard scene would also fit. Hachi is the pretty and well-loved corpse wearing the usual pleasing white clothing and him as the zombie. Also, a Halloween party would be a great scenario even though it's only January now and October is still several moons down the line. Hachi would be a fairy princess and he is the blood-thirsty vampire. Even a Cosplay gathering can fit in their humble pairing. Hachi would be the dazzling damsel in distress and him as the evil-mad warlock. Another scene popped in Persona's head. They might also fit in an action movie… perhaps a suspense-thriller. Hachi, without a doubt, would be the rich and modest maiden being kidnapped and him as the kidnapper!

Persona couldn't help but notice that he would always have to play the antagonist's part. The horrid monster. The ugly beast. The dreaded murderer. The threat in Hachi's dreamy life. He's the thorn beside the rose. The darkness lurking near the bright light. The enemy of the good. The only obstacle in someone's happy paradise!

Persona is not unhappy about being the villain. He's used to it. He's actually happy about it. Villains are usually the strongest ones. The smartest. The richest and most powerful. The most handsome and bravest. And, absolutely, the coolest. Who told you that conceit has a limit? He knew that his narcissistic side is greater than everyone else's. And he's proud about it. Really. The more the evil within him reigns, the superiority complex within him increases. The relation is clear: directly proportional! He loves being simply the exact definition of death plus hell.

But isn't he being portrayed as the savage here? He's not! He's a genius! That's how he has proclaimed it so. And that's how it shall be. It's the exact opposite here. Hachi is the idiot and not Persona! But her presence simply negates that general truth. Her strong pheromones and charms cause him to look like a savage. That's why he loathes her even more! How dare this dummy take his conceit crown from him! Oh! He needs to get rid of her fast! Persona's mind desperately tried to devise of a plan to kill the girl. But Persona has the biggest problem in his conceited life as the King of Narcissism! They're in Central Town and what's worse is that they are in an amusement park filled with filthy species of Hachi's kind. He needed to get her into a secluded part of the town and end her life! But how on earth can he do that?!

Irritated, he rubbed his forehead. Black and white. They are like the binary colors in a wonderful picture of Central Town. Perfectly opposites. Can black and white in a colorful picture ever be so plain and unnoticeable?

"Serio-kun, I'm hungry." Hachi said disturbing Persona's thoughts as they reached the highest point in the phase of the ride.

Oh? So she remembers him now? Really, you can't imagine the miracles hunger can do!

Persona didn't reply and simply kept a frown fixed on his face. "Let's grab some food. Okay? I believe Serio-kun is as hungry as I am." The girl didn't seem to care a bit about Persona's aloofness.

"Loud-mouthed creature, just get your darn pen and return my mask to me at once." Persona ordered. He has been repeating that command for a couple of hours now and yet the 'trash' just won't hear him out and, instead, she would keep herself busy doing something else instead of proceeding to her sole goal of buying her darn pen.

The first time he mentioned it to her was when they reached the shopping street. Hachi didn't seem to hear him though since she dragged him to a picture booth and had him damage his beautiful reputation by making him take some shots with her. And when the pictures were given, he saw that their backgrounds are that of flowery gardens and colorful places.

What annoyed him most was the picture that Hachi declared as her favorite. Why? Well, that's because the background is purely a waste. Come on, who would ever want to take a picture in a background of stupid kindergartener's drawings of frogs and monkeys all over? There's no logic as to why monkeys and frogs are together in the picture. Bananas would have been a better choice than those disgusting slimy frogs. Monkeys don't eat frogs. And frogs don't eat monkeys. Bananas and flies, I tell you! They eat bananas and flies, can you hear me?!

Persona also noticed that there is one flying kangaroo- Yeah. You read it perfectly correct. A flying kangaroo- in the space between the numskull's face and his own. Just why on earth did a kangaroo appear in such a picture? And since when did kangaroos start flying?

He felt the urge to diffuse the picture with his alice when he saw that just above his head is a drawing of a frog; making it appear as if it was sitting on his head, and the worst has yet to come, beside his frowning face is a monkey who also happened to be frowning. It is the only frowning thing in the picture aside from him. It appears like he is being told that he resembled such a family of brainless primates. Is it really a coincidence? Alright, no more sweet talk. The monkey just had to be placed beside him, right?! The mosquito-brained artist of the weird background just had to pick the portion beside his face for the extraordinary appearance of that obnoxious monkey! This totally makes him feel like he's being played upon by a bored writer of a crack fiction! Man, can't that writer write something decent and not random?!

He hates fiction things. He prefers the reality. It makes him feel a lot wiser doing that. So when Hachi ecstatically stated that she favors that picture over the other less 'evil-looking' pictures, he plainly declared that he has found a great dream. And that is to end every fiction advocate's existence as the 'trash' beside him. Fiction adds to the long list of reasons why he wanted to murder her.

Persona threw another annoyed glance at the girl who has been talking the whole while.

"I think some finger foods will do. Do you like cheese sticks too?" She completely ignored what Persona said earlier. "Or maybe you prefer fish balls, squid strips or… Yeah! Fries! French Fries!" the girl is too absorbed in her thought of foods.

'Glutton.' Persona thought in exasperation. Undoubtedly, he can't just let a swine take his conceit crown and destroy his well-built image, can he? Certainly, it's impossible. The next few minutes were filled with Hachi's blabbering about foods as Persona simply disregarded her litanies.

'Just why won't she give me my mask?!' Whenever Persona talks about his mask, Hachi would seem to go deaf and translate his statement into something else. She simply wouldn't take a negative response from him, would she? 'The spoiled bratty dirt.' Persona opened the cable's door and went out as soon as the ride ended. He didn't even bother to wait for Hachi but then the facilitator called his attention.

"Hey, mister! Your 'GIRLFRIEND' here seems to have fallen asleep!" the man informed.

'G-GIRLFRIEND?!' the report froze Persona.

He felt as if he will throw up just at the thought. Girlfriend? He wouldn't dare to think about having one. 'Girl-fried' would have sounded more to his liking. The encounter with the numskull is way too traumatizing. A real torture. How much more of a hell would it be if their relationship will be more than the predator-prey relationship they have right now?!

But even though he is feeling shaken by the stream of thoughts that flooded his mind after hearing such a 'dreadful' misconception, he managed to act calmly and logically. There are just too many people to use his alice and get his sweet revenge at the 'trash' and the damned facilitator who injected bothersome thoughts in his head.

'Asleep? A while ago, that numskull was continuously blabbering wasn't she?' Persona turned to look at the cable again. Hachi is there. Exactly as how the man said, she is really sleeping! How on earth did she fell asleep when she was just talking till his ears bled several seconds ago? Persona decided to wake her up. He went inside the cable and shook her shoulders rashly. He shook her so violently that her head seemed to be moving in unbelievable angles! The people around him were horrified. They stood with their jaws dropped open. But Persona couldn't care less as he continued shaking the poor girl's body.

Hah! He has learned his lesson very well. He thinks he can even write the best manual for that and he will call that opus: "The Art of Waking Numskulls". He made a mental note on that activity he yearned to finish. And of course, the key point of the whole piece will be some 'golden lesson' like: "When waking someone, be sure to put all the 'sadism' inside you into whatever method you are using to wake a sleeping idiot! Give your best shot, dummy!" Oh, boy! Isn't he such a genius to have thought of a great thing in just a matter of seconds?! Shame on all the fools around him! They didn't know how lucky they are to have witnessed a live demonstration of Persona's great discovery!

Then a cough from behind Persona caused him to cease his beautiful method of waking the filthy creature, who abducted his mask and still held that precious mask even after an earthquake-like shaking from his powerful hands. The disturbance came from a man who wore an ID, which says: "Manager". So another numskull has entered the picture? He thinks he can do something to scare Persona off? Hah! Persona glared at him. The said man paled and took a step backwards but quickly regained his composure when he saw his subordinates watching at him.

"Ah… Ahm-Sir, we suggest that you wake your girl elsewhere." There was a slight pause. "You are scaring our customers away, sir." The man swallowed before continuing his statement as if measuring if he can still live another day after the dangerous-looking guy in front of him reacts. Who knows what this threatening guy's alice can do? God, he still has a wife and 5 kids to take care of.

Persona, for some seconds, just stared at him. The tension in the manager's body is too much. The poor guy has never been this scared all his life until just now. Persona smirked. Good choice of words, manager! Persona liked the idea that his glare can cause a great reaction from the weaklings around them. He's the king of Narcissism, after all. There's no way he can get disappointed with such a nice compliment!

Without saying another word, Persona heaved the girl up and carried her like a rice sack, holding only one of Hachi's arms while the rest of her lower body dangled from his back! There were more gasps as a result of his careless treatment of the girl. Hachi's right arm and lower body are bumping recklessly with Persona's back. Her legs are getting hit with Persona's own in every step he would make. The pitiful lass's face is glued to Persona's left shoulder, her left arm being the only thing that Persona holds to keep her from falling off to the ground. She really looks like a mannequin, a puppet or maybe even a corpse being dragged across the place.

Persona ignored all the gasps and went down the street towards an alley. He heard conversations like: "Is she still alive?", "Is that a cadaver he carries?", "Gosh! I think he's the hardcore killer in Detective Conan's wanted list!", and even something like: "I think it's Mojo Jojo! Call the Power Puff Girls! Quick!" But he didn't mind. The hell he cares about the entire ruckus he caused!

All he cares about right now is that he can finally fulfill his mission: to eliminate the 'trash'.

Just few more steps till he reaches that dark alley, which he sited behind the inn located near the dead end corner of the street, and all his worries will end. Everything will be back to normal. Hachi will be dead. What a perfect place for his next victim! The alley is secluded and nobody seemed to pass near that area. An added bonus is that Hachi is fast asleep which makes her oblivious to what is about to happen to her. Persona started, yet again, with all his morbid ideas of how he would kill her.

Maybe he could stab her with a sharp object till her blood spills and floods the alley. But that would only dirty his coat. He can't afford to have his favorite coat drenched in mucky blood. He could also try breaking her neck just by using his bare hands and then hang her somewhere there to decompose till only her skeleton remains. But wouldn't that be a long wait till she's finally gone? Also, he can try pinching her nose till she suffocates and then he would dispose of her corpse by throwing it into the river. That's a clean crime but it is bothersome to carry the numskull's corpse to another place. Persona wouldn't bother to carry her again. That's a waste of his precious time. And lastly, his last option is that he could also just make it fast and simply use his alice on her. He'd make her dull hair diffuse first so that she'll be bald before she totally dies. Next would be her feet so that she can't run anymore. Then, her hands so that she can't slap him again while thinking that he's some low creature as a fly. After that he would diffuse the rest of her body leaving only her eyes since those annoy him most. Oh! He would love to see the slow fading of life in those bluish-gray eyes! Hah! The taste of strength and fear is eminent!

In spite of that, something is keeping his feet in a slow pace. His feet felt as if they were being forced or even dragged towards the alley. The thought of the girl dying makes him feel something different. It's like a mixture of excitement, happiness, content, and– something else unfamiliar to him. That something is not pleasurable at all. He felt uneasy because of that weird feeling somewhere within him. Yet he decided to pay no attention to it. He'll be erasing her existence shortly. And that should put every deranged thing or system within him back to normal, right? Persona was still wondering about his own thoughts when he reached the alley.

'This is the end, filthy human creature…' his mind declared as he looked around the alley to make sure no one will see him kill her. When Persona is sure that no one will witness his crime, he decided to dismount the girl he carries. As he lifted her left arm to bang her body against the wall in front of him, he heard something grumble. He paused for a while to listen, not minding that Hachi's face is directly above his shoulder now since he is holding her up. There's no one who would see such an inappropriate position anyway.

'Brrgglob… globmn…' There was another grumbling sound. Persona looked around.

'Where is it coming from?' he needed to find out, fast. He has a weird hunch that something extremely bad is about to happen.

'Brrgglob… glob… Uhhnn…' There it came again– that grumbling sound– and, now, there was something else… a moan?

Persona looked up at the only source he could think of at that time. Hachi slowly opened her eyes and blinked. She seemed not to wonder why she is being carried up with one arm by Persona. Persona, himself, isn't sure of what to do next as he returned Hachi's gaze. Just then Hachi lifted her hand. Persona thought that the lass found out about his plan and was about to slap him so he quickly dodged. But instead of what he thought, Hachi's hand landed on her lips, covering her own mouth. Then her eyes widened as another grumble was heard.

"BLEAGCH!!!" Hachi threw up, spraying an amount of gag on Persona's favorite coat! Yuck!

Persona's eyes were as big as saucers. He remained shocked for several seconds. Stupor. He stared blankly at his coat with his jaw almost dropping open. His grasp on the culprit slowly loosened, causing Hachi to land gently on her feet just like the first time he carried her. His eyes slowly traveled to the girl, who is flashing him an apologetic smile with a hint of embarrassment in her bluish-gray orbs; and then his sight roamed back to his wonderful coat, inspecting his ruined state.

He has totally lost his cool now! Hachi has successfully thrown his crown out of his reach. She remained looking as fresh and pure as a newly descended angel from the heavens while Persona is covered in her gag! That just does it! Isn't it Persona who should be devastating the numskull and not the said filthy creature stealing his throne?!

Persona had it all planned. He just had to throw her to the wall and give his powerful blast then everything would have been done. The End. Just two steps left before he gains his sweet victory. Throw and Boom! There were just two things…

And yet the numskull managed to outwit him? By waking up and retching on his favorite coat?! Really, just how much of a lucky creature can his arch nemesis could be?! Whenever he would try to harm her, he ends up harming himself instead.

Persona threw his coat on the ground. He would have to bid his farewell to his beloved coat now. He just can't go around wearing that coat filled with Hachi's personal designs. His eyes spared the numskull an emotionless glance and Hachi could only mutter a soft apology. Persona took in another sharp breath. He really loathes this 'trash'. If there is a word to describe how much he abhors the lass then he would really appreciate it if someone can inform him.

Without another word, he began treading his way out of the alley. He has had enough of the girl's weird nature and that 'amazing' luck of hers.

First, she took his mask and doesn't seem to have the slightest intention of returning it. For goodness's sake, he owns that mask and she should feel the fear of holding something that belongs to a cold killing machine, like Persona. Second, she doesn't listen to anything that he says. Persona isn't used to having difficulties commanding strong and special alices but this girl is just a pain in the butt. Third, she does silly things which make Persona lose his cool aura. What is she trying to do? Steal his Conceit Crown from him? He won't let that happen. Fourth, she threw up on his favorite coat. Just to have touched his coat with her filthy hands is already a crime! How dare she paint another design on Persona's beloved coat! And lastly, the numskull is a fiction fan! Just by having smiled while reading this story makes your name appear on Persona's wanted list. So you should beware from now on!

Persona strode to the shop parallel to where they stood.

"Hey! Where are you going?! Serio-kun, wait!" the lass shouted from behind him as she struggled to keep up with his pacing. Hachi grabbed his arm and Persona felt a familiar leap traced stronger from the left part of his chest.

His cheeks felt the weird warmth from before and his stomach felt like it's filled with those annoying butterflies again. He is uneasy and yet his body seems to like the contact. Heck! Isn't he supposed to be emptying her body of her soul now? She has done too much trouble on him already, for goodness's sake! Persona had wished that the uneasiness would stop. His body is craving to do something he is unsure of. He just hopes that the weird feeling doesn't get out of hand. And so he pulled his arm away from her quickly.

The dense Hachi, surprisingly, noticed the uneasiness on his face. Her eyes strolled down to her hands and back to Persona's arm before staying on Persona's face. She slowly walked closer to him. Her eyes filled with curiosity. Never straying from Persona's own orbs.

Persona felt his body tensed. Just why does this 'trash' have this kind of effect on him?

It was just like the first time he met her and he thought he was going to get his first kiss. He decided to look elsewhere. He smelled Hachi's fruity scent and thought that their bodies were almost touching. So close. Something within him is beating furiously. Persona's mind is telling him to kick Hachi away. She's making his breath irregular so there's a definite need to eliminate her presence. Yet his body is glued to where he stood. He can't even force a yell at her. Persona felt a tingling pain on his neck.


Even his neck betrayed him. Is this the punishment he'd have to suffer from looking away and dodging Hachi's gaze? But why did he have to be punished? Is it such a crime to escape from an unknown thing that might lead to something he might regret? And who cursed him with such a spell of stiff neck?!

'Is the nitwitted girl a witch?!'

Persona's thoughts were disturbed by Hachi's gasp. It sounded so NEAR!!! Persona felt his senses are all alive that very moment. His adrenaline is probably keeping every muscle of his body hyper sensitive to even the slightest blow of the wind. And all these probably resulted from his anxious ideas.

Is he finally going to get his first kiss?! Or to put it simply, is he going to get a girlfriend?!


HACHI SAORI?! The numskull?! The nitwit?! The despicable trash?! The filthy earth creature?! The idiotic human thing he loathes?!--- Will be his GIRLFRIEND?! Whaaaat?!


There's no way he would allow it to happen! He can't imagine how that would be if he ends up falling for the most idiotic organism he has ever met in his life! This is all the dumb facilitator's fault that the word 'girlfriend' keeps popping in his mind whenever he sees Hachi! Persona, who's in a daze, jolted when the lass touched his arm in a gentle manner. How soft and comforting it was. He felt his body relaxed. His stiff neck is gone in an instant. Calming. Soothing. Healing. Maybe this is a piece of heaven… if the simple gesture comes from someone you like…

'L-LIKE?! EHH?!'

"Serio-kun, are you hurt?" her eyes met with his.


There's no mistaking it. He's enticed. He's touched. Only by using those four words, Hachi seemed to have penetrated his sturdy barrier he built over the years of harsh training and battles he has had. The word 'hurt' seemed to have pierced his heart. That's if he has one.

"I'm worried that I pressed your arm too fiercely." Hachi's eyes reflect the purity of her thoughtfulness and it warmed a certain stone-heart.

Huh?! WAIT!!!

That's it?! It's just about the frigging arm?! Did his first kiss just move another degree higher than impossibility?! And are all hopes for him having a girlfriend became the synonym of never-happening?!

"Here. Let me see. You might be injured, aren't you? You seemed like you have been needing medical attention for quite a while already…" She reached for Persona's arm. She slowly tried to lift his sleeve and to expose his arm. "Oh! You have a huge wound here!" Hachi worriedly inspected his arm.

'Wound? Where? How?'

Persona snapped from his reverie. He looked at his arm and realized that there really is a wound there. He stared at it in disbelief. Persona is wounded? That's something new.

He has never had any enemy who could afford to lay even a single finger on him. He didn't really care though. He doesn't think it's a harmful thing for him. He can't feel any pain. His body has been in stupor for years now anyway. And so he continued with his steps towards the shop, ignoring Hachi once more.

"Hey! You need some treatment! Serio-kun! And will you please tell me where exactly you are going?!" she stomped her feet on the ground.

But Persona didn't even bother to look back when he replied: "Eat."

Hachi then looked at him with bemusement before happily tagging behind him to the interior of the shop. They entered a fine dining restaurant and occupied the table in one corner of the whole area. They ordered their meals and, minutes later, started devouring their food. Quietly, they ate due to the immense hunger they felt after much trouble. They were almost finished when Hachi started a conversation.

"Serio-kun, do you know that men usually take their girlfriends to fine dining restaurants on their first date?" Hachi smiled as she wiped her mouth with the napkin.

Persona choked on the mango crepe he is eating. This girl can kill him using her words alone. He knew it! He's right! The girl is a demon! She might even possess those evil powers in fairytales and uses her camouflage as a sweet innocent girl for an illusion to hide such a deception! Coughing, he tried to regain his composure. He looked at her with a blank expression. "We're not a couple, mucky mortal."

"My name is Hachi Saori! And just who are you calling mucky?! Huh! Huh!" she pointed the tip of her bread knife at Persona. Persona simply stared at her with a bored expression. Hachi laughed, setting the knife back on her plate. "And who said that we're a couple? I'm just stating a tradition."

Persona's brows twitched in irritation. He called the waiter and took out his wallet. Hachi did the same thing and decided to check on what the bill says. Her eyes widened.

600 RABBITS?! But Hachi just ordered a meal and a fruit shake. She can't afford that much!

In shock, she suddenly stood up accidentally dragging the table cloth along so that all its contents decorated the marbled floor! The other customers stared at them as murmurs rose from the said audience. The waiter calmly told them that their bill had just risen up double! Hachi's eyes showed worry and the waiter noticed her problem. He quickly offered that Hachi just wash the dishes for the whole day to compensate for the damages.

"Annoying brat." Persona muttered as he took out several hundreds of rabbits from his wallet and paid for both his and her meal.

There were more gasps because of that. Persona is such a stinking rich and handsome hottie! With his mask away and his well-built body exposed now that his coat is gone, he could honestly be the next hottest matinee idol to graze on earth. And in the eyes of the hopeless romantics, they'd say: What a romance it would be! He has a pretty Hachi beside him. The chemistry is undeniably overwhelming. Opposites do attract!

There were also murmurs of how envious they were of the 'couple'.

Hachi shyly looked at Persona. There is a light blush brightening her pallid face. She is embarrassed that he had to pay for her meal and damages she has caused. How could she ever pay him! When Persona saw her blush, he felt something different within him. Is it fondness? He would never submit unto admitting that. He grabbed Hachi's hand and quickly dragged her away from the romance-freaks. He just wanted to escape such an uncomfortable situation.

Few minutes later, Persona found himself sitting on a bench near a cliff, under a cherry blossom tree. Beside him is a dead to the world Hachi. She's sleeping again after they have fled from a troublesome crowd. And Persona couldn't help but wonder just how the 'trash' can sleep this much and also anywhere she likes. She is just too… carefree.

His eyes gazed up to the tree. All the leaves have fallen. That's a natural thing to have happened. It's, after all, still the month of January and the snowing has just ended. A sunny street on a cold climate is just as peculiar as the encounter he is having with Hachi. There is no explanation as to why Hachi has been turning his system upside-down. Whenever she's near him, his rhythm gets messed up. His stomach fills with fluttering butterflies and he acts like an idiot. He also wondered why he didn't recognize her presence as that of a human's when he scanned the area around the chapel. There is barely an occasion wherein he miscalculated anything.

True that he can somewhat, though reluctantly, admit that he is enticed with the filthy creature. For, he is a genius and he understood that when a unique thing appears curiosity should attract the genius. He has, however, deemed that more than the slight attraction other feelings, aside from hate, is impossible. As to the reason why he hasn't ended her life till now, it is because he knew better than to attack her while she sleeps. Who knows what else her 'amazing' luck could do to him other than to slap him, cause him to fall on his butt, and even to spray brand new designs on his favorite coat? The girl is stronger when she's fast asleep so it would be wise to wait till she's awake and then have her killed.

Persona breathed his stress away. Is it called relaxing? Well, if it is, then this is his first time to do it. Hachi has made him experience many of his first times. Those are mostly of the experiences he dreaded would cost him his crown as the King of Narcissism.

The wind blew the winter's cool kiss. He has failed to notice how fast the time has fled. The sun has set and the sky is now engulfed in a cape of solemn darkness. It's rather a cold night. And it's too bad that he had to let go of his coat on a night like this. Oh! If it weren't for the filthy 'trash' beside him… He smirked and fondled the pen he bought from a bookstore minutes ago. Now, that he bought her darn pen, she'll be leaving his life for good. He'd finally get his mask back. He's such a genius worthy of the warmest of all warm applauses.

"Hmm… Uhhnn…" There came the girl's familiar moan. Persona has gotten accustomed to such a moan already.

He quickly prepared to present the pen, claim his mask, and end the numskull's life. And so, he moved closer to her and opened his mouth to speak but was stopped when Hachi yawned as she stretched her arms. And just like the previous scenarios, her arms, as expected, hit Persona's face causing him to flinch a bit. However, the lass didn't seem to notice that she managed to hit him again. She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw is Persona's frowning face and then the twinkling stars behind him. For some reason, her eyes softened a bit.

"It's night already?" she asked though she didn't seem to be asking Persona. Hachi looked up at the sky. A sigh was emitted from her lips.

This somewhat surprised Persona. There is a hint of sadness. He knew somehow that something has changed in Hachi's disposition. He didn't react. And for, another first time of his, he doesn't know what to say.

The girl simply stood up. Spread her arms and spun around, savoring the freedom and solitude the night has generously offered and not minding that they are actually near a cliff where her foot might slip and cause her to fall. As her body danced with the moonlight's elegant radiance, the wind carried her hair and lifted her skirt here and there. Persona's eyes were glued to the girl who is spinning and laughing heartily in front of him.

Her innocence, her purity, her carefree attitude and all her existence is filling his hollow body. Why she is laughing and acting that way was a question which lingered only for a split second. He just stared, taking in what he has finally understood as beauty into the depths of his neglected heart.

Persona did possess a heart. All this time that he has been alone, it's been there. It is constantly beating though he kept on neglecting it. This is to escape hurt. To be numb and to forget. And the kind of remedy Hachi has given him has opened the jammed part of his spirit. The warmth is filling him. It's as if he would explode at the sight of the youthful happiness the girl is exhibiting. He didn't want this to end. He can get weak because of it but he didn't really care. He'd trade his Narcissism throne for the hearty laughter of this 'annoying' creature.

But everything has an end. He had to put an end…

"Filthy human girl, here's your stupid pen." His voice didn't seem to register in his own mind but unlike his other statements, it seemed like this time Hachi heard him loud and clear.

Hachi stopped twirling around and stepped closer to where Persona sat. She has a gentle smile on her lips and some expression in her eyes that Persona has never seen before in those orbs. She took hold of the pen from Persona's hand. And almost reluctantly, Persona let go of it. Hachi then touched a certain incomplete name written on the bench which is filled with carved names of different couples. Then she scribbled some other kanji characters before lifting her hand away from it. With curiosity, Persona read it with his eyes and it said:

"Hachi & Serio"

He looked into her orbs. There is an amount of solemnity in her bluish-gray eyes. And it made Persona anxious as Hachi's lips parted before she spoke.

"I'm sorry, Serio-kun…" her voice is coated with sadness. Persona remained silent as she continued. "…for having dragged you into this…" Hachi's pale hand touched Persona's cheek. Gently, she caressed it. "I'm returning your mask." Just then Persona noticed that he is already holding his mask. "My mission has been completed…" she softly whispered as her body started to glow in a strange white or maybe silvery light. Wings seemed to be forming on her back and Hachi's body is slowly vanishing into what seemed like glowing particles of dust. Is she a ghost? A real angel?

"Thank you…" she paused for a while and moved her face closer to Persona's own. Her nose is almost touching Persona's but nothing is registering in his mind. What the heck is happening?! "…for everything…" He heard her final word as their lips touched. Her voice echoed in his ears. It was as if she is light years away from him.

Persona felt his lips with his fingers. It is moist and cold as if he has just tasted snow. Their kiss lasted for only half a second. And maybe, it wasn't really a kiss but only a snowflake touching his lips. Still, it lingered as he roamed his eyes in the full view of Central Town laid in front of him. Strangely since the season has ended, snow started to fall again as the ferris wheel from Alicarcadia turned. The lights and joys of the people in the town are radiating warmth but for him it is a different feeling.

It is cold.

He must go back to his lair now. He's got his mask in his left hand anyway… and his right hand held the only memory she has left him with. His feelings are mixed when he reached his place. Again, he entered the safety of his darkness. There can be no amount of calming drug that can battle this comfort he finds in his own room. His solitude. His pain.

Persona sat by the window. He watched as snow gently fell onto the ground. January is almost done and yet snow decorates the sky once more. Is this a goodbye?

An alice of snow…

Suddenly, something rustled from the corner of his dark room. Persona slowly turned his attention to the little girl who had just woken up from her slumber. This is the weakling he had 'killed' the other day. So that's why there is a wound on his arm. It is his own doing, his own alice, which injured him when he held it back to save the girl's life in the very last second.

The girl has completely lost her memories. He knew, basing from the lack of life in her eyes. The girl struggled to stand but ended up falling back to her slumped position. She's too weak to stand due to the effects the battle left on her fragile body. She slowly spoke in a very weak voice.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she turned her gaze to the man sitting on a chair near the window. "Who am I? What am I?"

Persona smirked though the gentle touching of the moon light. "I am Persona, your master."

The little girl crawled to Persona's side while she repeated what Persona said in a whisper: "…Master…" She knelt on the floor just beside Persona's feet with her back almost touching the side of Persona's bed. She looked straight into his eyes.

Persona's eyes, for a second, gazed into the girl's bluish-gray eyes before continuing his simple introduction. "And you are Nobara Ibaragi… my doll…"

Upon hearing Persona's declaration of her identity, she rested her head on Persona's lap. Nobara is Persona's property from now on. She shall have no other joy other than her master's own. Persona's expression momentarily changed into something delicate– like a light smile filled with fondness…

'bluish-gray…' his mind rekindled some memory from a not-so-long-ago encounter of something lighter than his usual shade of black.

Maybe that explains why he acted so differently, why he has been troubled all this time, and why he didn't end the little girl's life. He needed life to resurrect what has always been dead. And possibly, he even knew it from the beginning that the 'trash' has always been just a wandering soul. Hachi has always been just a remnant of some memory that has exceeded the definition of human and was, then, a bit incomplete to be classified as an angel.

The blow of the midnight breeze filled his room. The curtains stirred as the light entered his room. And, there, just on the coffee table adjacent to where Persona sat with little Nobara, who's resting her head on his lap, lay a white feather. The only proof of that brief encounter he had with an alice of snow…


A snowflake landed just near Nobara's foot. It melted. But soon as the little girl's eyes glanced on the melted snow, it froze. It returned to its original state, just as pure as how it has been.

So pure… So white… So light…

Perhaps Persona could never find something lighter than black again. Perhaps that numskull's memory won't ever be reborn. Let them sink to the depths of his heart. For this is all he could admit:

'Persona has won. All goals done. Obstacles eliminated. And yet, he can't ever deny that once upon a weird fate's play Persona fell in love…'

'…annoying filthy 'trash'…' his heart whispered as he brushed his hands through the grayish telephone-wire-like hair of the girl who slept before his feet.


A/N: HAHAHA! I knew you'd scroll down here to read and have a little more laugh about my grammar. *sweat drops* Oh! Before your little privilege to laugh about my errors… I'd like to say that I'm sorry about such a crappy chapter/piece. I ate chocolates before writing this and, so, you could deduce and infer the reason as to why the whole thing is just so random and too crazy right? HAHA! Sorry. *sweat drops*

Uhmm... And do you like it? I think I failed to make it into a total humor fiction. I'm sorry about that. Lately, I have been fond of a picture I saw on the net wherein Persona hugged Nobara and I just had to include the twist of Little Ice Princess's appearance here. *LOL* Sorry. I've been really selfish, ne? *teary eyes* Yeah! Enough of my blah-blah… Well, here it is. The reason as to why I was laughing to death in the previous chapters…

I realized that my prepositions are all mixed up. There were missing links and loop holes here and there, plus many other errors. Yes, my dear readers, I'm guilty as charged. I admit that I am too lazy to proof read what I typed so it ended up that bad. Oh! This story is not beta-ed. Some friend of mine asked me about that. No one is to be blamed for my errors. I work on my stories solely so if you ever want to kill someone for writing such a failure then I'd be preparing my shield of papers and folders… Now, where is that? If I don't get killed by Persona who happened to hate fiction patrons, like us, apparently then one of you might get me. Eureka! I better prepare now! WAHAHAHA!

Thankfully, I didn't find something as disturbing as: "Persona nibbled on his nails his nails his nails and sat in the table!" Yeah… I often fail to notice that I typed a word or two twice (The example is an exaggeration. Nope. I don't type a phrase three times. *sweat drops*) and my prepositions often suck… Like, how the hell can someone sit "in" (inside?!) a table?! (Whaat?! *sighs* You get what I mean, right?) Also I know I'm always pretty random. Just how on earth did the "alarm clock inventor" got involved in the story?! And what of the flying kangaroo, frogs, and monkeys? Whaat?! Haha! Sorry. I don't even know how that entered my brain. I guess I can't do much about that random thing. Please bear with me.

I was actually drinking water when I tried to read the previous chapter/pieces again and you can imagine what happened next, right? Yes, I coughed hard and nearly drowned giggling at my own mistakes with just a glass of water. You should be thankful that I didn't or else you wouldn't be reading this again. *LOL*

Anyway, thanks a lot for those who supported this story. This is the end of the story and I'm sorry but there are no plans for another chapter. I'm already drained. If you want some more of this kind of weird story from me then give me a review and challenge me or suggest something that you want me to write about. Or if not, you may just click the review button and tell me that somehow you give credit to my poor writing skill. *sighs*

HAHA! Thanks again and take care, everyone! *grins*

P.S. You may also want to try: Hotaru's Disastrous Day (My 1st rukaru) and Gakuen Alice: My Presumptive Part 2 (My 1st fanfiction). I published a new story just now and it goes under the title: Artificial Love. It's a rukaru dedicated to my friends. I hope you visit that. Enjoy! ^_^

Nakama List:





sora skyller


Sarah Patrick


(My sempai here in FFnet!!! Yay! She won the humor fic categ. For the nominations for her story: "Seven Days to the Worst Wedding Ever"!!! Go, sempai!!! ^_^)


Pixy Stix-water7vixen

.......thank you so much!!! ^_^

(May, 2009: What? I did try my best to proof read! Hey! Stop snickering! You can help me by reviewing, pal! *chuckles*)
