Heh. Hi. It's been awhile hasn't it? Sorry about the delay, but I've been doing a lot this summer and well… guess that's no excuse. You want the real reason… I miss my beta. We usually have a class together and that's why our friendship and love for scrubs grew. She was always there to encourage me and threaten me with sharp art supplies if I wasn't close to finishing. This chapter quite frankly wouldn't be worth crap if it wasn't for her. So this chapter is dedicated to her and all of the readers still interested in this story. Enjoy with all your heart and soul!!!

I think I've cried so much in the past 24 hours that my stomach has begun to hurt and my head feels swollen.

I wince as a low throb erupts from my stomach and causes me to double over slightly. My head snuggles farther into Dr. Cox's muscular chest. I flush violently. Muscular and snuggle were probably not the best words to use in that sentence. His chest rises and falls steadily, his hand gliding slowly back and forth across my back. I sniff loudly, letting my full weight lean against him, aware that when I did so he stiffens.

Too quickly he pulls away, my body shivering from lack of contact.

"Think you can stand on your own?" He asks, his voice rougher than usual.

I barely hear Dr. Cox's words. I try to stop crying, but I just can't stop the tears from coming. I keep my eyes on the ground as I choke back a sob, wiping my face vigorously with my sleeve. I'm so embarrassed. First Turk and now Dr. Cox, I'm seriously losing my sanity. God I'm so pathetic, it's almost ridiculous.

"Come on Doris, let's go get you cleaned up," Cox grabs at my elbow but I jerk it away, crossing my arms over my chest as I take a step back. I don't have to look up to see his shocked expression.

My voice is still shaky, "It's okay. I can do it by myself." Again I wipe away the tears building up. 'Come on JD stay together. Try not to look so vulnerable.'

"No offense Lucile, but you are two seconds away from crying a whole damn river and I don't think it would be very wise to leave you alone at this point."

I glare up at him. "I don't need your pity and I can take care of myself! Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm helpless."

He challenges my glare, and it definitely has more impact. "One, I do not pity other people. I don't waste my time with such a useless emotion. Second, its not that you're a girl- because Jackie as we've been over for about five years or so, in my eyes, you are and always have been a girl. It's the fact that you've been through hell and back in the pass month and have not had one damn chance to let it all soak in. That's gonna make you look helpless no matter what way you put it. Now you can go ahead and be the big bitch of the west or let me help you out, which is an offer that I don't just hand out."

This really isn't worth fighting about. I know it, and he knows it, but all the stress of today, yesterday, and just since the beginning of this whole stupid mess is making me irritable and bitchy. Honestly I don't want to deal with his sarcastic, dick wad attitude. I know deep down he really is trying, but I just can't be perceptive right now.

I stomp my foot, which I'll admit feels really childish, and begin to march towards the door. In the smug voice I have heard Carla use many a time I say, "Thanks, but I think I can live without one of your oh so rare sparkling hand outs Mr. Generous."

Oh, that probably just pissed him off. I wrench open the door, ignoring the dull pain hitting my abdomen and the low growl that comes from behind me. I march out of the meeting room, wincing as the pain doubles.

"Newbie, quit being a little brat and turn around." Cox half shouts quickly following me. Can't he get the hint that I really don't want to be around anyone? 'Especially him…'


Not really one of my most mature comebacks. It didn't cause Dr. Cox slow down.

Well, I am not turning around nor am I stopping for his majesty. If I want to storm off and be pissy then I will. I don't need him to shadow me like I'm something fragile. Tears start to run down my cheeks again. God, my emotions are on the fritz. I try to wipe the unwanted tears away, which is actually pretty hard to do when moving at a brisk pace and focus is required for safe travel. So unfortunately, I didn't see the janitor innocently mopping off to the side. My foot hit the wet floor and shot up in front of me. I let out a yelp as my head careened towards the ground.

In my peripheral vision, I see hands catch my upper arms, holding me just inches above the ground. I gaze up, seeing a very annoyed Dr. Cox looking back. My ears turn red, heat running down my neck. Dammit! Why is he always the one to save me in the nick of time?

"I swear Newbie you are worse than a toddler." He looks over at the Janitor. "Hey missing link! Next time put up a wet floor sign! You're going to get some one hurt."

The man looks up from his mop, leaning on it as he spoke, "Well we are located in a hospital correct? So technically I'm just creating more business for you."

From our awkward position Cox and I stare at him incredulously.

He smiles. "You're welcome," And goes back to work as if nothing happened.

"Dear God." Dr. Cox groans. He turns his attention back to me, hauling me back to my feet. He doesn't however let go of my arm, tightening his grip, "Now Suzie-Pouts-A lot, you need to come with me."

Before I can protest, he leads me into a nearby storage closest, closing and locking the door behind us. A deep blush comes across my features. I've never, even in my strangest fantasies have been lock in a storage room with Dr. Cox. Not that I ever had a sexual fantasy about Dr. Cox! It's just very dirty things happen in these types of places. I take a nervous gulp.

He turns towards me and I squeeze my shut, tensing my body up for what ever the older man is planning. Please let it be painless.

"Making a wish there Newbie?"

I peel an eyelid open, Dr. Cox staring at me with one eyebrow amusedly quirked. I look down embarrassed, watching his hand rummage through one of the smaller compartments, pulling out two packets of bacterial wipes. I frown as he rips one open.

"What are you going to do with that?" I ask nervously. I hope he doesn't plan on gagging me with it.

"I'm gonna wipe off the mascara running down your face. You look like a homicidal clown." He knits his eyebrows together, "why do you have make-up caked on you anyway?"

"Carla wanted to…" aka I encouraged her to.

Cox scoffs, "yeah like it wasn't your idea from the beginning."

I hate it when he does that.

"Here hold still, you don't want this in your eye." He stands close to me, our bodies' inches away from each other. Cox cups my cheek with one hand, the other rubbing the cool cloth gently on my face. My body goes rigid, heart catching in my throat. Do not, under any circumstances meet his gaze. This is tense enough as it is being where we are.

I banish the thoughts away, a strange weight settling in my gut. What am I thinking? Like Dr. Cox would ever try something kinky with me! He can barely stand me let alone be attracted to me. He's as straight as they come. All he's trying to do is help out. Carla probably threatened him to do so- the scary bitch. Yeah, there's no reason for me to get all jumpy.

Then, why can't my heart stop pounding.

Dr. Cox stops. "Hey Callie, are you okay? You're crying again."

Dammit, I didn't even notice tears sliding down my cheeks. I bite my lip, holding back a sob. "Sorry," I manage to choke out.

"Newbie it's fine, really."

I just nod, "I know…I just can't seem to stop." The room becomes stuffy, Cox standing too close to me. I can't do it anymore. I can't be around him. In a quick movement, I grab the wipe out of his hands, curling it into my fingers. "You really don't have to help me Dr. Cox. You have patients to take care of. I can do this by myself."

A terrifying sound builds in his chest, my head snapping up as take a step back. He matches my movement, stepping way too far in my personal space. "I just don't get you Newbie. You are constantly bending over backwards to get my attention, and now that I am finally giving it to you, you start freaking out! Get it through that thick skull of yours; No matter how much you try I am not going to leave you. "

"Please stop saying things like that!" I yell. I try to move further back but my shoulder is stopped by a shelf.

He crosses his arms slowly, an eyebrow rising in the usual Cox fashion. "Like what Taylor?"

The words just tumble out of my mouth, my mind too tired and weak to have the will power to hold them in. "You…you keep doing all theses things, and saying all this stuff. I don't know why but it makes me feel…feel something I shouldn't feel for you. You're my idol; but here recently, that thought of you has been muddled and I…and I," it's becoming harder to breathe. "I don't know what to do."

I stand there, head down and eyes shut tight. 'Why did I say that? Oh my god, he is going to think I'm a nut ball. Shit. What the hell is wrong with me! Why can't I handle myself around him? Cox isn't talking, but he isn't moving either. I probably creeped him out so much that he's tempted to either shout physically injure me or walk away. Perhaps all three!'


Oh god, please don't say my name.

"look at me."

I'm so weak. I can't even ignore one simple command from the man. I really am a lapdog when it comes to him. I discover his face hovering dangerously close to mine as I look up and into his arresting eyes. The tension in the room builds around us, our equally piercing gazes locked. Nervous jitters form in my stomach; a feeling I have never felt towards any one before his hands come up, gently cupping my face, fingers gently swiping away the tears.

"What are you doing?" My mouth feels dry.

Dr. Cox leans in closer. "I'm not too sure myself here Darla."

His lips press softly against my forehead, lingering for a few moments. I gasp softly, hands trembling at my sides. He travels down, brushing back some of my hair and leaving another soft kiss on my cheek. I kept my eyes shut tight, my whole body trembling. I think my heart is about to burst out of my chest.

I can feel his warm breath on my lips. Cox doesn't move any further than that, which makes me shake even harder. "JD," he breathes softly, my eyes fluttering open at the sound of his voice. His cheeks are about as rosy as mine, his blue eyes somewhat glazed. He doesn't say anything, but I know what he's silently asking. I also know that if we go any further, we are going to cross a boundary that will forever destroy our old relationship.

But looking into Cox's heated eyes, knowing his thoughts were just as clouded as mine, I really didn't care.

I release the hold on my scrubs, transferring them to dig into Dr. Cox's white coat collar. He looks down at them, then at me. I nod once, shuffling just an inch closer.

That's all Cox needed to see. His lips collided with mine, closing the distance between us. I feel weightless, colorful lights sparking under my lids. His arm snakes around me, our bodies pressed against each other. My fingers shoot up into his hair, burying into his curls. Our kiss deepens dramatically when my left palm pressing against his neck so he couldn't break away. Cox didn't seem to mind at all, his tongue gliding into my mouth. I moan softly. This is defiantly going down as the best kiss I have ever had.

Cox's other hand goes up to my ponytail, yanking the color elastic band until it snaps my hair tumbling down. I want to protest as his lips leave mine for a moment, pressing his cheek into my neck. "Dammit how this fucking girly shampoo has taunted me for years." He breathes in deeply, lips sucking down on my neck. My brain reels with ecstasy; I hope I'm still breathing.

As he comes back up, I catch his lips hungrily. I can feel him smile against me. Cox's hands come down to my sides, grasping both of my thighs and lifting me off the ground. He presses my back against the shelf, some of the contents falling. I wrap my legs tightly around him, our tongues dancing in each other's mouth. Dr. Cox hands rub up and down my sides, one deciding to latch itself in my hair, the other lifting the hem of my scrubs up, goose bumps appearing as his fingers touch my flesh.

A key sliding into a lock has never sound louder than at that moment. We immediately break our kiss, Dr. Cox dropping me and moving a few feet towards the right. I lean on the shelf because my legs are failing to receive the signal my brain is telling them. The door opens moments after with the Janitor peering inside.

"There you guys are!" The Janitor is grinning from ear to ear after his eyes adjusted to the faint light. "Oh, did I interrupt something?"

Elliot appears by his side, looking relieved when she sees me. "There you are JD, I was worried. Kelso and that detective woman have Turk and….Carla…."

I flinch as her eyes catch Dr. Cox, who is red in the face and curly hair more erratic than normal, and travel to me who looks equally as well. Now Elliot can be ditzy and down right insane some times but she was not stupid. She has made her way out of enough closets that her trained eye can detect when someone was interrupted; my looks and the marks on my necks are a dead give away. Her jaw drops, eyes widening and her face burning red.

"Holy frick,"

Elliot's stare and the Janitor's smug grin overwhelm me. A nauseated feeling working its way through my body, and I fight the urge to lower my head as my blush deepens. I hear Dr. Cox begin to stammer some lame excuse but it only makes things more obvious. The heated feeling was gone now, completely replaced by a sickening shame. I should feel happy or a least satisfied but I can't even attempt to conjure up those emotions. This is all too much to bear.

Before my mind can catch up with the hurt, I'm pushing pass Elliot, walking briskly away from that damn closet. Some one shouts my name, but I ignore it. I can feel something inside me break but I need to be some where I can escape everyone's pity.

'Definitely somewhere Dr. Cox can't follow me. '

I reach the girls bathroom in record time, locking myself in the last stall. I sit on the toilet, staring down at my feet. I've never felt this low before. I can't even bring myself to cry anymore, just loud, dry sobs. And of course the one person who could make me feel this low is the one and only Dr. Perry Cox.

It's funny that Cox is the one to make me feel like shit more than some obsessed psychopath. Not a 'ha ha' funny more like a, 'ironic stupid'. I've dated plenty of girls, some of them absolutely gorgeous and equally as amazing, and none of them have made me as angry or as happy as the bastard has.

I blink. Sitting straight up, I feel the rock of the porcelain from under me. Hold on, did I just compare Dr. Cox to my ex girlfriends? Holy shit I really am losing my mind. Those are two completely different categories. Girlfriends are- well girls for a start and Dr. Cox is my boss. And a guy!

'A boss you just hard core made out with.'

'Not now brain!'

'Come on, think about it. You adore him. He can give you a small compliment that if it was any one else it wouldn't matter, but because HE said it, you are happy for a week. Everything you do you hope that some how Dr. Cox will notice and if he gets upset with you, you work to the point of exhaustion to make up for it. '

'That's because I'm a hard worker.'

'Then why can't you stay with a woman? It's always something small and insignificant but in reality it's because they are missing a certain quality that you can't get past. You can't get close because they are not the same as a certain arrogant bastard.'

'That's not true.'

'He kissed you…'

I stare dumbfounded at the floor as something heavy sinks into the bottom of my stomach. We actually kissed. And it felt great. I felt something that I had never felt when it came to the other girls I've been with. Something I would have never been able to describe until now. And if I hadn't been turned into a woman, I probably would have never of felt.

'I'm falling for Dr. Cox.'

My mouth feels like it's full of cotton, heart skipping a couple of beats. The truth comes crashing around me, a prickly numb sensation going through my skin. "This can't be happening." I sob, fresh tears rushing to the surface. Everything in my life just got ten times more fucked up.

Hope this was worth the long wait! Please review!!