Story Title: The Life Changing Mission

Chapter Title: Chapter 1: The Transformation

Summary: While on their way back from a mission, Naruto and Hinata are attacked by a mysterious figure cloaked in black robes; they are able to fight off the attacker, but just a few minutes later Naruto is engulfed in a red orb of chakra. Less than two minutes after that Naruto emerges, but the person that steps out does not look like Naruto instead this person is completely different both in appearances and behavior. Hinata soon sees a few major differences that stick out the most than any other part of him: like claws on his hands instead of fingernails, fangs instead of teeth, bright-blood red eyes and hair, nine long tails, and fox ears instead of normal ears. It was clear to Hinata that the person standing in front of her was not Naruto, but Kyuubi no Kitsune. If you truly wish to know the rest you will have to read the rest.

The afternoon sun shone down on Naruto and Hinata as they walked down a dirt path leading back to the Leaf Village, which was just a few days away.

"Hey, Hinata." Naruto said.

"Yes, Naruto." Hinata replied.

"How many more days until we get back to the village?" Naruto asked.

"At least maybe, four or five more days." Hinata said.

"Okay." Naruto said, really annoyed as they continued walking.

The sun seemed to shine more brightly as it climbed higher into the sky; it was so hot that Naruto could've sworn that he was melting. It was probably somewhere between mid and late afternoon when Naruto and Hinata took a brake.

They were sitting down under a tree, while they ate the food they had brought with them. As they were resting a figure was watching them from atop a tree that perfectly hid him.

Several Minutes Later:

Naruto and Hinata pack up their stuff and went back to walking. 'I haven't blushed or stuttered one time on this whole mission with Naruto.' Hinata thought to herself. For almost a month now she hadn't blushed or stuttered around Naruto which should have meant good, but instead it began to make Hinata think, maybe I'm not in love with Naruto any more. Those were words that Hinata didn't she able to say in a million years let alone be able to think them. She had no I idea how her love for Naruto had all of a sudden disappear like it did, but it did leaving her wondering why. 'Maybe there's a reason', thought Hinata to herself and just as they passed a old tree Hinata could've sworn that she saw a person following them.

They soon came across a tree in their path that appeared to have been cut down by a large blade of some kind. Naruto was about to complain about why there was a tree in the road, when a person appeared in front of him; he was wearing black robes which gave him a mysterious and sinister appearance. As he walked forward they could see that instead of sandals he wore black boots which gave off a blood-red shine and this plus his clothing gave Hinata the shivers.

"I greet you host of the beast for you carry the nine tails, whom I wish to set free so that my Master may meet him." the man said in a dark and ancient tone.

'How does this guy know about Kyuubi', Naruto thought as he quickly took out his kunai knife. 'However, he knows about Kyuubi one thing is for certain; he must be a demon friend of Kyuubi who wants him freed and that's something I can't let happen.' Naruto thought as he charged the man.

It happened so fast that Naruto could not even understand how the man had did it. When Naruto had charged the stranger easily knocked his kunai out of his hand with just his index finger, then after that he on his knees, he wasn't even sure how he had gotten to his knees in the first place, looking up at the concealed face of the man. Naruto was just about to punch him in the face, but before he even lift his hand the man stuck a large needle into his neck, "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!", yelled Naruto in pain. The man then began chanting in some very old and very ancient words that Naruto didn't even understand. The man finished his chant by completely driving the needle into Naruto's neck, after which the man disappeared in a flash of light and darkness.

"Naruto are you alright?!" Hinata asked as she raced to his side.

"Yeah, I think." Naruto said as he rubbed his neck where the needle had been drove into him.

"I think we should get you medical attention right away." Hinata said in a urgent voice.

"Okay." Naruto said as he and Hinata took off in a sprint down the path.

Less than two minutes into their sprint Naruto immediately stopped dead in his tracks.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Hinata asked as she turned around to look.

"I-I-I don't know." said Naruto as blood-red chakra began to swirl around him.

The chakra began to swirl more violently and soon Naruto was inside a orb of pure, blood-red glowing, chakra that was giving off huge amounts of heat, it was so hot that the nearby plants were instantly set on fire or they were beginning to smoke and starting to give off a odor of dieing plants that was completely unbearable. Hinata had to cover her mouth from all the smoke that was beginning build up, because, as it became obvious to Hinata, the orb was making the smoke build up so much. Hinata could feel like she was being sucked into the almost impossible to see red orb; she knew that the only reason why she felt like she was being sucked into the orb was that the orb was beginning to increase its speed, which meant that the orb was either becoming larger or it was building up power for something. But Hinata wasn't concerned about that the only thing she was concerned about was rather or not Naruto was okay. Minutes passed before finally the smoke cleared and once it did Hinata immediately looked straight at where the red orb, containing Naruto, had been, but instead of seeing Naruto she saw someone completely different looking. His eyes and long hair were blood-red, the shirt he wore was red also, his jeans were a dark blue, his sandals except for the red color were the same as any other sandals, though these are just minor details that she noticed; the really big details she noticed were him having claws instead of fingernails, having fangs instead of teeth, having fox ears where regular ears should have been, and most importantly she saw nine long slender tails sprouting out from behind him and she saw that the fur on the tails were the same blood-red color as his eyes and hair.

"W-W-Who are y-y-you?" Hinata asked terrified.

"Who do think human." said the man in a deep voice as one of his tails twitched irritably behind him.

"Kyuubi no Kitsune." Hinata said terrified as she realized who he was.

"The one and only." Kyuubi said smirking, showing more of his fangs.