OH MY GOD GUYS I'M SO SORRY I MADE YOU WAIT SO LONG AGAIN BUT I HAD EXAMS TO STUDY FOR AND I'VE BEEN REALLY STRESSED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, hope you guys are happy with the chapter.

Alan sat in his room, pondering to himself. Only a good, solid three weeks until school started again, and then it was the beginning of another overly tedious work cycle. Not like they assigned too much homework, it was just not Alan's exact idea of fun to sit in classrooms all day to listen to lectures made by the teachers. Old, decrepit teachers who always thought they were better than the students. What did they know?

"Ugh," he sighed, running the back of his hand across his forehead to wipe off the sweat.

He glanced down at his book. It was black and rather old. It was rather lengthy but it did not bother him in particular. He had gotten it off of some old shady bookstore owner when he and Edgar went hitchhiking up to Oregon once. The owner seemed a little crazed, but Alan knew that this book was legitimate material.

He flipped through the first few pages, because although he had owned it for more than a year to the date, he never really had the time to read it, only during the summer, because during the school year he had to go to school, work in the store, do his homework, do household chores with Edgar, and take care of his parents. During the summer, he had to work in the store, do household chores, and make sure that Bo wasn't whacking off in the bathroom. So, in other words, he had more time to look it over.

The pages were frail, and the print was small and just barely legible, so Alan had to be very careful with the book, and he couldn't afford to skim the pages. After reading each page, he annotated and made some commentary on separate sheets of paper, never on the original pages.

The first chapter was about the actual origin of vampires. It talked about Judas Iscariot, whom had betrayed Jesus Christ for several silver coins, and then hung himself in shame. It was thought that those who committed suicide would come back as vampires, and that the silver coins were the origin of vampires' aversion to the substance.

In the next paragraph, it discussed the origins of Vlad Tepes, better known as Vlad the Impaler, or Count Dracula. It suggested that the Prince of Wallachia was the one who began the vampiric line. There was a painting of him on an opposite page that Alan found extremely eerie and only had the guts to look at it during the daytime, when it was bright and sunny.

It also discussed Lilith, also known as Lilitu, the first wife made for Adam who, according to Hebrew texts, became a demon who preyed on the blood of humans and bore daughters who served as succubi, or demons in female form, who had sex with male humans while they were asleep. On an opposite page, a painting of Lilith was featured. She stood in the middle of a forest, with her head of long golden hair tilted to the side. A serpent was wrapped around her naked body, baring her chest but not her womanhood.

This had upset Bo very much when Alan had made the mistake of showing him the book. Bo had complained that the serpent was just in the painting so the artist wouldn't get a boner while painting her, or at least trying to paint her. Either that or he's never seen one before. Alan then had a brief flashback.

"So you're saying that you've seen a girl entirely naked?" Alan had questioned his cousin.

"No, I haven't a girl entirely naked, but I've seen their treds, and they looked-"

"Oh my God, are you frickin' serious? Are you seriously telling me that you had the dire nerve to actually peep on the chicks in the girls' locker room?!"

"What? There was a hole, and I was gonna plug it, but then I saw the light on the other side-"

"You don't have to give me details, you stupid bastard!" Alan interrupted him.

"Hey, don't you call me a bastard, you ugly son of a bitch!" Bo responded angrily.

Alan seethed, and then lunged at his cousin, knocking them both on the floor. A couple seconds later, Edgar burst through the door and watched as his cousin and his brother fought.

"I hope that you guys know that incest is taboo, but if you want to display your man-love feelings for each other, then don't do it on my half of the bedroom floor."

Immediately Alan and Bo stopped wrestling and stood up from the floor. They were both looking at Edgar as if he had just told them that they were each going to lose their man pride any moment.

"That's disgusting," Bo stated, grimacing.

Edgar shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, at least it made you guys stop fighting. Now, if you don't mind, I'm getting a couple root beers."

He then proceeded to walking out of the room and trotting down the stairs. Alan closed the book and put it away somewhere extremely safe while Bo wasn't looking. Not even Edgar knew where Alan kept the book. He looked up at his cousin.

"If you really want to see women entirely in the nude, then just get a Playboy or a porno. Why bug me about it?"

"Because one, whenever I try to buy one somebody takes it from me and burns it, two, it's better to see the real, moving, living thing, and third, it's more fun that way."

Alan rolled his eyes, obviously very annoyed.

"You know, I'm seriously considering crunching your face in right now, but I don't wanna be criticized for doing it."

Alan shook his head, trying very hard to end the flashback, and it did. But that did not stop him from feeling revolted whenever he caught a glimpse of naked Lilith and the serpent.

"Stupid Bo," Alan muttered to himself. He leaned back against his bedroom wall, closing his eyes. He was suspicious of the girl whom Edgar had talked to at the grocery store of being vampire, but Bo had complained to him earlier about his doubts. He stated that vampires only came out at night, but the girl and her mother were at the store before sundown, so that complicated things.

But there was something unusual about that girl. Other than looking like the stereotypical vampire, she shared similarities to them. One, she had an aversion to garlic; two, she was extremely graceful; three, she was alluring.

Alluring mean that it was hard not to be fascinated by her; like she was a beautifully carved marble statue of Aphrodite in a museum, or like a firefly in the dark.

He had noticed that this girl, Laurence, had caught his brother by surprise. Personally to him, this girl could mean trouble, but for Bo, it means that he would finally have an excuse to go to the grocery store and buy, or rather in Bo's case, steal condoms.

"Shut up, Bo!" Edgar shouted at Bo, throwing stuff at him, including an old pair of shoes and Larousse French to English dictionary, which both would have hurt a lot if Bo wasn't so accustomed to dodging mid-air projectiles.

"So what if you like that girl?"

"I don't like her, you assho-!"

"Hey, watch your mouth!" Bo interrupted Edgar angrily, his face turning red with anger.

"Well, then don't accuse me of things that aren't true!"

"What's wrong with liking a girl? It's natural!"

"It would be considered natural if you didn't always ask me if I get erections when I see her!"

"Well, do you?"

"Do I what?"

"You know… get urges?"

Alan shook his head, trying to rid himself of all of these annoying flashbacks that only opened dark new corners in his mind. But so far, it wasn't working very well. So he tried to remember the less disturbing part of that conversation.

"So what if she might be a vampire? It doesn't matter; if I were you, I'd ask her out anyways!"

"Bo, will you get it into your stupid little mush of a brain that I don't like her, and that I'm not planning on asking her out!"

"Is that so? Then why were you watching her ass when she was walking away?"

"I was NOT!!!"

"Yeah dude, you totally were." There was now a big smirk on Bo's face, which was an incredibly sinister look for somebody as perverted as him.

"I wasn't! I was just watching how she moves so that I could determine if her method of movement would give her away."

"As a vampire? Seriously Edgar, if I were you, I'd just let it go."

Edgar frowned as Bo paced around him.

And I'm not stupid; you've got a spark for her," Bo continued as he paced around Edgar, "and I'm not gonna let you put it out. Not like you could anyways, because every time somebody tries to do something like that, then they screw it up majorly by causing the exact opposite effect that they want."

Edgar tensed up as Bo stopped pacing and stared right into his face with a serious expression written all over his own face.

"This is how it works; everything starts out with a teeny-weeny spark. Sure, it's small, but it's there. If you try to put it out, then the spark becomes a flicker, and if you try to put the flicker out, then it becomes a candle flame. Provoke it further, and it'll eventually become a roaring fire."

Bo was about to step out of their bedroom to go back down to the comic book store, but then he turned around to look at Edgar with an evil smirk on his face.

"It's not the only thing that grows, though, so best of luck dealing with tha-"

Edgar threw his shoe at Bo, and it hit him SMACK in the stomach, sending him halfway down the stairs. The brothers listened as Bo fell down each step and then eventually reached the foot of the stairs, landing with a loud thud.

"Hey Bo, you okay?" Alan shouted down the stairs.

"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'll walk it off…" Bo said dizzily.

Alan smiled to himself, thinking about how when they got down Bo was halfway crazy and muttering certain things cannot leave his lips without people turning to glare at him atrociously: things that were revolting, but were much funnier when Bo didn't realize what the hell he was saying.

He flipped back to the front of the book to look at the index. There were 17 more chapters, and as he glanced down quickly, there was a certain chapter that caught his attention. He frowned, and then he flipped to the chapter, even though he hadn't got that far through the book yet, and he usually read a book from the left side to the right side without skipping forward. But this chapter might prove to be a little more interesting. However, Bo barged into the room, getting Alan's attention off of the book.

"Alan? New comic book deliveries; Edgar wants you downstairs."

Alan nodded. Then Bo noticed the book in Alan's hands, and the evil smirk made another appearance on his face.

"Been looking at naked Lilith again, Alan? You naughty, naughty little boy; tisk tisk."

"No, you goof. I'm trying to read this part-"

"Well, whether or not you were, Edgar is gonna march up here and tell you to get your ass down there, cause we've got a lot of comic book sorting to do."

Alan sighed, and then closed the book. He put it on his bookcase, and then followed his cousin downstairs.

"You know, it's too bad that Vampire-Girl doesn't show up more often; Ed's quieter when she's around."

"Maybe that's a good thing."

"My point; what if I got them together? Then Edgar would never punch me or hit me or kick me down the stairs again!"

"Maybe he wouldn't, but I sure would."

"Good to know." Bo grumbled as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

The next time Alan picked up the book, which was around six days later, he had forgotten about the passage.

Hope you guys liked it! Please review!!!! And hopefully next time I won't take so damn long to update this frickin' thing!!!!