Candy Hearts

A Kaoru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka drabble series

Freaky Kiisa (She who disclaims OHSHC)

A warning for the die-hards: This is a little AU. I discount a lot of the series... think of it as the alternate ending as far as relationships go. It should start maybe after the... fourth? Almost all canon plot still implied but canon romance completely disregarded.

Inspired by the drabble-stories of TooManyPickles.


1~ Be Mine


"Haruhi, will you be mine?"

"No thanks."

Tamaki made a noise kind of like a car engine dying and was in his doom corner angsting in record time, holding his bundle of roses in a death grip.

Kaoru Hitachiin looked over at the familiar scene as inconspicuously as he could manage. Why did girls like Lord Tamaki so much anyway? He sounded like the tacky printed messages you got on those little candy hearts for Valentine's Day. Sure, they tasted good, but they were incredibly cheesy and after two boxes you were violently sick.

At least Haruhi wasn't taken by him. Was she? She always refused him anyway. But she would refuse anyone who asked without really noticing, or caring.


He snapped his head back to his twin brother beside him on the couch. "Mmn?" Crap, he had missed a cue. The girls they were entertaining giggled, finding it cute. That's why Kaoru loved these girls; they were so easy to please. That's also why he hated them, for being taken in and them having their mind changed so easily, and why he liked Haruhi more.

"Hikaru, are you spacing out or something?"

Kaoru wined internally, but decided to make the girl feel better about herself for once and mentally switch his identity for a few minutes before she forgot. "Just dreaming of things that could be," or could not.

"Ah, that's wonderful!" So easy to take in. Almost embarrassing.

Once the girls were distracted, he sighed, and he knew Hikaru noticed.

He just wondered how much his brother knew.