Okay. . . First story and I'm scared. Anyway, it's about Kyle and Kenny. You don't see this slash too often, you know. I think they're so cute together!

Disclaimer: Is is that oblivious? *sigh* I do not own South Park.

"What the fuck is that?" The tomato soup redhead kept looking up and down the yellow, surprisingly accurate statue.

"It's a statue. . . of you!" Kenny explained, hands still around Kyle's waist.

"I realize that! What the hell is it made of?!" Kyle plucked his friend's hand off and carefully studied the yellow mess. He reached over to touch it, scared something would pop out. Kyle's peridot eyes nearly popped out. "I-is that . . . is that butter?!"

"Took you long enough," Kenny laughed out. He slouched over to his creation and wrapped his arms around the surprised boy's neck

Kyle suddenly realized why Kenny was asking people for sticks of butter. "How long did it take you to make this?"

"I don't know; a few days?"


"Oh, wait, weeks. Sorry," Kenny corrected, swaying Kyle back and forth.

"How much butter did you use?"

"Maybe a couple of pounds."

Kyle thought it was strange that the statue was him. Did Kenny do it for fun? For a project? For Cartman to burn down? To show his skills? Or was it for . . . . . .


"Uh. . . Kenny?" Kyle said, a bit red in the cheeks.

"Yes, baby?

"First, " Kyle said, holding out one of his fingers, "don't call me that and second, are you in love with me?"


Kyle was taken back that Kenny wasn't taken back. He was also surprised that his best friend was in love with him. How long was Kenny in love with him? Did he have any perverted thoughts about him? Kyle's eye widen. What if he's going to do something right now?!! But what? He didn't what to know.

"Can I kiss you, Kyle?"

Kyle broke from his thoughts. "Huh?" he said, turning around.

Too late.

Kenny quickly pressed his sweet lips against Kyle's soft puckers. His eyes closed and his mouth gained control.

Kyle nearly melted. Kenny's taste was surprisingly lovely, though he smoked everyday.
He shivered went he felt Kenny tongue. He could go on forever.

But then, Kenny pulled back. A smile lined his face. "Sorry, couldn't resist. You're just so cute."

Kyle blushed a deep pink. The only people who called him cute was Bebe and his mom.

Kenny, noticing the pink blush, quickly reached up and pinched Kyle's cheeks. He let go and started to stroll away.

Kyle grabbed his orange, worn hood, pulling the choking boy back. "I have an question."


"Where's the toast?"

A/N: I think it sucks. At least the ending. It was too rushed and I know don't think it makes sense to me.

Reviews? Tips? Please? I'm begging you!