Well let's begin where I left off!! Please R+R!!! Hope you like it!! More kawaii scenes of S+S!!! Ok I will be skipping around from months and years like in the last chapter!

On An Island

By MoshiMoshiQueen



(Me Talking)

Next month

"Happy Birthday Sakura." he kissed her.

Syaoran said, "Make a wish."

~ I wish things well be this good always ~

Sakura held up Ying Fa and smiled.

~Life is so good now. Maybe landing on this island was not such a bad idea. ~

The Next Year

"Come on Ying Fa lets go to see mommy." Said (Duh Syaoran)

Syaoran picked her up and carried her to the tree house.

"Sakura come on lets go and take a walk."

Sakura came out she nodded.

"Go to Mommy Ying Fa.'

The little one-year-old little girl walked slowly to her mommy but she fell Sakura caught her.

"Well little one I guess you are not that good at walking yet."

Sakura kissed him and their daughter.

When they walking on the beach they saw a boat

Syaoran yelled "HEY OVER HERE!!!"

The captain looked threw the telescope

"Oh my, it is the missing people Kinomoto Sakura and Li Syaoran!"

"Steer the boat towards that island!!"

"Yes Sir."

"Sakura go pack a bag ok?"

She nodded and ran towards their house quickly.

She packed all that they would keep and ran back to Syaoran and Ying Fa.

"Sakura there you are come on we are going home."

Sakura looked back a their old house.

"I know Sakura I well miss it too but this is our last chance."

They said good-bye to Black who had his own family now.

He hugged her and they went aboard the ship.

"Well Ms. Kinomoto Mr. Syaoran it is good to see ya and who is this little one?"

"This is Ying Fa our daughter."

"Well hello little one." Ying Fa hid behind Syaoran.

"Ying Fa is a little shy; she has never seen other people but Sakura and I before."

"Were there any other survivors?"

Syaoran and Sakura shook their heads.

"Well at least you two are alive, we well be arriving in Japan in a few hours and both of your families well be there because today is the memory day of the two crashes."

Sakura and Syaoran did miss their old home but they were glad to go home.

Syaoran hugged Sakura.

"Ying Fa come here you little girl."

Ying Fa had taken the captain's hat; she had never seen one before.

"Don't worry let her have it tell we arrive to Japan."

Sakura hugged Syaoran tightly as they watched the island there home for a long time disappear as they sailed back to there real home.

Hours later

"Well it was nice seeing you both."

"Take the taxi to the Memory Area it well get to you your families."

Sakura, Syaoran and Ying Fa went into the taxi and told the driver where to go.

We arrived!!

The Taxi stopped at a huge park the one Sakura had seen when she was little.

Sakura held onto Syaoran's hand. They looked at each other and Ying Fa then stood behind Syaoran.

They walked a little while and then a crowd of people turned around

"Sakura!" Yelled Tomoyo

Tomoyo hugged Sakura.

"You are alive I thought you were gone forever." Cried Tomoyo.

"Syaoran!" Yelled Yelan

"Mother! It is so good to see you!"

Everyone went up to them.

"Sakura what is wrong how come you are not saying any thing." asked Tomoyo.

"Sakura can't talk she lost her voice in the crash." Said Syaoran.

Sakura held onto Syaoran's hand.

Ying Fa tugged Syaoran's clothes Syaoran then picked Ying Fa up.

"Who is this?" asked one of his sisters

"This is Ying Fa our daughter."

Everyone got quiet "Are you two are married?" Asked Rika

"Well not really there is not place to get married on an island." Said Syaoran.

Sakura held his hand. Syaoran looked at her and said, "Right, but we well get married."

Sakura smiled and looked at her dad and went and hugged him tightly.

"It is so good to see you Sakura," he said.

Sakura looked at Syaoran again.

"Sakura thinks we should sit down and talk."

"Crystal come here!" Said Tomoyo.

"But mommy I want to see Ying Fa."

Sakura looked at Eriol and then at Tomoyo she smiled and hugged Eriol and then Tomoyo.

She looked at Syaoran again.

"Yeah everything has changed Sakura." he held her hand and kissed her.

"It is good to be home again." Sakura nodded.

Syaoran told them the story and about everything. Least to say Touya was not too happy about his sister having a child are ready.

Everyone told them about their lives and what they did and how they knew they were alive.

Sakura hugged all of the other people's families who loved one never made it. Syaoran did the same. All this time they were waiting for their loved ones to come back and now they know they never well.

Sakura found out that while she was gone doctors had found out a way to get people voices back but Sakura did not want that yet because she had a bond with Syaoran because of her lose of voice. Later in Sakura and Syaoran's life together they went back to that island and it was better than ever. They later had two more children one boy and one girl they were twins. They died together at the old age of 99.

The Grave Said,

To Young Children who met on an island become bonded till the end of their life. May we remember them always.

Sakura and Syaoran Li

September 11, 2001

(In remembrance of September 11 attacks.)

The End

Well that is it!!!! How did you like it?? I hope you liked it; I could not really find a better ending!!! Well I think it was a great ending!!!! It was a good S+S!!! I own Ying Fa I made her up!!! Please R+R!!!!

I do take flames but please be nice about it!!! Oh I added a little E+T at the end if you did not know Crystal was Eriol and Tomoyo's daughter. Sorry short fic but I made it longer than before!!!

Peace Out,
