Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns the Twilight series and all Characters related to it.

A/N This is my first fanfic so I don't know how often I'm going to be updating but if I don't update for a while I will try to make the next chapter a longer one. Also I know this is a short Chapter so sorry.

I was moving to forks to live with my dad. After someone bit me one day while i was walking in the forest, I was out of it for almost three days. Three days of agony. like a fire burning me from the inside out. Me being gone so long my mom nearly filed a police report she got so worried. Although my mom did get scared and said I had red eyes. I lied and told her I got contacts, the next day I went out to buy contacts to match my old eye color.

I didn't know what happened untill I ran into someone who knew what it was. His name was Alex and he explained we were Vampires and we didnt have to drink from humans. He showed me how to hunt animals. He explained everything from how we don't sleep to how we don't burn in the sun. After awhile I diecided liing in pheeonix was too hard and having Charlie living in forks (a rainy town were there was barly ever any sun) it would be easiest.

Apparently Charlie bought me a car and enrolled me into Forks High. I didn't have to wear contacts anymore because my eyes turned from red to a golden color that didn't look so weird. The morning came and I quickly got eady for school and left. I got to school and got my schedule from the secretary and a slip I had to get my teachers to sign and bring back to her. The morning went by in a blur and all te classes were the same. I went to class, was assigned a seat, sat down, ignored the scent of the human next to me, doodle in my notebook, go to my next class. Everyting was really tepeatitive, that is untill lunchtime came around and I got to the cafeteria.

I couldn't eat so I couldn't sit with anyone. They would noticed I wasn't eating eventually. I bought a little bit for lunch so it didn't look odd. I looked around and found an empty table off to the side away from evveryone else. It was all okay untill a short pixie looking girl came up to me. "Would you like to sit with us?" she asked. She looked so sweet no one could say no to her. I accepted and followed her to a table with tree guys and two girls including the litle pixie.

One of the guys was very big with short dark curly hair. To humans he probably looked scary. Another one was tall and had blonde hair. The last one had copper hair and was shrter than the others but still was taller than me. The other girl had long blonde hair and was very beautiful. "This is Emmett, my brother," the pixie girl pointed to the big guy. he smiled very wide "Hi!" he responded to his name. "Jasper, my boyfriend," the girl signalled to the tall one "Hello," he said. She signalled to the really cute copper haired boy "and this is Edward, my other brother,"

"Hey," he said and gave a crooed grin. You couldn't help but smile in return. "This is Rosalie, Jaspers twin, and Emmetts girlfriend," She pointed to the beautiful girl "Hi," she didn't smile though "and I'm Alice," she ended

"Hi," I responded to all of them. Alice sat down next to Jasper and the only spare seat was next to Edward. i sat down and relized they would notice I wasn't eating. Alicestarted to stare into space with a blank look on her face. She almost fell out of her seat when Jasper cought her. Everyone at the table noticed her but they just looked at her waiting for something. "She gets visions of the future, not exactly, it can change with a decision but usually there pretty close if not right," Edward whispered in my ear. Visions of the future? Crud! This was going to be harder than I thought.