Ladies and Jellyspoons! I present to you the final chapter of this arc! I include several other hinted pairs in this, and guess what? WE MEET KISAME'S GF! :D:D Anyway, there probably will be fillers at some point, but I need ideas for the next arc. There will be specs for ideas at the bottom of the page!

I am rather upset at this being the final of the arc :( This is one of my favs.

Peace out!


Two months passed. Two months that Deidara was forced through the hell of living without Itachi. Not that he wasn't pleased to be back at home, and know he was safe from his father; no he was ecstatic about that. But he was still separated from the one he loved. Good news though, he had his friends back. They had gone back to their old haunts, meaning they were almost always sat on the high wall that encircled the motorway. "I don't know." TenTen shrugged. "I think all girls would jump at the chance for an older guy."

"Speak for yourself." Temari laughed, kicking her boyfriend in the back of the head.

"Ow! What the hell woman?!" Shikamaru yelped.

"Besides, un." Deidara laughed. "You're only saying that cause you're sleeping with that35 year old bloke…" Deidara trailed off, making a few quick calculations. If he was right then…could he be right? If he was right TenTen would have been 17 when she first got together with her boyfriend. It was when a car pulled up into the hardshoulder at the edge of the motorway that his calculations were proved right. He recognised that car. TenTen let out a little squeak, jumping down off the wall as Kisame stepped out of the car.

Kisame grinned, seeing the brunette tear down the small grassy hill towards him. He had guessed she would be there when she didn't answer her home phone. He opened his arms, letting the young woman crash into him and nearly send him flying. "Hello darling." He smirked, letting himself be pulled down into a kiss. "How are you?"

"I'm good." She grinned, hugging him.

"You probably shouldn't sit up there you know." He pointed out, glancing up at the wall. Her snort of mirth faded to nothing when he spotted the blonde gaping at him.

"We always sit up there."

"It's dangerous." He intoned automatically, his usual lecture about sitting up there seeming very old now. His eyes never left Deidara as TenTen began dragging him by the hand back to the wall.

"Come meet everyone. They'll love you!"

"I'm sure." Kisame muttered. The group sat atop the wall all began dropping down as TenTen had. Kisame smirked. If Itachi knew Deidara was doing something so dangerous he would be absolutely furious.

"Guys, this is Kisame, my boyfriend."

"Oh really." Kisame looked to the source of the growl. A short redhead was glaring up at him, as were most of the other males in the group.

"Really." Kisame confirmed. There was a small thud, making him look to the side.

"Dei!" TenTen scrambled over to the fallen blonde, seeming to check his pulse.

"What's wrong with him?" Kisame asked, trying to hide the concern in his voice.

"He does this sometimes." TenTen sighed, moving the blonde. "Random things set him off and he collapses."

"Why?" Kisame pressed. "And shouldn't we get him to a hospital or something?"

"Nah." A brunette boy shrugged kneeling and helping TenTen lean Deidara against the wall. "We used to, but he just wakes up after about ten minutes and laughs it off."

"I see." Kisame frowned. TenTen stood, walking back to his arms.

"So why'd you come find me?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted some lunch." He did a quick head count. "There's enough room in the car for your little friends."

"Yeah!" A blonde girl grinned. "We're coming! Kankuro, grab Dei, he'll wake up on the way." Kisame couldn't help but laugh as the group skidded down the small hill to the car.


Itachi looked down at his phone, seeing he had a voicemail message from Kisame. He shrugged at Hidan and put the phone to his ear. The recorded message began playing. "Itachi, I don't have much time to talk, but I found Dei. Me, TenTen and her friends, including Dei, have all gone out for food. You need to get here. Dei wants to see you. But be careful, you two can't let anyone know what happened. We're at burger king, in the town centre." The line went dead. Itachi looked round at Hidan and Kakuzu.

"Who's hungry?"


Deidara bit into the burger, watching Kisame and TenTen. She was busily trying to force feed the man onion rings, which he was happily refusing. "Just one!" She whined. "Just have one bite!"

"I hate onions." Kisame assured her, turning his head away.

"But these ones taste nice!" TenTen grumbled.

"I don't care. I hate them."

"Oi fish fuck!" Deidara jumped at the familiar voice, dropping the burger. Hidan leant on Kisame with a grin. "Fish fucks fuck buddy." He greeted TenTen, making her laugh.

"You must be Hidan."

"One and fucking only darling." Hidan grinned, only to yelp when he was pulled back by Kakuzu.

"Enough harassing Kisame, I'm fairly sure he doesn't want to talk to you." Kakuzu sighed. Deidara couldn't help but grin. If those two were there that meant…he looked around, spotting the person he wanted to see more than anything. Itachi made his way over smiling slightly.

"So who are the rest of these fuckers?" Hidan asked, wriggling free of Kakuzus grip.

"These are friends of TenTens." Kisame sighed. "Temari, Shikamaru, Gaara, Kankuro, Kiba, Neji and Deidara."

"Well, we have to go, but I certainly hope to see you all again." Itachi smirked, focusing his eyes on Deidara. Deidara got the hint. He still had Itachi's mobile number memorised. That was the sign to call him. Deidara watched the three he had missed oh so much leave. Oh hell was he going to call.

Okay loves, I have a few rules about ideas for you:

1) You can't just request loads of different sex scenes. THERE MUST BE A PLOT!

2) Artistic liscence must be given. Your ideas are always great, but i have an awkward writing style, I'll need to change it to fit.

3) It needs potential to have the voting system implemented.

4) I need to like it :)

Good luck, and I hope they're good ones!