Toko Week – Protection

Why is he doing this?
Is he stupid?

Is there something wrong with him?

Is he a masochist?

Why is he doing this to himself?

Why is he doing this to me?

Why is he moving in front of me—moving to protect me from the blade?

Why is he willing to die?

Why is he dying?

Why is my chest wet with blood—his blood?

Why does hearing him fall make me fall as well?

Why are tears running down my face?

Why does it feel like the sword stabbed me—in the heart—when I know it stabbed him?

Why is his heartbeat so erratic?

Why are his breaths quick and shallow?


Why did I take his hand?

Why is it shaking so hard?

"Because… I…" his voice breaks, and he sucks in a shallow gasp. "L-love you… Toph."

Why does his words make my tears come down harder?

"I… I love you, too, Zuko."

So why are you leaving me, Zuko?

Who's going to protect me now?

Why did you think the pain from that sword would be worse than the pain I'm feeling now, as your heartbeat slows?

Why are your breaths so quiet?

Why are your hands so cold?

Why are you leaving me?

I love you.

Why aren't you taking me, too?