Momo: Last chapter my readers! I love you all dearly *glomps you all* Just keep in mind the sequel will be out VERY soon because I can't even leave myself hanging like that in my own story. Without further ado, I present the last chapter of Dark Hikari

My eyes cracked open again and I was in the arms of Hanabusa. "Hanabsa?" I asked softly. "You're awake! Good, we're almost at the academy!" he chirped. I smiled. "How are Takuma and Zero?" I asked. "They're still unconscious." he answered. I shifted my head and saw Kaname carrying Takuma and Kain carrying Zero. I sighed in relief, glad that they were okay. But now wasn't the time to be happy. Rido and Haku were after Takuma and I. If we were going to survive this, Kaname needed to know and we needed to be ready for anything.

"Hanabusa, I need to talk to Kaname." I stated. He looked down at my and frowned. "It's okay. Rido and Haku weren't anywhere to be found." he assured. "That's not the point. They're after Takuma and I." I argued. His eyes widened slightly. Obviously he had not expected for both of them to be after the both of us. Stereotypically, they'd both be after me since I kind of fuckered up their plans last time. I killed Haku and if I wasn't Rido's daughter, he probably would have died anyway, but it gives him some kind of a strange motive.

After a while, we had returned to the academy and Takuma and I were confined to our dorm while Zero was confined to his. I couldn't sleep though, I was too busy worrying about what we were going to do. Those two wouldn't hesitate to come here and terrorize the school. Takuma and I would feel horrible if anyone gt hurt because of us. I'm already a little pissed off about Zero getting hurt in the fight earlier.

There was a knock at the door that interrupted my thoughts. "Can we come in?" Shiki's voice asked through the door. "Yeah, go ahead." I answered. Kaname and Shiki strode in and walked up to me. "So what happened?" Shiki asked. "We were chasing one more level E and we killed it. Two seconds later, we're pinned to trees and Rido and Haku show up saying they both need a body." I started. Shiki's eyes widened, remembering when our horrible excuse for a father took over his body and did so many terrifying things while using him.

"I managed to get them both away from us and we started to sprint back to the academy, knowing we couldn't take them on my ourselves. Next thing we know, we run into Zero, who said he smelled my blood. Haku and Rido started catching up to us, so we ran until they cut us off in both directions, forcing us to fight. We were fine at first until Rido freaking knocked me through several trees and farther into the woods. I have no idea what happened afterwards, but I limped back and saw that Haku and Rido had them both by their throats. I forced them so far back into the woods the grizzly bears didn't have time to say hi to them. Then I passed out."

"Those two are a pain." Kaname sighed. "Really? I thought they were rather pleasant." I grumbled sarcastically. "Now's not the time to be a smart ass Hikari." Shiki scolded. I sighed and mumbled my apologies. I wasn't in a very cheery mood at the moment. If anyone asked why they were the biggest idiots in the world. "Let us know when Ichijou wakes up." Kaname ordered. "How come?" I asked, a bit confused. "We need to make sure nothing happened to him, we'll be doing the same to Zero." he explained. I nodded in understanding and watched them walk out of the room.

"Damn it." I whispered to myself. I was aggrivated with the situation. Last time I checked, when you died you STAYED DEAD. I looked over at Takuma, who was still unconscious. I sighed and kissed his forehead. "We're really in over ou heads this time, aren't we?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't answer. I groaned in annoyance and grabbed my night clothes, deciding to jump in the shower.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the warm water, my mind still in turmoil from trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do this time. I stepped in the water and sighed, feeling the water loosen up my back muscles. Leaning my head against the wall, I closed my eyes, still thinking. "Damn, what can we do? One was bad enough, but now there's two." I mumbled out loud to myself.

I sighed and backed up, colliding into a hard chest. I saw arms wrap around me above my chest, seeing as he had a good seven inches on me. The guy is freaking tall! "Hey Takuma. I'm glad you're okay." I said softly, rubbing his arms. I got no answer, maybe he was as worried as I was. Before I could ask if he as alright, I was turned around an roughly slammed into the wall. "Thirsty?" I asked in concern. I heard him chuckle. "Maybe..." he cooed. "Takuma?" I asked, starting to get scared.

I looked up, expecting to see warm, beautiful green eyes. Instead, I saw two brownish-crimson eyes. I opened my mouth up to scream but was immediately silenced by "Takuma's" hand. "Shh, it's okay." he whispered. Tears poured out of my eyes and mixed with the water pouring down my face. Haku and Rido DID take over their bodies! "Sorry Hikari, you showed up a little late." he fake apologized. I struggled to get out of his grip. I didn't care if he was in Takuma's body, I wasn't letting this freak be alone with me, much less naked in the shower!

He pressed up against me, terrifying me even more. "If I remove my hand, I don't want to hear you scream. I already know what you're thinking about, and I just might consider it." he said menacingly. I stopped moving and nodded my head slowly, hating to go with his terms. He took his hand off of my mouth. "You son of a bitch." I growled. "Now where are your manners?" he asked mockingly. "Now that you're in my fiance's body, they flew out of the window." I answered coldly. "I told you we needed a body." he reminded me. "Kaname will find out soon." I said.

"You can go ahead and tell him. And tell him if he tries to do anything about it, Takuma and Zero will die and horrible things will happen to you. I contemplated on weather I should ask what would happen to me, but I was too scared to find out. "You know, Ichijou-kun's a naughty boy. His memories are full of what happened that night." he mused teasingly. My face flushed red out of anger and embarassment. "Shut up you bastard! Stay out of his private thoughts!" I yelled. He smirked in amusement. "You know the cute thing is, he wants a daughter." he stated.

The tears started pouring out of my eyes like waterfalls now. I didn't need to know Takuma's inner thoughts, they only made me miss him more. "Fine, I'll stop." he sighed. "I'm going to go tell Kaname." I growled as I walked towards the door to the shower. "Go ahead, but..." he started as he pulled me to him once again. "I'm not afraid to do traumatizing things to you if anything is to happen." he mumbled as he kissed my neck. I hissed and backed up. "You fucking freak." I said coldly. He smirked and waved at me as he closed the door and stayed in the shower.

I ran into the room, threw on a bath robe, not even caring t get dressed, and dashed to Kaname's room. When I got there, I burst through the doors and saw him sitting on his couch. "What's wrong?" he asked in worry as he saw the tears streaming down my face. "H-Haku took over Takuma's body." I answered, my body shaking as I tried as hard as I could not to start sobbing. Kaname's eyes flashed red. "What did he do to you?" he asked darkly. "He pinned me while I was in the shower. He then explained everything and he said if you try to do anything, Zero and Takuma will die and he'll do something horrible to me." I explained. "I see you've already figured it out." a voice rang from the door.

Kaname and I turned to see Zero. One eye was red and one was blue, meaning it was Rido. I hid behind Kaname, who stood up and glared at the bastard embodying Zero. "You will pay for this." Kaname promised coldly. "Do what you wish, but don't make my daughter switch dorms, after all, she'd be sad without her fiancee." he stated maniacally. Kaname growled and hugged me close to him. "Unless you want your best friend dead and your niece suffering." he reminded Kaname.

Kaname sighed in defeat. "The moment you both get back into your bodies, we will kill you." he said. Rido chuckled. "As you say, my nephew." Rido mocked. "By the way, send my son and someone else to go get our bodies out of the woods." he demanded. "Hell no!" a voice shouted from behind Rido. He turned around and Shiki, Rima, Aido, and Kain were standing there with angry looks on their faces. "Ah you see, you all will listen to me, or you'll never see Ichijou or Hikari again." he ordered. Their faces softened into sad looks, except for Hanabusa and Shiki, who were both pissed off.

"If you or Haku do anything ro either one of them-" "I wouldn't be arguing with me right now Hanabusa Aido." Rido interrupted. "Senri, Aido, why don't you both go get our bodies please?" he asked, pretending to be polite. They both growled at him, but seeing as they had no choice, they walked towards the exit of the moon dorms. "Listen here. If Haku violates my sister, I will kill him, even if he's in Ichijou's body." Shiki threatened as he walked away.

"Such a good brother he is." Rido teased as he looked at me. I merely kept my place behind Kaname. "Return to your dorm daughter, it's late." Rido ordered. I looked at Kaname with a scared expression on my face. I was more terrified of Haku than I was Rido, and that's saying a LOT. "I'm taking her to her dorm, and I don't care how mad he gets." Kaname stated as he walked with me. "Remember, no secret dorm switches." Rido reminded us. "Then stay away from Yuuki." I growled, remembering my dream when he bit her. "Very well, I believe that's fair." he answered. He was lying, I could tell.

Kaname and I walked to my dorm and opened the door to see Haku in Takuma's body, sitting on the bed with a smirk on his face. I shuttered, the smirk was something Takuma never did, and it scared me senseless. Kaname walked into the room with me and stopped in front of Haku. "Go in the bathroom and get dressed while I have a discussion with him." Kaname said. I nodded obediently and grabbed my clothes, and ran into the bathroom. I could hear every word being said in there as I got dressed.

"You're a cowardly bastard for picking Ichijou's body, especially when it's Hikari this is about." Kaname stated coldly. "You see Kaname-kun, that won't do. After all, it was a good strategic move and all. The best part is seeing the look of fear on that pretty little face, it drives me crazy." Haku teased. I heard a slam. Kaname most likely threw Haku into the wall. "The only reason I'm not killing you right now is because Ichijou is my best friend and Hikari would be beyond miserable." Kaname reminded Haku threateningly.

"That's comforting." Haku stated evilly. I could tell Kaname was trying not to kill him. I walked out of the bathroom with a blank look on my face. "You better not do anything seeing as I have to choice but to let you share the same bed as her." Kaname growled. "I won't do anything if she doesn't" Haku said defensively. "I might as well sleep on the floor." I grumbled. "Are you sure? After all...." he trailed off as he bent his head down. When he looked up, I saw Takuma's bright green eyes again. "I love you Hikari." he said with his big, sweet smile.

It lasted only for a moment as Haku took control again and smirked at me. I lay on the bed and curled into a ball with more tears silently streaming out of my eyes. Kaname glared at Haku and walked out of the room. I heard him lightly speak to someone after he slammed the door.

Kaname's POV

I barely got t of the room without killing Haku. If he weren't in Ichijou's body.... "Kaname-sama, what is it?" a monotonous voice asked me. I turned and saw Seiren, just the person I needed to see. "Seiren, I need you to guard this room, and if you hear anything bad in there, save Hikari, don't kill Ichijou." I ordered. "Yes Kaname-sama." she answered obediently as she stood in front of their door. I sighed in anger as I walked down the hall, at least she'd be somewhat safe.

Hikari's POV

Haku smiled and lay down next to me. "Hello there, love." he cooed, pretending to act like Takuma. "Leave me alone." I sobbed. He smiled softly, but I could see the evil behind the smile. The truth beneath the rose, whatever the hell you wanted to call it. "Okay, see you in the morning." he whispered as he kissed my cheek and pulled me to his chest. He fell asleep shortly after that. I didn't get a blink of sleep, instead I lay there and cried the while night, only two words escaping my lips the entire time.

"Zero..... Takuma."

Momo: DON'T KILL ME!!! I love you guys and the sequel will be up asap!