
Eventually, Luna and I parted. She went off to tend to the wounded while I prepared for battle.

When I was ready, I squared my shoulders and turned the corner. I stopped short and my mouth dropped all the way to the floor. I think my eyes stood out a foot from my face.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were standing in the corridor. Hermione and Ron were kissing passionately. Harry looked like how I felt. Slowly, I backed around the corner again.

I heard shouts in the distance. I ran towards the sound as fast as I could. I passed Dean and Parvati on my way. Both of them were running towards the sound as well, but I was running faster. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Seamus and Lavender, kissing again. Tonight was a night for kissing. I remembered the kiss Luna and I had exchanged and blushed. I'm glad no one else was there.

Eventually, I arrived at the fight scene. Death Eaters were everywhere. The attack had already begun. I spun on my heel and ran to warn the others.


I tugged on Harry's hand, steering him in the right direction. I had never been under an Invisibility Cloak before.

Eventually we arrived at the Ravenclaw Common Room. I gave the password and we entered.

Harry was revealed by Amycus. I froze. Professor McGonagall came in. Alecto joined us. The scene was turning ugly. I sat on Ravenclaw's plinth so I wouldn't faint. Eventually the problem was solved as Alecto came crashing down on her big fat bottom and she fell over. Harry and I slipped out.


Hours later, I found myself at the front of a huge crowd outside. I could hear Hagrid's sobs from half a mile off. He emerged, holding Harry's limp body in his arms.

There was a sharp intake of breath. Harry was dead. Dead. No. It wasn't possible. I felt myself go white. Moments later, Voldemort himself was standing in front of me.

Fear swept through my veins like ice. Then it gave way to anger; hot anger that filled my ears with a roar and made my vision red. Hardly knowing what I was doing, I launched myself at Voldemort.

He repelled me as if I were a fly. His spell hit me in the chest and I screamed as pain I had felt only once before took me over. Bellatrix's face swam before my eyes. The pain intensified tenfold and I screamed louder. Then suddenly it was over and I lay whimpering on the ground.


Seeing Harry dead was a nightmare come to life. I blinked back tears. I had not cried in a long time. As the tears welled up, I could feel my contact lens in my eye, threatening to fall out. I blinked my tears away.

I heard a scream. I stiffened. It was Neville's scream. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd but by the time I got there, Voldemort's Cruciatus spell had lifted and Neville was just whimpering. He was going to be okay. I sighed a sigh of relief.

I looked back to where Hagrid had put Harry (I refused to think of him as a corpse.) Harry was gone. But there was no time to wonder. I rushed inside the castle.

Ginny and Hermione were fighting Bellatrix Lestrange. I joined them quickly. Together we fought, shooting every spell we could think of at her. I heard a shout behind me and turned to see Molly Weasley running towards us, shouting angrily. I pulled Hermione and Ginny to the side so we wouldn't get run over. We watched in amazement as Mrs. Weasley fought and killed Bellatrix. I looked at Ginny. Her mouth had dropped wide open.


Very suddenly, I remembered something Harry had told me while he was…alive. I was to kill the snake. I picked up Godric Gryffindor's sword, which was for some reason in the castle. I grasped it in one hand and spotted Nagini. She was slithering towards Padma Patil,. I ran towards her. She stopped and hissed at me, rearing up to give me a fatal bite. I ripped the sword through the air as hard as I could. Nagini's body fell limp and her heads flew over the crowd. I was covered in blood. I turned and promptly vomited all over Professor Flitwick.

I turned around all of a sudden. I don't know why. All I saw was Voldemort fighting Harry. Wait a minute. Harry. He was alive. I smiled at that fact and then my smile faded. I realized he might not be still alive for very long. But I needn't have worried. Voldemort was hit with a jet of green light. He keeled over backwards. We had won.


I saw Lord Voldemort fall. I sat down, overwhelmed. I couldn't believe it.

There was a feast that night. I ate until I was stuffed full. I got up from the bench. A few people along the table, I saw Neville do the same I caught his eye and smiled. We left the Great hall together.

We sat underneath a willow tree and watched the moon sparkle on the lake. Neville took my hand.

"We won," he said.

I smiled. "We won."

He kissed me. I gasped. He pulled me as close to him as we could get. I pressed my lips to his. We remained like that for a long time, kissing.

Just kissing.

All was well.

The End