Clouds will rage in
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash around
But you will be safe in my arms

Brooke smiles into the phone, and informs the woman on the other end, "I'm currently fostering a teenager, and its going great." Sam walks out of her room, quietly and listens to Brooke's end of the conversation. "Oh, no. I-I didn't know that this would complicate things."

Sam hangs her head and walks back into her room. She sits on the bed and looks around. This is the closest thing to a home and normal life that she's ever had. She knows that Brooke wants a baby, and she's the one standing in the way of that.

So she gets up and walks over to her closet and begins to shove clothes into her back pack, trying to hold back the tears. There is a knock on the door, followed by a voice saying, "Sam, can I come in?"

She quickly composes herself and looks to the window, Brooke had Owen bolt the damn thing closed, it was her escape hatch. Sam tosses the back pack in the closet and sits on her bed, grabbing a book to look like she had been reading.

"Yeah, come in," she answers, opening the book to a random page.

The door opens to reveal Brooke. A woman that is only a few years older than herself, but the woman she has come to think of as her Mom. She's afraid that everything is going to change again. She's scared to hear what Brooke has to say.

Without looking up from the book that she's not reading, Sam asks, "What's up?"

Brooke sits on the bed, and takes the book from her foster daughter and places it back on the nightstand. She turns her body to look at Sam. "It's just you and me, kid. The agency wanted me to chose between adopting a baby and keeping you. They told me that I couldn't have both you and the baby."

Sam nods, blinking back tears. "So, when do I leave?"

Brooke shakes her head, "I really wish you would quit asking me that question. You are not going anywhere. I chose you, Sam. I want you to stay. I told you earlier tonight that this house is now your house too."

"But you want a baby," Sam says, knowing that it's true. She's heard from Haley and Peyton even from Jamie about Brooke and Angie.

Brooke nods, "Yes, I do want a baby. I still have enough time to have a baby, Sam. I'm twenty-three years old and I can still have my own baby. But that baby will never be you."

"Why are not giving up on me, Brooke?"

Brooke smiles, the answer to that is simple. "I love you, Sam. Over the last month, you have become my daughter. I know that I'm not your birth mom, but I like to think that maybe you're still here and abiding by my rules, because somewhere deep inside your shattered heart and thick head you love me too; and you love the fact that you have someone who cares about you."

Sam is listening to Brooke, absorbing all of what she just said. She finally lets her tears escape her eyes, and feels herself being pulled into Brooke's arms. She wraps her arms around Brooke and cries on her shoulder. Brooke rubs her back, and smoothes out her hair.

"Shh, it's ok, Sam," Brooke consoles her, beginning to cry herself.

Sam holds her tighter, and for the first time in her life isn't afraid to say, "I love you, Mom."

And Brooke smiles.

"I love you too, honey."

Castles they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
Cause you are never all alone
Cause I will always
Always love you