Authors Note: I know that this is short, but it's an update at least….its more like a filler chapter. Please throw some ideas you may have my way for what you'd all like to see. Also, thanks to my bestest friend in the world, Kristi, she helped out with some of Haley's lines (I'm trying to get her into OTH, and so far she is on the Naley and Brulian bandwagon :] Help convince her people, come one lol)

Song: Underneath This Smile by Hilary Duff

Disclaimer: Not mine!

He shows himself to the door and as she bends down to blow out the candles he is back at her side, "This has to be business right? I mean with Peyton and everything-I kiss you and then it gets—we just can't jump in."

"This should be business," she says, getting lost in his eyes. She steps closer to him, and shakes her head, ignoring everything that he just said, "Please jump."

He closes the distance between them and kisses her, never once regretting every brush of their lips.

Somehow they've moved from standing, to sitting. Julian on the couch and Brooke straddling his lap, they are kissing each other hungrily, both wanting to continue, but Brooke's reasonable side speaks up, and she breaks their kiss.

"This is wrong," she whispers, but gazes into his eyes, "But why does it feel so, so right?"

Julian just grins, "Because it is, Brooke."

Nodding she leans in and kisses him once more before pulling away again, causing him to chuckle softly. "What am I going to tell Peyton? I can't be on the couch kissing you."

Grinning again, "Technically, Brooke, I'm on the couch kissing you."

"This isn't funny," she says with a slight smile and he raises his eyebrows, "Okay, it's a little funny," he grins once more in victory and she shakes her head, bringing up a hand to playfully push at his face, loving the feel of stubble on her hand. "Your grin should be illegal."

He leans in and kisses her sweetly, sliding a hand up under her shirt to caress her skin. "This is bad," she whispers her eyes sparkling with passion and a hint of naughtiness, "but it's good."


The next morning, Brooke heads over to Haley's house to pick up Sam, and for some much needed 'Haley James-Scott' advice. She has already fallen for Julian, that much she's sure of. Is it love? It's too soon; she doesn't even know what they are. Are they dating, are they just a fling, are they friends with benefits? She really needs Haley's ear; and brain.

Getting out of the car she walks up to the door, and lets herself in, "Hello?"

Hearing the sound of the TV on in the family room, she is certain that Jamie and Sam are playing on the WII. Haley comes around the corner from the kitchen with a smile on her face, "Hey, Tigger. I was making breakfast for us, you want to join?"

Brooke nods, "Count me in, Hales. I miss your cooking."

Laughing at Brooke's comment, Haley motions with her head for Brooke to follow her into the kitchen, "So how was your 'meeting' last night?"

Brooke glances into the family room where her sixteen year old is, then back at Haley. "I really, really don't want an 'I told you so', right now, Haley, okay?"

The grin of victory is spread over Haley's face, "I promise I won't say it, but I knew that it was something more. How was it?"

Thinking back on the night before, Brooke smiles, "It was amazing, Haley. I just-I can't shake the feeling that I'm betraying Peyton somehow."

"What? Brooke that's crazy," Haley says.

"Is it?" Brooke asks, "they dated, Haley, it should feel wrong. But last night, it didn't."

"Brooke, you're not betraying Peyton, okay? You're not sleeping with Lucas when she is with him," Haley points out, then instantly regrets it after seeing the look of sadness wash over Brooke's face. "Honey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to open that can of worms again. But I think you need to just go for it. You and Julian work together."

"You really think so Haley?" Brooke looks up at her, hope reflecting in her conflicted eyes.

"Brooke have you seen that man? He is gorgeous! I'll smack you if you don't," Haley teases, "Come on, Brooke, what's the worst that can happen?"

Looking up at Haley, Brooke blinks, "I could fall in love with him, Hales."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"I've been burned before, you've seen what I've gone through, and I can't-"

"Julian is not Lucas, Chase, or Owen. He cares for you sweetie. Last night must have meant something to him," Haley says raising an eyebrow suggestively towards Brooke, "but don't you think it's a little too soon to judge how it will go? I mean, one make-out session isn't enough to judge him on."

"I know he isn't them," Brooke says, giving Haley a wink she continues, "and besides, you can tell a lot about a make out session, Hales."

"Ewww," Haley says closing her eyes at Brooke's comment. Raising her hands, "just eww, I don't need to know the details of your 'business meeting' sweetie,"

"You brought it up, Tutor-Mom," Brooke points out, "besides, you're right. I should give this a chance, but if I fall for him, and he leaves, you will be the one I come to when I fall apart."

"Deal. Just don't be making any Julian babies, understand?" Haley teases her, "Not that I wouldn't be excited for you if it happened. God, those would be gorgeous babies."

"Calm down, Haley, this was only the first date," Brooke says with a chuckle, "Besides I still have my own issues to sort out."

What I'm standing on is sinking in
And I don't have a clue how to get off of it
But when I look at you there is hope
It's like you see the sadness in my eyes
You read the blue between the lines
You could be the one to hold me when I wanna cry


"Did you and Julian have a good meeting?" Sam asks as they walk into the house.

"Yeah, we did," Brooke answers, she knew this was going to come up; Sam had really been hoping that she and Julian would get together. "He really liked the designs, and survived my cooking."

Sam has to choke back a laugh, "Um, did you make him a sandwich?"

"Ha, ha, Jim Carrey, no. We had pasta."

"Ah, gotcha," Sam nods, "Sooo….did anything else happen?"

Brooke rolls her eyes, "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Haley. No 'I told you so'. We kissed."

Sam smiles from ear to ear; jumping up from her chair she hugs Brooke, "I'm so happy for you! I know you guys will be great together."

"Honey, it was one night, don't go picking out the wedding colors just yet," Brooke jokes.

"I know," Sam says with a shrug, "but I want you to be happy. You deserve it."

Brooke smiles, "I love you, kid, you know that?"

"I know, I love you too, Mom."