Title: The Enemy
Author: Meushell
Disclaimer: Stargate owns what they own, (even if they are trigger happy with the Tok'ra) and I own what I own.
Summary: Stargate Command and the Tok'ra find an unexpected enemy when Sam is captured.
Rating: PG-13
Parings: Sam/Martouf/Lantash, Malek/Aldwin, Aldwin/Other (mentioned), Selmak/Other (mentioned) Anise/Other
Sequel to: The Question, which basically means Sam is married to Martouf and Lantash.
Beta Reader: Rochelle

Part 1, Friendship

--3 years ago--

"What do you think?" Selmak asked as she watched a Tok'ra named Relek look over the results from a scan.

"The soil is good." Relek answered. "Tunneling here won't be a problem."

"It's also in good territory," Aldwin added. "I see no reason as to why we cannot use this as a future base."

I knew it would be good, Jacob thought.

You merely had a hunch that happened to be correct. Selmak grinned. "Jacob likes the surface."

"Of course he does," Relek replied. "It has a nice surface, but we don't pick out bases due to nice surfaces."

Did he just insult me? Jacob asked.

I will handle it. "And what does Tur think of the surface?" Selmak asked, referring to Relek's host.

Relek blushed slightly. "He likes it."

"It is a beautiful surface, but Jacob likes this planet for more than that. Please, don't be so quick to judge his reasoning."

Aldwin glanced between them, sensing another argument coming. "Should I leave?"

"There is no need," Selmak replied. She turned away.

It was silent for a moment, but Relek spoke. "I apologize. I should..." He glanced down. "I still miss Saroosh...and us...and you being female."

Selmak still hurt whenever her last host was mentioned, and on the same time, she felt bad about it due to Jacob.

Don't worry, Jacob thought. I miss her, and I hardly knew her. Though he knew those feelings came from Selmak. Just talk to him.

I don't have to talk to him about this.

Hey, you made me talk to Mark, so I'm making you talk to him.

Selmak sighed and turned back to Relek. "I miss us too." Relationships had a chance of lasting beyond a host's death, but unless the surviving host happened to be bisexual, the relationship was doomed if the new host was of a different sex than the deceased one. "I hope we can finally take the steps towards friendship."

"I would like that." Relek bowed his head and gave Tur control. "So would I." They knew they had stubbornly avoided Selmak for too long.

Aldwin grinned, though he felt he was invading a personal conversation. He went to the machine Relek had been looking at to see how long the scan would take. It began beeping soon after, and Aldwin checked the readings.

Selmak looked to Aldwin. "Anything new?"

"Everything is consistent."

"We should go then," Selmak said, regretting that she had to leave. "I'll report to Per'sus and tell him the planet looks good."

"I want to do one last check," Tur said as he knelt down.

"It's going to be getting dark soon."

"We still have plenty of daylight."

Selmak glanced to the sky. "Very well, but return quickly." She began grabbing some supplies.

"I'll help you," Aldwin offered. He picked up a few things and followed Selmak to the stargate. He glanced upward when he caught up with the other Tok'ra. "This is a good planet."

"It is. The Goa'uld haven't been in this region in years. It's useless to them. This planet doesn't attract many explorers. It's perfect for us."

Aldwin made a nod. "Gete agrees." Then he nearly tripped. He turned briefly to try to see what he tripped on. "Do you think the council will agree?" What did we trip on?

I think you tripped over my feet, Gete thought.

I do not trip over feet. Aldwin frowned, then noticed Selmak hadn't stopped. He ran to catch up.

"I think they will agree," Selmak answered. She was quiet for the rest of the walk, and so were the others. It wasn't a far walk, but the terrain got a little tricky as they neared the stargate. Selmak looked to Aldwin. "Make sure they don't take too long." She glanced back to where they left Tur. "And get back to them quickly."

"I'll only allow him to do one more scan." Aldwin handed her the equipment.


"At least I'll try." He began playing with his hands.

Selmak gave Aldwin a "you better do more than that" look.

"They might argue. You know how stubborn they are."

Selmak gestured to the terrain. "This won't be easy to walk over in the dark."

"I know."

"Then don't let him win the argument." Selmak dialed to the Tok'ra Base. "Are you nervous?"


Selmak looked down at Aldwin's hands.

Aldwin stopped rubbing them. "No, I..." He shook his head. "I'll see you soon."

"Very soon." Selmak nodded and left.

Aldwin watched for a moment before heading back towards the testing area. It didn't take long to arrive, and he found himself staring ahead.


Aldwin blinked and looked around. Yes?

We underestimated the time.


It's going to be dark very soon.

Aldwin glanced to the sky. We need to hurry. He looked around. "Tur?" He noticed a form on the ground. "Tur?" He hurried over to the form, and he quickly identified Tur.

What happened to him? Gete thought in worry.

Aldwin searched for a pulse, but he found nothing. He pulled out his zatnikatel and looked around.

Check Relek, Gete thought.

Aldwin placed his hand on the back of Tur's neck, but he felt no movement.

I don't like this planet anymore, Gete thought, feeling worried and upset.

Neither do I. Aldwin couldn't find any sign that someone else had been there. He tucked away his zatnikatel and picked up his fellow Tok'ra. The least we can do is take them home.

To be continued...