Tezuka Kunimitsu was… what's the right word? Concerned? Yes, he was concerned. But why would the great captain of Seigaku be concerned? Well, his younger brother, Ryoma, was supposed to be attending his school for the next school year as a first year. He should be happy that his baby brother would be attending middle school at last.

However, his best friend, Fuji, experienced the same thing. His brother was a first year at Seigaku, but the way that the students were comparing him to his brother was too much for him and he transferred out. Tezuka didn't want to experience that. He cared for his brother, he really did. But he knew that people would look at the two of them and compare them in various fields.

Who was better looking?

Who played better tennis?

Who was smarter?

And many, many, many more questions to follow.

He supposed he didn't have anything to worry about. His brother was as much as an ice block as he was. They both let nothing affect them, except Ryoma could smile and lau- not that- he could chuckle. As can Tezuka.

He had nothing to worry about.


Well, that's what his mother, Rinko, said.

Rinko was an attorney who worked with big companies internationally with scandals and lawsuits and was happily married to Tezuka Nanjiroh. Nanjiroh was a famous tennis player, known as Samurai Nanjiroh, who almost pulled out of winning his first Grand Slam. However, after much persuading, he continued to play and won the Australian, French, and U.S Open along with Wimbledon. But he did it like, three times each.

Together, they had two sons- Kunimitsu and Ryoma. Mitsu, as Kunimitsu was called at home, was the captain on his school's tennis team.

!Holy crap it's a scene change!


"Mitsu, I know how Fuji-nii-san is, but how are the other regulars?" Ryoma asked Tezuka as they walked from their home to school that morning.

"They are…unique." Tezuka replied while looking forward. They walked down a small hill before trudging a huge one.

Tezuka looked at his brother from the corner his eye. He and Ryoma looked nothing alike. The only things that identified them as brothers were their names and their personalities.

Tezuka had light brown hair, narrowed hazel eyes, and tall but lithe figure.

Ryoma had greenish black hair, wide cat-like gold eyes, and he was small.

Whenever they went out together people would think that Ryoma was his son. Does anyone know how tiring that felt!?

"I'm not his father, I'm his brother."

"I can't drink sake, I'm only fourteen."

"I'm not a teacher, I'm my school's captain."

"No, I'm not thirty."

And of course Ryoma, little baby boy of the family, could not always get to go everywhere or do everything because of his small stature.

"I can go in there, I'm twelve."

"I'm not in second grade!"

"If I cream you in a tennis match, would you stop calling me a toddler?"

A sigh came from both brothers as they thought about the problems their appearances caused.

A large white complex loomed on the horizon as they arrived at school.

"So this is Seigaku?"

Tezuka nodded.

Ryoma regarded him with a bored stare, his famous 'are you serious?' look.

Tezuka looked at his brother. Ryoma just shrugged and walked down the path where he knew the courts had to be by the sound of the balls.

He followed the smaller boy and soon they arrived at the courts.

"Ryoma, I'm going to talk to Ryuzaki-sensei, she's the coach. You have to go to the ceremony for first years."

"I can't watch them practice?" Ryoma asked, his voiced was beginning to sound like a whine.

Tezuka quickly silenced him with a sharp glare that was made specifically for his little brother. Ryoma pouted unconsciously and walked toward the auditorium, which was where Tezuka pointed to.

!It's another scene change!

"Okay, minna, I am Oriska Yomoko; I will be your homeroom and English teacher throughout the year. It's a pleasure to meet you all! Now, I will arrange everyone in alphabetical order and then you will all come up to the front of the classroom and tell us a little blurb about yourself."

Ryoma watched with a bored expression as his teacher talked on and on. She was somewhat attractive. She had thick curly brown locks that were in a fashionable yet extremely messy bun with blue hairclips in her hair. She had a small frame, meaning thin, but she was tall for a woman. Though not nearly as tall as his mother.

Ryoma sat in his seat, luckily it was by a window, and listened to this Horio dude talk about how he had two years of tennis experience. His stupid teacher decided to in reverse alphabetical order so it went from the last person that was seated. But then the pattern of who was going when got messed up so now he ended going last.

Was she backwards or something?

He looked at his watch as another girl was talking about her bunnies. As she sat down he realized it was his turn now.

He walked up to the front of the class and erased the other girl's name and wrote his own in English.

He decided that today he would play a little joke on his new class.

"Bon matin, je m'appelle Ryoma Tezuka. Je suis à l'origine venu d'Amérique, mais mon famille s'est déplacé ici il y a trois ans." Good Morning, my name is Ryoma Tezuka. I am originally from America, but my family moved here three years ago.

Everyone had puzzled looks upon their faces.

Oriska-sensei looked at him. "Can you repeat that, but in Japanese."

He looked blankly at her. "Je suis désolé, je ne parle pas japonais."



"You just spoke Japanese."

"No I didn't."

"Now you just spoke in English!"

"¿Está usted el ir loco!?" Are you going crazy!?

"Is that Spanish!?"


"Please stop playing around Tezuka-kun."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Oriska considered to feed into his games but decidied against it.

"What do you like to do?"

"Play tennis, I thought that would have been obvious by my bag."

"Would you like to sit down Tezuka-kun?" Oriska asked somewhat sarcastically. Jeez, why did she have to get the trouble kid?

Ryoma snorted rather loudly.

"As if I wanted to stand anyway!"

"No, you misunderstood me, I meant sit in front of the principal's office." Collective gasps and 'oooo's echoed throughout the class. It wasn't even first period and already he got in trouble!

Ryoma shrugged his shoulders and hefted his bag onto his shoulder.

Just as he opened the door, he paused and turned around.

"You know, Oriska-sensei, if your skirt is so short that I can see that you're wearing a black lace thong, it shouldn't be appropriate in school." Giggles reverberated once again as the first years' teacher glowed red. The door slammed shut as Ryoma left.

Here we go again with the change and sceeeennneee and all

It was lunch time and the whole student body was scattered throughout the grounds of Seigaku. The Regulars of the tennis team were eating peacefully in a grove of sakura trees when a group of first years walked by.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard that in class 1-B some boy was talking in a whole bunch of languages just to make fun of the teacher."

The Regulars'' ears pricked at the news of this. The first day of the new term and someone was already causing trouble?

Tezuka felt a sense of dread run through him. There was one person he knew that could speak different languages, was a first year, and was in class 1-B. His brother.

Fuji felt what as a cross between dread, excitedness, joy, and humor as he reached the same realization as his captain and best friend. Saa, oh my Ryoma, already causing trouble.

"Yeah, and then she kicked him out and sent him to the principal's office. But like, before he left, he said something about her wearing a skirt so short that he could her underwear!"

"Oh my gosh! Who was it!?"

"I don't know, but I think his name was like, Tezuka Ryoma!?"

"As in the captain of the tennis team, Tezuka?"


"Maybe they're brothers?"

"Nah, they look nothing alike!"

The students walked past them and the Regulars turned their heads to face their captain. He was as stiff and still as could be. He eyes were narrowed to slits and his glasses held a dangerous glare. Fuji couldn't help it as he busted out laughing.

Tezuka was mumbling under his breath as he shot up and ran into the building after his trouble making brother.

"Fuji, what was that about?" Asked Oishi, he was startled by Tezuka's reaction.

"You see, Tezuka has a little brother," Everyone gasped at hearing this news. They never knew that! "His name is Ryoma, however he's a bit on the troubling side. Like Tezuka, he can speak a multitude of languages- it's just that he uses that talent as a way to annoy people. I'm surprised though, he's lasted through homeroom and he isn't suspended."

"What do you mean by that, nya?"

"He's the opposite of Tezuka." Fuji left it at that. Just then, something that sounded like a scream, grunt, gurgle, and shout echoed throughout the school.


"Got 'em!" Fuji said as he laughed.

Aw my gawshyyyyyyysss!

By the time lunch was over, Seigaku knew that the ever polite, serious, and commanding captain of Seigaku's tennis team, was indeed the older brother of the most arrogant, sarcastic asshole of a brat on the face of the Earth.


So now it was after school and the clubs were in full function.

Tezuka was in a meeting with Ryuzaki-sensei so Ryoma had to go down to the courts by himself.

When he arrived, people stopped what they were doing and began staring at him and gossiping. A tick appeared on his forehead as he became slightly miffed.

"Oi! Who do you all think you are!? Gossiping courts chits from medieval times!? Twenty laps around the courts you lazy bums!!!"

The boys were startled by the tone he held, it was the exact same as their captain's but their buchou didn't insult them like that! The quickly made a mad dash to complete their laps. Even the Regulars ran their laps.

Tezuka arrived at the courts not even a minute later to find the whole club running laps. He called Oishi over and asked him to tell him why everyone was running.

"Well, you see… you're brother came by and then everyone was talking and then he got angry and ordered everyone to do laps so we did and now they're on the fifth lap."

Tezuka nodded. "RYOMA!"

Said boy came jogging up to his aniki and smiled innocently.

"Yes Brother!"

"Forty laps, now."

"But what did I do?"

"You know what you did."

Everyone stopped to observe the small argument that was gaining in volume.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know my ass!"

"I'm telling mother that you cursed."

"Ryoma, don't play me."

"Mou, I'm hurt- you make me come across as a pimp."

"Ryoma Tristan!"

"Kunimitsu Julian!"

"Aw shit!"

"Fuji, watch your language!"

"Sorry Tezuka!" The Tezuka siblings glared at each other in a fierce competition. The Regulars swore they could see lightening cackle in between the boys.

Kikumaru crept toward Fuji. "Nya, Fuji, Buchou is scary like that!"

"Oh, he always acts out of character with Ryoma. Ha, you should see him at home!"

"Fuji/ Fuji-senpai! Shut up!" Both brothers shouted in his direction. Fuji pouted then laughed good heartedly.

"When you go to their house as much as I have, you'll become immune to this.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((  ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Whew, a PoT story finally! I no own so you no sue! Hahaha! I also don't own BabelFish, so therefore, any translations that were botched... are not my fault.