Disclaimer: don't own them, okay?

Rating: M for slash and language

Warning: Male/male slash, don't like don't read!

AN: I hope you enjoy, I'm going to do my best to make this longer than two chapters! Hopefully that will happen and don't worry I'm not one of these writers that rely on reviews, if you want to review then yes it is appreciated but if not I don't care it won't change the outcome of this fic!!! Enjoy


Do you dare come to a party with any seventh former, from any house?

Sign below:


Harry stared at the parchment before signing his name below Draco's, instantly regretting it but since the war Hermione and Ron had tried to get him more social. The only problem everyone wanted to talk about the war, Harry didn't. He hated to think of Teddy with no parents, he hated to think of George with no Fred and he hated to think of Potions with no Snape, he hated every death and every murderer.

The current seventh formers were a mixture of the sixth formers of last year and the seventh formers of last year who were given the opportunity to re-do their final year at Hogwarts, as their education was interrupted by the Carrow's and of course, Hermione, Ron, Malfoy and himself; who had not been at Hogwarts at all last year.

All seventh formers were currently falling asleep and signing their names to the parchment being passed around in History of Magic with professor Binns droning on and on about troll wars.


"Yes Miss Lombard?"

"Lovegood. Can you tell us about the latest war?"

Harry glared at Luna before turning his gaze to Ron and Hermione who were exchanging worried looks.


Draco noticed Harry's discomfort and felt his own; he had never been comfortable with his role in the Battle at Hogwarts, he was brought back to reality when Harry's chair crashed to the ground as he stood with such a force, at the same time that Draco, too stood. Wrenching his school bag from the floor Harry stormed out of the room, Draco following closely behind slamming the door after him.


Inside the classroom the students sat in shock as the two boys stormed out, shortly murmurs erupted.

"Do you think Harry's going to be okay?"

"Who cares about Potter? What about Draco?"

"I didn't mean to make them upset."

"Do you think this will make them closer?"

The class turned to look at Seamus, "what? They are always fighting and what-not, it seems like pent-up sexual tension. They now have something in common. I'm suggesting we get them talking at the party or at least get the first to say dare to snog the other, maybe when they are not completely sober but not drunk enough to forget."

The rest of the lesson was spent planning to get Harry and Draco together, the Slytherin's were helpful in their knowledge of Draco and trickery. While the Gryffindor's were able to help with Harry and their bravery to ask Draco the question, they figured he would be the first one drunk.


Harry was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling when Ron and Hermione came in, "harry. You still coming to the party tonight? The Slytherin's are bringing firewiskey!! Awesome eh?"

"Yea, Ron that's fine..."

Harry smiled at Hermione, "but if I say truth, what's to stop them asking about my or our part in the war."

Hermione nodded in understanding but a frown appeared on her face "I don't know Harry. We can only hope for the best, and don't forget Veritasium will be used only to last ten seconds.... "

"That won't stop them though."


Later that evening Harry was getting ready for the party, he pulled on an old pair of jeans which were tight and had holes on the thigh and around his left hip and right knee. They hugged his ass making it more noticeable before he added a tight white tee which showed off every muscle in his chest and back and the sleeves which came half way down his biceps accentuated his muscularity and strong arms.

Harry made his way down to the common room where Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Dean and Seamus were waiting, Seamus wolf-whistled as Harry descended. "You look hot, Harry!"

"Ginny!" Hermione reprimanded but was drowned out.

"HOT? HE looks fucking shaggable!!" Harry grinned at Seamus and led the way to the Room of Requirements, where the party was being held.


Draco was already at the party, sipping on his firewiskey, everyone was waiting for the Gryffindors to make an appearance. He had tight hipster, black jeans and a tight black wife beater which showed off his muscularly toned chest and arms.

Blaise watched Draco watch Harry come in, they were like yin and yang, black and white, opposites. Draco with his dark top, white skin, blond hair and grey eyes contrasted significantly with Harry's white top, tan skin, black hair and green eyes.

"Now the Gryffindors have finally arrived let's get this party started!" Pansy yelled to the crowd before some music started up and people started to dance, or as Draco thought, have sex with their clothes on.

A few people moved to the side and started up a game of truth or dare, Blasie dragged Draco to play as well. Blasie sat down Draco next to him, then Hannah, Padama, Seamus, Ron, Hermione, Harry (who was opposite Draco), Parvati, Ginny, Luna and Neville.

"Alright, I'll start. Ron, truth or dare?"

"You think I'm scared of a Slytherin like you Blaise.... Truth."
The circle laughed and Harry took a sip of firewiskey, having almost finished his glass already, Ron drank the Veritasuim. "Do you love Hermione?"


"I could have told you that, they way they carry on you'd think they'd have the decency to cast a silencing charm."

"HARRY!" Smirking at Hermione's shocked face he mockingly inclined his head.

"Alright, Seamus. Truth or dare?"


"I though Gryffindor's were supposed to be brave."

"Key words being 'supposed to', Potter."

"Fuck off, Malfoy."

Everybody started looking uncomfortable, "alright, Seamus rate everybody here in order of hotness."

Gulping the Veritasium, he ranted "Harry, Draco, Blasie, Neville, Hermione, myself, Padama, Luna, Ginny, Hannah, Parvati, Ron."


Scoffing, Draco looked bored but replied with a slight sneer, "dare."

"Pash Harry. You know, tongue and everything."


"Then you get something worse."

"What's worse than kissing Potter?"

"Shagging him?"

"Hey! I find that offensive!"

"You would Potter." Pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a deep breath, Draco stood and made his way over to Harry. Grabbing his shirt, Draco pulled Harry closer before crashing their lips together in a heated kiss, Draco slid his tongue over Harry's bottom lip and Harry granted him entrance before biting down onto Draco's tongue, suddenly a hand was in his hair and one on his chest lightly massaging. Electricity charged through the teens, Harry had one hand on Draco's hip caressing the skin under the jeans with his thumb, the other caressing Draco's strong jaw before cupping his chin and tilting Draco's head for easier access to his mouth. Slowly the kiss became less passionate and more loving; their movements became languid before they pulled away. Gently opening his eyes Harry only saw silver while Draco drowned in emerald, "fuck that was hot!" Seamus' comment brought them back to reality; each pulled their hands away as if burnt a pink flush on Draco's cheeks and a deep red stained Harry's: the only signs that they had had a greater effect on the other. Harry's straining erection was also telling him that the kiss with Draco meant something more.