--Umm Song Ficklets!! Yayy! The fun yet infuriatingly hard stuff! Hope you guys like it, and don't worry, Love Actually is still on, I just wanted to try something new!

--The point of the Ten Song Challenge is to grab your Ipod, put it on shuffle, and write around a hundred words that you can crank out about your pairing, relating to the song. Some people have time limits, but not me. Meh, to each his own! Sound easy? *snort* Go ahead and try, I dare you! And if you tell me, I will review, cause I wanna see some too~!

Warning!! These are all small AU's okay?? Don't take these too seriously! :D

Ficklets : Ten Song Challenge : The Many Sounds of Courtney and Duncan

Flavor of the Week

American Hi-Fi

Courtney never thought it would be like this. She bent over and picked up the stray shirt that littered the floor. Duncan had only just gotten home and she could smell her on him. The tall teen had just fell into bed and she carefully folded the blankets on top of him, to keep him warm. The brunette smiled as she traced his face with her hand and he smiled sleepily.

"Heather. . ." He muttered softly, but she still heard it loud and clear.

Courtney spent the night crying–just like the other nights he came home late.

Every night.

Girls And Boys

Good Charolette

Neither Duncan or Courtney would've gotten together if there wasn't some subtle nudging involved. Screw that, they needed to be jammed against each other. It was a good thing that their friends were into that sort of thing, and so their relationship started with the innocent question, "What do you think about Duncan/Courtney?"

Two months later they were a serious couple, and doing things like Duncan bonding with Courtney's dad, and Courtney getting at least half as many piercing's as Duncan has. Or at least as many as either of them are going to admit.

Famous Last Words

My Chemical Romance

Duncan has never wore his heart on his sleeve. Neither has Courtney for that matter. Both of them are afraid of letting other people in, one because of a horrible choice they made and the other because of a horrible choice that others made for them.

It's had for them to choose which is worse, but when the two are in each other's arms it really doesn't matter anymore.

Because when Courtney is with Duncan, its doesn't matter that her parents choose her to be born instead of her smaller twin sister. With Duncan, he cant really care that his best friend is still hospitalized because of his stupid mistake.

Rock This Town

Stray Cats

Duncan waited outside the small blue colored house, helmet at his side, revving the motorcycle every few seconds. "I'M COMING!" Someone scream from inside the house and two seconds later, Courtney stumbled out of the door, still putting on one shoe. "Ogre," She muttered as he waved to her mother, a tall woman who smiled cheerily. "Have her home by twelve, dear!"

"Woah," Duncan grinned and gave the brunette the extra helmet. "Think she knows what I've got planned for you?"

"Nope," Courtney retorted sarcastically as she climbed onto the motorcycle and wrapped her arms around him. "But I'm sure its worth going out this late on a Wednesday."

"You bet it is," He smirked, and revved the motorcycle.

Kiss Me Fool

Fefe Dobson

Courtney was pissed. It was only third period and Duncan had cornered her at least seven times. 'He must have stolen my schedule', She decided as she stormed down one of the less used hallways. Only the sport supplies were stored here, something that she should have noticed before a had shot out and trapped her against a door.

She looked up at the delinquent, and was about to yell, until she saw his tightly controlled face. "Who should I be?"

"Wha--" She asked, half confused, but was cut off by his lips on hers. It was only a few seconds before he pulled away. "Anything you want," She answered breathlessly.

He could only smirk.

Oh! Gravity


Whenever Courtney was with Duncan, she felt like gravity had suddenly taken a vacation. It was like being sugar-high, something that she craved more and more. The thing is, she could never seem to keep her cool around him. The lack of gravity made her dizzy, and stupid; more prone to point out anything that she suddenly didn't like about him. She always tripped and made a fool out of herself around him, the brunette still didn't know why he was around.

She hid as he passed her hiding space, animatedly talking with his friend DJ. Why cant I just pull it together?

Dance Dance

Fall Out Boy

Duncan sighed as he downed another soda. He would–should have been at Homecoming, dancing with her like any other couple. He looked out onto the floor seeing several pairs. Geoff had finally asked Bridgette and Trent was trying to impress Gwen with a slightly lame dance number.

"You here with anyone?"

He frowned and turned to tell her to get lost, but Duncan's breath caught in his throat. The teen was wearing a beautiful sparkly dress, something that he would have found in the pages of a Vanity Fair magazine and looked breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Dance with me?" Courtney asked nervously.

"I'd do anything with you in that dress."

As I'm Falling Down

Escape The Fate

Duncan smiled softly as he glanced down at the marker. It was shiny, shinier than he needed at least. Courtney wasn't here yet, something that worried him, but it was unneeded when she waved from a few graves away. "Duncan!"

"Hey princess!" She huffed and set down her bag. "I wish you's stop calling me that."

"Sure darlin'," He grinned and she sat atop his tombstone. She was the only one who he'd let around his grave and he smiled. Death wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.

But maybe those people didn't have Courtney around to endure it.

Always Something

I Hate Kate

Duncan never expected that Courtney could be such a party animal when she's smashed. Hair tousled, eyes lidded, grinding up to him like crazy, hey! He could get used to this! But it was also a shocker when she wanders off in the middle of a number and randomly found another guy. He took her home almost immediately and put her to bed.

Sighing slightly, he smooths the hair that she'll scream about tomorrow morning and thinks, Maybe not going to a club again wont be so bad.

After all, he wants to be her boy, not her pimp.

Big Wheel

Tori Amos

When Courtney became an Ambassador for Canada, Duncan wasn't surprised. When several years later, she rose to Secretary of State he just sat back and grinned, bursting with pride. When the media started focusing on her 'delinquent' of a husband, she just laughed. And when her mother suggested that he 'clean up' for the publicity dinner, she just started at her like she was crazy.

So when the pair showed up, people's heads turned. Not because all of his piercing were still in, or that a large tatoo was visible on her shoulder blade, but because of how genuinely natural they looked, different from everyone else.

They looked like love.


Eeep, some of them are like, one hundred and twenty words long! Lawd, I hope you guys don't mind! Hope you liked them in fact! :D

I really like the last one to be honest. It makes me happy, imagining them~!