"You're next"

Synopsis: Cameron and Thirteen are doing something naughty and it is up to House and Cuddy to catch them.

Author's note: This is my first fan fiction ever, so please try to be gentle. Also, I know my dialogue spacing is weird, but I'm working on it. Sorry if it bothers you.

Warning: Rated M for a little bit of smut, language, and femslash (Cameron/ Thirteen... maybe a bit of Cuddy too). No spoilers, no respect for the House timeline- just aiming for a bit of reading enjoyment.

Disclaimer: I don't own House ~ but I wouldn't mind borrowing Cuddy.


"Cameron." A voice practically sang at her back. She rolled her eyes and barely swallowed a groan as the voice continued. "Don't you look fetching today. Those adorable pink scrubs do wonders for your ass."

"What do you want, House?" Go away. Cameron thought to herself. Not today. Last night she had Chase calling her until 3 a.m. whining because she wouldn't take him back. His previous attempts at roses and offers of the random public sex that she normally enjoyed hadn't worked. As a result he was now trying sad, drunken pleading.

Don't get me wrong- the friendship and sex were great but he wanted more and I didn't. At least from him. She enjoyed their maybe dating and definite fucking, but she didn't want the 2.3 children and white picket with the sad-eyed Australian doctor. The trouble is, she wanted someone else. Another sad-eyed doctor.

"Cameron. Hello, Earth to Cameron. Are you listening to me or are you too busy daydreaming about Cuddy's funbags?" House glanced over at Cuddy. She stood across the ER, apparently in deep discussion, with another young doctor. Cuddy's, um, funbags were elegantly displayed in a deep-cut burgundy blouse. Cameron turned her head, and feigning interest, actually tilted it to look at Cuddy's breasts more intently.

"Well, Cuddy's are nice but Dr. Hadley's are better." Her ass too. House actually gaped for a moment before crooked grin formed on his unshaven face.
"Gotta go." House limped away leaving Cameron to guess what he had even wanted in the first place, but happy that her little diversion had sent him somewhere else to play.

10 minutes later...

In House's office sat a very bored diagnostics team. The three men sat doing crosswords and reading magazines, while Dr. Hadley responded to House's mail. The silence was broken by the soft thump of House's cane and his rather jubilant greeting.

"Hey, kids, got a puzzle for Daddy?"
Taub and Foreman sighed, while Kutner was quick to explain. "We haven't had a case all week. We- " House cut him off, "Go steal one from Wilson." The team stood up as one and moved towards the door. "Not you, Thirteen. Go help Cameron in the ER."
"Why do you want me to help Cameron?"
"Because it makes Daddy happy to see his girls getting along."

Thirteen opened her mouth to question him again so House just waved his cane at her to shoo her along. She looked confused but turned and left to do his bidding, shaking her head as she closed the door. House waited a moment, making sure the coast was clear before grabbing his PSP and practically bouncing out of his office. Before he could make it to his favorite hiding spot, Cuddy stopped him. "Have you got a patient, House?"
"Have you got a tighter blouse, Cuddles?" Two passing nurses giggled at the comment but Cuddy's glacial stare sent them scurrying.

"No patient? Go work in the ER- it's standing room only."
"Now, House. Wait," Cuddy interrupted herself. "You said okay? No arguement? What's going on, House?"
"Nothing. My mistress awaits." House grinned and left limping heavily in his haste to reach his other hiding spot.

Cuddy stared after him, knowing whatever trouble he was about to start would come back to her.


Dr. Hadley entered the ER to find the area swarming with patients. She had little time to do more than glance around before grabbing a chart and a patient. She blew out a breath and went to work.

Three hours and half a dozen patients later, Allison Cameron was exhausted. After setting two broken bones, stitching up three faces, and treating one rather alarming case of a man sticking a certain body part in a jar of honey, she needed to sit. She went into one of the empty patient rooms and threw herself onto the bed. The honey was still warm. The man was still hard. Why me? Her eyes closed as she began to drift off but a half-smile still graced her lips at the thought of honey man's pained but happy gasps at her attempts to remove the jar.


House sat in the one of the patient rooms, ignoring the patients in favor of his video game and his mistress Vicodin. He occasionally peered out of the room to check on Thirteen and Cameron but the ER was too busy for anything of interest to be happening. Eventually the crowd thinned out and House was able to leave the room without fear of being forced to treat anyone. He stalked toward the doors to leave the ER only to spy a tired-looking Cameron walking towards his now-vacant room with an equally tired-looking Thirteen gazing after her. House stopped and waited to see what, if anything would happen. Cameron entered the patient room and closed the door. House decided after watching Thirteen gaze a moment longer and then turn away to, of course, interfere.

"She's single, you know." Thirteen jumped then whipped her head around. "And she likes you."
"Who's single? And who likes me?"
"The cute little blond whose ass you were just looking at." House grinned when Thirteen began to sputter.
"I was not looking."
"Just admit it. You want to climb inside those little pink scrubs and do her."

Thirteen got red, got mad, and walked away. House yelled after her, "At least help her with her patient first!"
House limped out of the ER, only glancing back to make sure that Thirteen went after Cameron.


Dr. Hadley did follow Cameron, but she assured herself it was only to see if Cameron really did need help with her patient. She knocked on the patient room door then opened it quietly. She was surprised to find herself in a darkened room with the sleeping form of Allison Cameron on the bed. The shaft of light hit the sleeping woman's face causing her to moan. Without thinking, Thirteen stepped forward and closed the door behind her to avoid disturbing the woman further.

She stepped toward the bed leaned over the bed, "Dr. Cameron" She whispered softly so as not to startle the dozing woman, but when Cameron failed to stir Dr. Hadley gently shook her shoulder.

"I dream of you." Cameron's sleep-roughened voice whispered. "Remy, why do you always leave when I touch you?"

Thirteen realized that Cameron was talking in her sleep and she suddenly felt wrong for intruding on someone's private thoughts. Even if the thoughts were about her.

"Dr. Cameron," she whispered again, only to pause when Cameron's hand touched her cheek.
"How can someone so beautiful be so sad?" Cameron's eyes opened and gazed longingly into hers. "Why do you only love me in my dreams?"

Thirteen paused, letting Cameron's words wash over her.

"Because no one has ever loved me when they were awake."

Cameron's hand again reached forward and cupped around the back of Remy's neck. She pulled Thirteen down until their lips were barely apart, "I can try."


The door banged open and House barged into Cuddy's office. He closed the door and plopped onto the couch. Cuddy finished her phone call, "-and thank you for your help. Good day." She glared at House as she hung up the phone.
"What do you want, House?"
"You know," He winked suggestively. Cuddy wiggled and resisted the urge to blush. Instead she sat straighter and said firmly, "What do you really want?"

"Got a camera?"

Cuddy decided to play along. "I do. Why?"

"Trust me. You're gonna need it."


Cuddy reached into her desk for the camera and, against her better judgement, followed House out of her office.
"Where are we going?"
"Who did you assault?"
"Cameron and- " House began.

Cuddy interrupted, "You assaulted Cameron?"

"No. Cameron and Thirteen-"
"Cameron and Dr. Hadley assaulted someone?"
"Only if they count each other."
"What does that mean?" Cuddy huffed out a breath as they entered the ER. She looked around for either the two doctors or a problem but could find neither. As they neared one of the patient rooms, House reached out.

"Give me the camera."


Cameron pressed her lips onto Thirteen's. After a moment of stunned surprise, Thirteen responded softly. Her lips moved gently against the blond's, nudging Cameron to open her mouth so she could sweep her tongue inside.

"Allison."She whispered, her greedy fingers plunging through Cameron's hair.

"Remy." Thirteen smiled, almost pathetically grateful to hear her first name on the girl's lips. She quickly pressed her mouth to Cameron's neck, lightly sucking on her soft skin and feeling her pulse throb harder. She climbed astride Cameron's body and pressed herself close,suddenly desperate to feel her warmth. Cameron's arms wrapped around her and her nail's scored Remy's back.

Just as the two began to forget that they were still at work, the sudden opening of the door followed immediately by a bright flash reminded them.

"Well, well..." House drawled lazily as he lowered the camera. "Isn't this cozy."

Cameron and Thirteen leapt apart as if there was fire between them. House just began to laugh as Cuddy gaped at the two women as if she had never seen them before. She began to smile, but quickly masked her expression when House turned toward her.

"Ladies, my office. Now." Cuddy's face was serious, really serious. Cameron and Thirteen looked nervous as they began to trail after her. House's singsong voice followed them.

"Cameron and Thirteen sitting in a tree, f-u-c-"

All three women interrupted him simultaniously."Shut up, House"

"Hey, Cuddy. Your camera." He called.

She caught it and turned away.

"Don't forget that daddy needs copies."


The walk to Cuddy's office was deathly silent. Both women looked at each other terrified and Cuddy's face looked thunderous, causing anyone who approached Cuddy to back away quickly. The whispers started before Cuddy had even closed her door.

Luckily her secretary was gone for the day. The woman was a terrible gossip who would undoubtedly eavesdrop and spread the story to the entire hospital.
Cuddy allowed her face to relax as she closed her door and her blinds to give them complete privacy. She also locked the door to hopefully keep House away. She motioned the frightened doctors to the couch and sat in the chair next to them. Realizing she still had the camera in her hand, Cuddy sat it on the table between them and nervously linked her fingers.

"Look, I have a meeting to go to so I'll make this brief."

"Are we fired?" Thirteen spoke for them.
"No, Dr. Hadley. You are not. However if you two ladies want to have a sexual relationship, you need to keep it at home. Or" Cuddy smiled a bit," you need to hide from House better."

She got up and went to search her desk, quickly producing a key from her top drawer. She tossed it to Cameron, who caught it and looked at her curiously "There's a small office next to mine that I sometimes use."
"Why?" This from Cameron.
"Because sometimes I just need to hide...from House."

Both women nodded their understanding. "Thank you, Dr. Cuddy."
Cuddy turned to leave. "Just remember ladies. Be discreet."
She left, smiling, and relocked the door behind her.

Cameron and Thirteen sat on the couch just staring at the key.
"Why is Cuddy being so nice about this?" Thirteen asked, eyebrows raised.
"Maybe the rumors are true."
"What rumors?"
"That she's into women."

Dr. Hadley looked both surprised and pleased at that bit of news. She glanced at the camera and her smile widened. "Well, we could always thank her with a little gift."
Cameron looked at the camera and began to laugh. She grabbed Remy and crushed her mouth to hers as she stripped away clothes.

"How long do Cuddy's meetings last?"


Hours later...

Dr. Lisa Cuddy entered her office and locked her doors. Her blinds were still closed and thankfully the lights were dim. She collapsed onto her couch and rubbed her forehead. She seriously considered just sleeping in her office rather that having to move again for the rest of the night. At least her meetings were done and most of her employees had gone home hours before, so the hospital was mostly quiet.

She kicked off her shoes and began to curl up when a flash of red caught her eyes. Cuddy looked at her desk and there sat her camera with a scrap of material that looked suspiciously like panties. She shot up on the couch, grabbed the items, and leaned back onto the couch.

She shook out the bit of red which definitely turned out to be women's thong panties and began to smile. She pressed the camera's on button even as she began to shake her head.

"They couldn't have." Cuddy began to accept the reality as the pictures appeared.

The first picture was obviously the one that House took, with the two women engaged in a passionate embrace and the tip of Remy's tongue sliding against Allison's upper lip. Cuddy felt herself begin to sweat as she clicked throught the pictures, some sweet and beautiful while others were hot and jaw dropping.

She also found out the wonderful way that her camera could take short videos too.

The first video show Thirteen setting the camera down to record them pressing herself against Cameron. They slowly ground their bodies together and kissed deeply as they gasped and moaned into each other's mouths. The second video was clearly designed to make you wet and get you off . Thirteen had Cameron pressed into the couch while she ravaged the blond's breasts. She sucked and licked the young doctor's nipples as her hand slid achingly slow down Cameron' body and inside her.

Cuddy felt her own hips jerk as Cameron arched beneath Thirteen's fingers. She watched Remy's head dip as she went to taste the other woman. Cameron's pants became moans as Thirteen contiued to use her tongue on her. That wicked, talented tongue. Cuddy felt a bit of moisture pool between her legs as she watched two of her employees get each other off.

Unfortunately the camera cut off much too soon. Cuddy nearly sighed in frustration until she noticed that she had one more video to watch. She clicked on the video and gasped when she saw Cameron and Thirteen topless with Cameron holding the key she had given them earlier. They both smiled and Thirteen crooked her finger in a come-hither motion toward the camera.

"Lisa." Cuddy whimpered a little. "You're next."