Title: I Always Get What I Want

Rated: Will Be High For Later Chapters.

Summary: With his God-Father on his side Draco will get what he's always wanted. Especially now that his Father's dead. And especially seeing as what he's always wanted is watching him.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything of Harry Potter, I wish I did, but then it would all be slash loving.

Warnings: Swearing, Slash, AU (Only Ced is dead)

Chapter One – I Want It. Help Me Get It.

Sitting alone in the Library at 5:30a.m is not always fun. Sometimes I wake up extra early for the fun of a bit more study. Not always school studies, not Dark studies either, I'm not a fool like my Father. Defeated with his 'Lord' by Harry Potter. No, usually I study people. Early birds, or late one's depending on whether Potter and his friends stay here all night studying under the Invisibility Cloak Potter owns and coming out when the sun rises.

Today it's not fun. No one to observe the creamy light tan and dark hair of. No one to think of rude remarks to make to. Nothing but a letter on the small table and a couple of scratch marks from where I let the owl land on my arm. But it's numb. The letter, from the ministry and Gringotts at once letting me know I own all of the Malfoy Fortune, Land, etc. Mother had passed after battling with the stress of losing Father and battling a secret illness she would never discuss.

I stand swiftly and walk down to the Dungeons to see the only person I can trust other than my friends who already know too much. I knock on Professor Snape's door and wait for him to answer the door. It takes him five minutes and he looks disheveled, hair a mess and still in his pyjama pants. "Draco." He murmurs sleepily.

"Hello Sir, I wish to sit in for a morning coffee and chat." I bow my head in greeting. Damn over the top manners Father had forced on me.

"Come in, I'll be ready in a moment. Make coffee." Severus, my God-Father grimaces and shuffles back inside and into his bedroom. I smile widely and make him a strong coffee and keep mine sweet. I pull off my cloak and drape it across the back of my chair. I sit gracefully and sip my coffee waiting for Severus to come back out.

Moments pass and he returns dressed in his usual teaching attire, most of his hair tied back, except the short bits at the front. He sits with me and takes a cautionary sip of his coffee before moaning and drinking more of it. "Thank you. Now, what was it?" He asks after a minute.

"I am the sole owner of the Malfoy Estate." I murmur quietly. "Mother died this morning." Tears threaten to spill but I force them away. "And now I want something, more like, someone, but you're going to help me get him." I snarl.

"Sorry about your Mother, Draco." Severus bows his head. "Now what's this about helping you to get someone? Your natural charm won't work?" He smirks.

"I have tried, he rejected my friendship at the beginning of first year. But now, we're going to make amends. Starting Potions today! You make me his study partner." I instruct him in my Malfoy-like manner.

"Are you telling me you want me to help get you... Harry Potter?" Severus asked thoroughly shocked. He sits with his eyes wide and mouth gaping for a few seconds before shaking his head, closing his mouth and blinking profusely.

"Yes. I want it. Help me get it." I smile softly and persuasively. He's going to give in or-

Thud. Pass out it would seem.

Review maybe? :)
