A/N: Another story! XD

Summary:What hurts the most? having someone you loved kill everything you did love or not being able to move past it? Can Sakura Haruno move on with the help of her bestfriends and maybe a new love?

The Lonely

Desperately, a little girl ran. She felt alone, unloved and unwanted. This little girl was broken. Crystal drops of rain fell from her bright green eyes as she ran, she ran from everything… her bullies, those who hated her, her dreams, the dead bodies and most importantly away from him.

Her legs felt weak. She felt as if she was falling, she took a glance up to allow herself to calm down. But instead of calming down, she noticed dark onyx eyes looking at her with a terrifying glare. The young girl's eyes widened, she slowly opened her mouth and let out a loud.

"Aaaahhhh!!" screamed a terrified seventeen year old girl.

The girl was heavily breathing and drenched in sweat, but she knew that no one would have heard her scream.

Sitting up in her bed the girl pulled out a book and began to write, it was something she did every morning but today was different.

'Back to that shit hole of a school.' She thought to herself before she continued writing.

Date: Monday 2nd March

Name: Sakura Haruno.

Age: 17

Besties: Ino, Tenten, Hinata.

School: Konoha High

Goals for the year.

1:Forget about him, Move on.

2:Attend all classes.

3:No drinking before school or before exams :P

4:Make more friends, open up a bit.

Goals for today.

1:Avoid school sluts.

2:Join a school sports team and maybe even the music group.

3:Hand with the girls - They always seem to make me happy.

4:Once again open up and make friends.

After writing in her newly bought book, Sakura got up and started to get ready for her first day back at school.

30 minutes later she was ready to go, she ran down stairs, grabbed her lunch from the fridge and ran out the door to start her morning walk to school.

15 minutes later the pink haired girl walked through the main gates of Konoha High and was instantly tackled into a bear-like hug from her blonde bestfriend.

"Ino, let her go she needs air you know" the girl with her hair tied in buns said.

"Oh,watever Tenten" replied the girl named Ino before she started walking towards the school doors.

Tenten looked towards Sakura and noticed she mouthed a small "thank you" before she followed Ino.

Tenten grabbed the dark headed girls hand and ran after the two girls.

"Hey Saku.." said the shy dark headed girl.

"Hey Hinata, how are you?" Sakura asked.

The girls stopped in their tracks. 'Did Saku just ask how Hinata was?' The girls thought to themselves.

Noticing their wide eye, Sakura chuckled before saying "Goals number 4" then she walked off.

Smiles came to the girls faces as they ran after Sakura.

'Shes opening up as a goal!' Inner Ino yelled.

'Good Huh?' Ino said to her Inner.

'Hell yeah!' Inner Ino yelled as she punched the air.

In the matter of no time the girls made it to their spot and sat down to relax.

Ino couldn't take the silence anymore so she tried to make a convosation.

"So um... everyone do their goals this morning?"




"Cool! whats one of them?" Ino asked.

"Get captian of the girls basketball team" Tenten muttered.

"Try to talk more" Hinata said.

They all looked at Sakura who had her eyes closed and was resting against the tree.

"Make some more friends and open up a bit" Sakura replied cooly.

The girls smiled and jumped Sakura.

"So this is Konoha High huh?" A blonde boy asked stupidly

"Hn, dobe." Replied a onyx eyed boy.

"Troublesome." the pineapple headed boy muttered as he walked towards the school doors.

"Whatever, lets just go." the long haired boy said before he followed the other boy.

The four unknown boys walked through the school doors to be welcomed by screaming fan girls.

"Instanly popular ne Teme?" The blonde one said.


The boys walked towards the office, ignoring all the girls who tried to grab in the office they let out a sigh and smirked.

"Hello, may i help you boys?" a mid 20's lady asked.

"Yeah, we just started today and we need our timetables"

"Names?" the lady asked.

"Naruto Uzamaki"

"Sasuke Uchiha"

"Shikamaru Nara"

"Neji Hyuga"

"Hmm... Okay well - wait, did you just say Hyuga?" the lady asked.

"Yeah, why?" the boy named Neji asked.

"You don't happen to know Hinata Hyuga do you?"

"Shes my cousin, why?"

"Well she's one of the best students in this school, not to mention popular with the boys. But her friends are kind of over protective" She said before handing their timetables.

"thank you" The boys said and walked out.

"So your cousin comes her Neji?" the blonde asked.

"Yes, Naruto."

"Ohh cool, can we meet her? he said as he jumped up and down.

"Yeah watever, need to find her first.

After a few minutes of walking Neji spotted his cousin sitting with a group of girls under a tree.

"There she is, lets go over" He said.

Naruto stopped and said " Look their hurting that pink haired girl!"

The boys looked over to see the girls teaming on the pink haired girl.

'Hn? pink hair?' the onyx eyed boy thought to himself.

"Yo Sasuke you coming?" the pineapple head asked.

"yeah, hold up Shikamaru" the boys named Sasuke said as he walked to the girls with the boys.

"Oi!, get off!" the pink haired girl yelled.

"Nope, i don't want to." Ino said with a smile on her face as she sat on Sakura.

"Pig! get. off. now. your. fat." Sakura said while clenching her teeth.

"Ooooh" Tenten and Hinata let out as they high fived each other.

"What. was. that!!?"Ino yelled.

"Oww.." Ino let out as she hit the ground.

"Whatever, just leave me alone." Sakura said as she walked off.

The boys walked over, Naruto noticed the pink haired girl was walking off and yelled "HEY!"

Sakura turned around to look at them, four tall boys were standing close to walked back over to the group and sat next to Hinata.

Hinata giggled and said "Saku, don't worry i know these boys. They won't hurt me."

"Kay." She said as she leaned on a tree and closed her eyes.

"See, thats your problem Sak. Your overprotective of Hinata and not me or even Tenten!" Ino yelled.

"Who said i'm not?" Sakura mumbled.

"You don't show it!"

"When do i ever show emotion?" Sakura hit back.

"Whatever! why are you so Damn protective of Hinata! and not me or Tenten!!" Ino yelled with anger.

"Why should i worry about Tenten, she's strong enough to look after herself. Plus she beats boys up." Sakura said calmly as she opened one eye to look at Tenten.

Tenten smirked and said "Yeah, she has a point. I beat the shit out of boys that touch me."

Neji shivered as he looked at Tenten.

"I DON'T CARE!! What about me? huh Saku? why ain't you overprotective of me when it comes to boys?!" Ino yelled as she stood up.

"Ino, just shut up." Sakura said calmly trying to keep her anger in.

"Why!! why do you treat me this way after i was there for you when that happened!" She yelled.

Ino found herself pinned to the tree, her eyes wide and all.

"Don't you EVER bring that up! i'm not protective of you because i thought you were strong enough to look after yourself. You know Hinata is SICK! So why bother yelling at me saying i don't protect you!! Your the one that went out and lost your virginity to some random! I'm protective of Hinata cause i don't want her turning out like you or getting raped!!" Sakura yelled furiously before letting Ino go.

"Oh and by the way piglet, it's my damn mission to protect 't believe me? Go ask Hinatas dad!" Sakura said as she walked off.

"Tenten, watch Hinata!"She yelled before she was out of sight.

The girls looked over to Ino, she was crying. 'Ino hasn't cried ever since we were 8' Tenten thought to herself.

Hinata got up and walked towards Ino and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Umm.. Ino? You Oka-" Hinata was cut off by Ino as she hit her hand off.

"Leave. me .alone!" Ino yelled as she cried/Glared.

Hinata started to tear up, Tenten grabbed her and started walking away but before she left she said something to Ino.

"Don't get mad at Hinata, just cause you know Saku was right? For goodness sakes Ino! Grow up!"

The boys looked at Ino to the girls that were leaving, the boys decided to follow the girls. Shikamaru stopped and walked towards Ino to comfort her.

Shikamaru took a seat next to the girl named Ino and asked.

"You okay?"

Ino was about to tell him to get lost but then she looked up, her eyes widened.

'Woah.. Super hottie!' Her Inner screamed.

Wiping her tears away Ino replied with a quick "Yeah"

Shikamaru wasn't stupid, he knew Ino was still upset.

"Yeah kay, wanna come watch clouds with me before class starts?" He asked.

Ino lightened up and said "Sure!"

He smirked, then grabbed her hand leading her to a good spot to watch clouds.

Ino looked at their hands and smiled. Out of the corner of his eye, Shikamaru had seen that smile and it made his day a whole lot better to know he cheered her up. Even if it was only for a bit.

A/N: Okay!! Done my new story, hope you like it a bit of drama in the first chapter hehe. Wonder who the HIM is aye? LOL.

Review and yeah.


