Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Harry Potter.


Italics = Spells
'Italics' = Thoughts
Bold = Japanese

"Augh!" Kagome screamed as she was flung backwards.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled, trying as hard as he could to keep his attention on the demon they were currently fighting.

One of the demons' tentacles had wrapped itself around Kagome's entire body, and was now attempting to squeeze the life out of her.

"WIND SCAR!" Inuyasha flung Tetsusaiga straight at the beasts' tentacle, slicing it in half and freeing Kagome.

The demon let out a monstrous cry, and vanished into thin air, leaving behind a puddle of unholy liquid and a tiny jewel shard in the middle.

Kagome bent down and picked up the shard, purifying the nasty water it was once in.

"We did it!" Sango yelled, placing her Hirikotsu on her back and running over to Kagome with Miroku and Inuyasha.

"What's that?" Inuyasha asked, pointing his Tetsusaiga towards a cave. The entrance was covered with a full barrier of blue colour, and was visible to all of them.

"It has a strange aura," Miroku complied. "I don't even think that's a barrier. It looks more like a portal to me."

Inuyasha snorted. "Portal?"

Miroku seemed not to notice his sarcasm - for once - and just nodded.

Kagome edged towards the barrier slowly.

"What do you think it is, Kagome?!" Shippo called, hopping onto her shoulder.

"I think Miroku was right. It looks a lot like a portal." she said.

"But a portal to what?" Sango asked.

"I'm hoping I can figure that out."

Just as she said this, Inuyasha appeared in front of her, standing directly in front of the portal. His arms were crossed and he had a stubborn and snotty expression on his half-demon face.

"You can't just go into some random portal thinkin' it's okay!"

Kagome ignored Inuyasha and foolishly pushed him out of the way, earning a push back. For some reason, after a few seconds, Kagome did not hit the ground. A blue aurora surrounded her, and she suddenly knew why. She had fallen through the portal. No. Inuyasha had pushed her through the portal!

Not knowing when or where she was going to land, she stuck Shippo underneath her arm, (who had just happened to fall with her because of the fact he was on her shoulder) and covered her head with her other arm.

After what seemed like a lifetime of falling, Kagome landed on something. Cold, hard, floor. Her butt ached from the landing, which wasn't the best thing to worry about. Because she had no idea where she was, it terrified her to look up.

"It is okay, Kagome. You are not in any danger here," a very serene voice said.

Kagome looked up hesitantly to see the shining face of the priestess Midoriko. Shippo popped up through her arms and perched himself, once again, on her shoulder.

"Midoriko-sama… where am I?" Kagome was looking around, and all she saw were people in robes holding sticks. It seemed a little foolish, until she got a strange magical vibe.

"You, my dear, are at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was my doing of pushing you through that portal, not Inuyasha's." she explained.

Did Kagome hear right? Witchcraft and Wizardry?

"B-but magic isn't real is it?" As Kagome said this, many people had turned their heads to look at her, probably wondering what she was saying. Kagome was indeed speaking in Japanese, which she really hoped, for some odd reason, that the people around her didn't know.

"Oh, yes it is, Kagome. You know your miko powers are real, so it is impossible for you to doubt the existence of magic, without sounding the least bit foolish, is it not?"

Kagome had not thought about this. She trusted in her miko powers and knew they were there. She could always use the no matter what because she believed they existed to help her. Without saying a word, Kagome nodded, trying to hide a frown of confusion.

"Now, Kagome, I want you to look around again. Tell me what you see." Midoriko instructed the dumbstruck, raven-haired girl.

Kagome quickly scanned where she was again. There were four tables, all of them filled with kids wearing robes and holding sticks, just as she had seen before. In the front of the humongous room, there was a line of many adults, -probably teachers- and an elderly looking man. The man had long silver hair and a silver beard. He wore moon spectacles that leaned crookedly over his long nose, and even from the distance Kagome was sitting at, she could see a very bright twinkle in his blue eyes.

"I-I see people. Lots of people. Wearing cloaks…and holding sticks-" Kagome was cut off.

"No, not sticks, Kagome, wands." Midoriko corrected her.

That made sense. If she was supposedly in a place for witches and wizards, wouldn't it be a little thick to not have wands?

Now Kagome was finally taking everything in. She understood quite perfectly. The magical vibe she got were her witch powers. Did Midoriko expect her to stay here?

Just like she was reading her mind, Midoriko said, "Kagome, you are a witch. You must stay here. There is grave danger here, and only you can help stop it. Destiny will show you who you must help if you accept your powers."

Kagome nodded without thinking and answered, "Yes, Midoriko-sama."

"Wait!" Shippo cried. "Can I stay here with Kagome?"

Kagome wondered when Shippo would ask that. She truly would love for Shippo to stay. Shippo was like a son to her, and Shippo had started calling her 'mom' anyway.

"Of course you can," Midoriko replied, smiling.

Shippo was beaming at this, and Kagome was indeed happy about having him there with her. Kagome's expression became very focused when Midoriko turned to the elderly man that was sitting in the front.

"Well, Dumbledore, Kagome has accepted her stay here. Is she welcome to Hogwarts?" Midoriko asked him in English. Kagome could understand perfectly, but by the confused look on Shippo's face, she could tell he didn't. She would have to teach him how to speak English later. Or find a spell to make him speak English. Kagome grinned at the thought.

The man named Dumbledore nodded. "Very well. She may stay at Hogwarts."

"Thank you very much, Dumbledore." Midoriko then turned back to Kagome. "We are going to go back to Inuyasha and the others now. You must tell them you are leaving. And do not worry about your family. They will be alerted with a letter I have sent them. Everything will be okay. Get your things and I will bring you back here to get your school books, your wands and cloaks, and you may join the sorting. I have arranged it so you will be sorted last, when we come back."

Kagome furrowed her eyebrows. "Sorting?"

"The sorting to see which house you are in. Gryffindor, for the brave. Ravenclaw, for the wise. Hufflepuff, for the noble…and Slytherin, for the sly." (Pun not intended)

"Oh. Alright, then, Midoriko-sama."

"If everything is clear, may you grab hold of my hand," Midoriko instructed, and Kagome took hold of Midoriko's hand. Shippo clung to Kagome's arm and the scenery again changed back to the Feudal Era.

Kagome's friends immediately ran over to her and Shippo.

"Kagome! Are you all right?!" Sango cried.

"I-I'm fine. But listen, you guys. I-I have to, uh… leave." Kagome said.

"Leave?!" they all cried, including Inuyasha.

"I'm sorry! Midoriko explained everything to me and--"

"Midoriko?" Sango asked.

Kagome nodded. "And I have to leave. I promise, when I've done what I'm supposed to do, I'll come back. I'll help you find the shards and return the Feudal Era to peace. I just need to leave and go back to where the portal took me." Kagome looked over at Midoriko, who her friends obviously couldn't see, and Midoriko shook her head. "And no, I can't tell you where I went. Bye, guys."

Kagome held back tears and grabbed her backpack, stuffing her arrows inside. Sango ran over and embraced Kagome.

"I'll miss you, Kagome."

"I'll miss you too, Sango." Kagome said, trying to keep her eyes away from Inuyasha's. Even without looking at him, she could feel his eyes burning a hole in her back with a dark glare. Shippo waved when Kagome grabbed hold of Midoriko's hand again, and Midoriko recited a spell that Kagome could not comprehend.

They appeared in front of a bar. The sign on the front read 'The Leaky Cauldron.' Midoriko led Kagome inside. When all eyes inside fell on Kagome and Shippo, Midoriko sped up, leading her through the back and into an alley. Midoriko again recited an incoherent spell, and the wall of the alley slid upward, revealing what seemed like a whole city.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley, Kagome," Midoriko said in English, as she led Kagome into the nearly empty corridor of stores. "I want you to go to Blourish and Blotts," Midoriko handed her a list, "and get all of these books. Oh, and here." Midoriko handed her a bag of what felt like money. "The bronze ones are knuts, the silver ones are sickles, and the gold ones are galleons. Use your sickles to save money. I'll be waiting for you by Ollivander's."

Kagome nodded, actually understanding. Shippo still clung to her arm, just not as tightly as before, as Kagome began walking towards the shop named 'Blourish and Blotts.'

When Kagome was done getting her books, she waved goodbye to the woman behind the counter and headed over to the store that Midoriko was standing in front of.

"Hello, Kagome. Now, I wish for you to go inside by yourself to get your wand." Midoriko instructed. "I will be waiting right here when you come out."

"Shippo, stay out here with Midoriko, please." Kagome said to Shippo. Shippo nodded and hopped onto Midoriko's shoulder, causing her to chuckle.

The bells rung when Kagome pushed open the door to the store. It spelled of fresh cinnamon.

Kagome walked up to the front and stood at the counter. No one seemed to be there. Everything was quiet.

"Hello?" Kagome called.

Almost in an instant, a man that seemed elderly, yet full of life, rolled over on a ladder. He jumped right down and said, "Why, hello, Miss Higurashi. I was warned that you were coming." He winked and headed over to the shelves he had just been behind. Ollivander -for some reason, Kagome could tell this was him- pulled out a box and walked back over to her. He handed it to her and instructed for her to take it and try it out.

Kagome opened up the box with hesitation and took out the wand.

"Phoenix feathers, twelve inches, pine wood. I think it might work well." Ollivander said.

Kagome nodded, understanding that he was describing the wand's features. She waved the wand once and a vase on his desk exploded.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Kagome cried.

Ollivander had a slight look of irritation, but said, "No, no. That's okay." He took the box from her and went back to the shelves. He pulled out another box and handed it to her. "Let's try another."

Kagome took the wand from the box.

"Unicorn hair, eleven inches, elm wood."

Kagome nodded again and waved the wand. This time, red sparks flew out and disingrated in the air.

Ollivander nodded, seeming impressed. "Ah, curious. Very curious."

This confused Kagome. "Excuse me, sir. What's curious?" she asked.

"The wand, my dear. It is always said that the wizard (witch) does not choose the wand, but the wand chooses the wizard (witch). Your wand wonders if that because you got it, it will find its sister wand." Ollivander explained.

"Sister wand?" Kagome asked, still confused.

"It's sister wand is your enemy's wand. You will find out in time. Now, you have found your wand, you may go."

Still a little confused, Kagome nodded anyway and left the store with her wand. Outside, where she had been before, stood Midoriko. This time, though, she was holding a cage with a tawny looking owl in it, and a bunch of robes her hung over her arm. "Shall we go, Kagome?" Midoriko asked.

Kagome hesitated, but nodded, and took hold of Midoriko's hand. Shippo jumped back over to Kagome and they once again appeared in Hogwarts. Just like magic, -Kagome laughed- her robes had appeared on her.

"Alright Kagome, your owl and your things will be waiting for in your dorm once you are sorted. Also, promise me you won't end up in Slytherin." Kagome nodded and Midoriko then disappeared.

Kagome looked up towards the front, where a woman who seemed about in her forties stood. She made a head gesture, telling Kagome to come up front.

Kagome nodded and made her way up to the front. She climbed up the stairs and sat on the stool. The woman placed a hat on her head and it began talking, which made Kagome jump.

"Hmm," the hat said. "This is hard. You would do very well in Slytherin, (Kagome shuddered) but you are also very brave."

Kagome thought hard while he was talking. She thought how she wanted greatly not to be in Slytherin.

"Not Slytherin, eh? I've heard that before. Well, then… if not Slytherin, you are right for… GRYFFINDOR!" the hat shouted.

The table closest to the great doors erupted into applause and cheers. She guessed that was the Gryffindor table and headed off the stage when the woman took the hat from her head.

She looked around at everyone while she was walking to the Gryffindor table. One certain boy caught her eye. He had platinum blonde hair and his icy, blue eyes felt like they were burning a hole inside of her. Kagome looked away as quickly as possible and rushed over to the Gryffindor table.

Everyone seemed to ignore her when she asked for a seat. If they did answer, it was awfully rude. The brave were very mean.

When no one seemed to want her to sit down, she gave up. Kagome was about to turn around and just go up to her dorm so she could tell Midoriko she didn't want to stay, someone tapped on her shoulder.

Kagome spun around. A girl with bushy, brown hair was standing in front of her.

"You could sit here if you want." She gestured towards where she must have been sitting. She sat back down and Kagome hesitantly followed, and sat Shippo in her lap when she sat down.

"T-thanks," Kagome said.

"No problem. Well, I'm Hermione Granger. And this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley."

Ron spat out a muffin he was cramming in his mouth when Hermione said his name.

Kagome giggled. "Ew."

Harry just sat there, scribbling something onto a piece of parchment. Although his head was bent forward, Kagome could still see his bright, green eyes.

Something about Harry intrigued Kagome.

"I'm Kagome Higurashi," she said.

With that, Harry's head shot up. For a moment, they just stared into each others eyes, then Harry blushed and looked back down in an instant.

(A/N- Well, how did you like it? Kind of boring, I know. But it's just to introduce Kagome to Hogwarts. By the way, this takes place during their sixth year, and also, choose who you want to be the DADA teacher, since there IS a new one, like always. Anyways, bye. Read and review.)