Okay, new story. Now that dad's gone for abroad (again), I'm free to use the comp and I (hopefully) could update faster...though, it depends if I'm in the mood to make it. Lots of school work and such. And it's boring...when I get home, I'll try to update okay?That is, if any ideas come ,this just popped out since I really would like to make new stories ,forget my other stories coz i made too many mistakes..Maybe I'll update it after I finish this story...


Chapter 6

After eating, they all headed to the backyard to the swimming pool where the kids enjoyed playing. Aoi and Youichi played pool volleyball while Mikan, Natsume and Yuka sat on the pool chair under the shade of the umbrella.

Mikan wore a two piece white bikini swimsuit with her yellow flip-flops. Natsume wore his thin white shirt and black swimming trunks and read a book. Yuka wore her two piece bikini of a black, silky strapless bandeau with her matching red flip-flops and white sunhat. Youichi wore his blue swimming trunks with navy blue waves imprinted on it. While Aoi wore her pink tank style one piece swim suit with white polka dots imprinted on it.

Yuka put on her shades. "Alex, can you get me some iced tea, please?" she said.

Alex bowed. "Yes, madam"

The kids suddenly called Mikan. "Mom~!"

Mikan stopped drinking her strawberry fruit juice. "Yes?"

"Come here mom, play with us!" Aoi said while raising her beach volleyball.

Mikan looked at Natsume and Yuka. "Excuse me" she said then ran to the pool and took a dive under water.

"Ah~!" The two kids said as the water splashed on their face. Mikan's head lifted up from the water and she tickled the two kids.

Alex came back with a glass of iced tea and gave it to Yuka. "Thank you, Alex" she said. The man just nodded and stayed there.

"Natsume, don't you think she's a perfect wife?" Yuka smiled.

Natsume smirked. "I know that…"

"Look at her. She's so active and happy with the kids. Only a few women possess that kind of personality" Yuka told him. "And she's not flirty at all and I like it. She's being what she is" she added.

"That's what I like about her the most" Natsume said as he closed the book he was reading.

Yuka chuckled. "I see. Then why don't you go and play with them?"

Natsume noticed a hint of laughter then went to the pool and jumped, cannonball style. "Fire in the hole!!"


"AAAAHHHH!!" Mikan and the two children shouted in surprise.

Yuka and Alex laughed. It was a very enjoying time alright. Natsume was still under the water and saw Mikan's leg. He tried to pull it to put a scare on her.

"AHH!!!!!" Mikan screamed in fright. Yeah, she's being pulled down by Natsume as a joke AND a scare.

"Natsume Hyuuga, CUT THAT OUT!!" she shouted. And it was loud enough for Natsume to hear from under the water.

Natsume's head lifted from the water. "You're such a scared-y cat, you know" he teased.

"Well sorry for being a scared-y cat. I don't like it when someone's pulling me down you know" Mikan stuck her tongue out. Natsume imitated Mikan and also stuck his tongue out but with no emotions.

"Natsume!!!!!!" Mikan dragged him down the water and choked him.

"Oi! You're choking me!!" Natsume said loudly.

"You jerk!!" Mikan shouted animatedly. The, Natsume slowly lost his breath and didn't move. Mikan noticed this. "Oi, Natsume, are you still awake?..." she asked. "More over…ALIVE?" she asked. But no response. This made Mikan nervous. So, she dragged Natsume to the surface on the tiled floor. Yuka, the kids and Alex came towards her. They were all panicking.

Mikan slapped Natsume's face for a bit. But he didn't move an inch. "Natsume, wake up!!!" she said loudly, almost shouting. And again, no response. Mikan's eyes flowed out tears. She just killed her boyfriend.


"Oi, you idiot" Natsume suddenly spoke.

"Natsume!!!" Mikan exclaimed in surprise.

"Eewww…." The two kids said as they covered their mouths. "Dad just spit out water on mom's face." Aoi added.

Mikan's face twitched. "Eewww!" she said. "Natsume, you disgusting idiot!" Mikan shouted.

"That's your fault for crying, stupid" Natsume stuck his tongue out a bit.

"Don't you dare stick your tongue out at me!"

"I can stick my tongue out at anyone if I want to…" Natsume sat up. "Even if it's you" he smirked.

"Ooh! You are so—" Mikan was cut off by Yuka.

"I remember something!" she said.

The four of them looked at her. (Exclude Alex) "I'll be going to the sports centre tomorrow" Yuka said. "And I was wondering if you, as a little 'family', could go with me as well~" she smiled sweetly.

"Uh, are you sure?" Mikan asked with a questioning look on her face.

"Of course I am, sweetie~! Besides, me and the girls are only the ones who's going to go bowling and stuff" Yuka chuckled.

Youichi's eyes widened in excitement. "Whoa! Bowling! I love that sport!" he exclaimed. He faced Mikan and tugged her hand with a putting look. "Mom, can we go? Please! Please!" he said, begging.

Mikan sighed. "Of course we can." She said as she carried Youichi then kissed his forehead. "I can't decline about it now, can I?" she smiled.

"Ah~! That's great then~!" Yuka said and looked at Natsume. "And I presume you'll be going as well, right?" she asked.

"Duh. Aoi can't stay still if Youichi goes somewhere where she can't go" Natsume answered sarcastically.

Yuka nearly flipped. (I know it's stupid or silly but I want to make someone laugh here) "That's great then~!" she said.

"Yay~!! Bowling, bowling!! We're going bowling!!" Aoi and Youichi chanted then high-fived.

"So cute~!" Yuka pinched both of their cheeks.

"That's my tough and handsome young man" Mikan giggled.

Natsume smirked. "And that's my sweet and beautiful little lady"

The two children grinned at their parents. Mikan looked at Natsume. "Are we going to stand here or swim?" she asked.


Mikan grabbed his arm and pulled him to the edge of the pool. "Then let's go dive!"

"Go mom!" Youichi cheered.

Natsume looked at Youichi then at Mikan. While Mikan was placing her hands on her hips with an arched brow. "What?" she asked.

"I didn't know you know how to dive?" he said.

"Where else would Youichi learn to dive? From a dog?" Mikan said in a matter-of-fact tone. (Sarcasm)

"I'm not an idiot, you know" Natsume said.

"I know, I know!"

"Tch, I just thought that your son knew how to swim and dive because of a coach, a friend or someone…" he paused. Then he arched his brow with a smirk "Like your late husband, hm?"

"I was the one who learned from Tsubasa, not Youichi." Mikan neared her face then arched both her eyebrows twice.

Natsume paused. "What? Tsubasa? Tsubasa Andou?" he asked.

"Yeah why?" Mikan asked.

"Then why is your surname 'Sakura'?" He asked back.

"Well…" Mikan turned around. "I wasn't really married to him yet…" she added with a hint of sadness.

That was a new one. Mikan… not married? Then what the hell happened to Tsubasa??

Natsume stared at him. And same with Yuka. She stared at Mikan with a curious look. Then, Mikan continued as she remembered the tragedy that hit her supposed-to-be-husband.

"Well you see, Tsubasa had an accident…"


It was a beautiful night. Stars sparkled so brightly upon the busy streets of Tokyo. It was summer that time. Scattered clouds in the morning and evening. A perfect time for star gazing. And a perfect time for romance. Dates, proposals, marriage… plan for kids. And speaking of romance, there's a couple that has a tragic story…

A girl with auburn hair and brown eyes dressed herself for a very special occasion. Well, a usual occasion but there's something special in it. This brunette's name is Mikan Sakura. She is 23 years old and has a son who is 3 years old. She is living in an expensive and classy apartment. Her parents died when she was 15. They died in a car accident and left her alone. Mikan survived the hardships that came. She studied hard during her school years. And now that she is a parent, Mikan will struggle the hardships of raising a child. With her boyfriend, Tsubasa Andou, they will face the hardships of being parents together. And speaking of Mikan's boyfriend, which is the main reason why she's dressing tonight. It's a special date that night. And because it's special, Mikan chose to wear her mom's favourite; a white halter neck with matching Levi's jeans and blue and white striped doll shoes.

Mikan got her son, Youichi, from the couch who was watching some shows from cartoon network and carried him to his baby crib.

"Yo-chan, stay here. Mommy's going to be gone for a short while, okay?" she said and smiled.

Youichi just nodded and played with his toy cars and robots. Mikan smiled at him. "Be a god boy now. Don't try to get down the cradle okay?" she said. Then went to the refrigerator and got a plastic bottle of milk in it and a small paper bag of cookies. "If you're hungry, just eat this okay? But don't make a big mess and try not to spill the milk" she winked. Youichi nodded and continued playing with his toys.

"Good night, Yo-chan. I'll be going now" Mikan said then went outside her apartment and locked the door.

On Mikan's way, she saw the landlady. "Mrs. Aizawa, I'll be leaving Youichi in my apartment, can you please look after him for me?" she asked.

Mrs. Aizawa nodded and smiled. "Sure, Mikan. And good luck on your date" she said.

Mikan bowed. "Thanks. I'll be leaving now" she said then went away.


Mikan sat down the reserved restaurant dinner table and waited for her boyfriend. Time passes by but her boyfriend didn't come at all. It's been an hour since she arrived and it was almost 10 pm. Mikan got more worried every time the clock ticks.

'I'm getting worried…' she thought. Mikan glanced around to see if Tsubasa has arrived. 'No sign of him…' she thought to herself.

"Where could you be, Tsubasa?" she said aloud.

Then, she waited for 30 minutes but Tsubasa didn't come. The restaurant was going to close so she went somewhere else but near the restaurant, just in case…

"Tsubasa, where are you…" she said, nervous while glancing everywhere.

Then, a voice called her…

"Mikan! Mikan!" the voice called aloud.

Mikan suddenly stood up from the bench she was sitting on and glanced at the direction where the voice came from. "Tsubasa!?"

Then, to her disappointment, it wasn't her boyfriend. It was Tsubasa's best friend, Tono.

"Oh, Tono-kun…" Mikan said, a bit disappointed.

Tono stopped running in front of her then tried to calm down for a bit. "Mikan…-pant- big…-pant- news…" he said, panting hard.

"Oh, what big news?" she asked him.

"You would want to sit down before I tell you what it is -pant-" Tono told Mikan and pulled her to a bench and sat down with her. He looked her in the eye before he said the 'big news'.

"Mikan…" he started.

"Yeah…?" Mikan arched a brow.

"It's about Tsubasa…"

"What about Tsubasa?" she asked.

"He…h-he…" Tono looked at the ground.

"He… what?"

"He… got in an accident…" he said.

Mikan stood up immediately after she heard what Tono said. "WHAT!?"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, TONO!?" She asked, shouting.

All the people who heard her looked at her. Tono shook his head. "He was on his phone. He was talking to me…" he said as he remembered.

Tsubasa's position hours ago…

Tsubasa stood still at the side walk. He was going to cross the road. The 'walk' sign was still red so he waited for it to become green again. While waiting, he reached for his jacket's inside pocket and got a small and silky black box.

'I'm going to propose to her…' he thought.

Then, Tsubasa got his phone and dialled Tono's number.

"Yo, Tono!" he greeted.

"What's with the sudden call, lover boy?" Tono asked from the other line.

"I just want to tell you that I'm going to propose to Mikan tonight" Tsubasa grinned at himself, like he was in front of Tono.

"Whoa! Good luck with that, dude!" Tono cheered him on.

"Now that's what I want to hear from my best friend" Tsubasa laughed a bit.

As he was talking to Tono on his phone, he saw the 'walk' sign turn green so he walked.

Almost at the middle, two bright lights came visible from afar. Tsubasa was so caught up with his talk about his proposal that he didn't know a vehicle was going towards him.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell you about it. Positive or negative come out, I'm still cute. Nah, I'm kidding" Tsubasa laughed at what he said then….

(Honking truck sound effects)

Tsubasa was still talking to Tono and noticed a truck was heading for him. He didn't even have time to run for his life. So tragedy struck. The truck ran through him and didn't stop from running! Tsubasa lied on the ground, almost dead. In his right hand was his broken cellphone and in his left is the small box that kept the ring he was supposed to give to Mikan that special night…

Tono's Place…

Static was all he heard. No response as well. Tono got worried and tried to check if Tsubasa was joking around or not.

"Andou, you better answer me or you are literally dead tomorrow!!" he said. But nothing.

It was real. Tsubasa got into a bad accident.

"SHIT!" Tono cursed and closed his phone and ran outside his house and ran where Tsubasa was.

Tono knew where his best friend would be. Tsubasa told him where he was while they were talking. And besides, Tsubasa told him that he and Mikan would have a date in the most expensive restaurant in Japan.

'Tsubasa, you better not die, or I'm skewered!' Tono thought to himself nervously.

After a while, Tono reached the destination where Tsubasa was. A lot of people were crowding the area. Police, FBI, CSI, CIA and security guards. There were also a lot of citizens crowding the area. Tono quickly ran towards there and ran through the large crowd.

"Excuse me! Let me through! Darn it!" he shouted.

Then, when he was in front where he could see Tsubasa, he tried to run inside the investigation area. But a security guard stopped him from going in.


He sounded so sincere that the security guard let him in. As soon as he was free to go in, Tono ran down to Tsubasa and saw his bloody face.

"Dude, speak! Mikan will screw me if you die!" Tono said worriedly.

Tsubasa slowly opened his eyes. "T-tono…" he said weakly.

"Thank God you're awake!" Tono cried in relief.

Tsubasa smirked. "But not too long, I'll be gone…"

"For crying out loud, bro! You shouldn't be saying those things! Imagine Mikan doing something crazy when she finds out you're dead!" Tono shouted at him.

"She has to accept it. Everyone will die one day some time…" Tsubasa got the strength to laugh weakly at his self.

Tono sighed. "Were do you get the strength to laugh!?" he shook his head. "Then what are you going to do? How will you propose to her?" he asked.

Tsubasa raised his hand that held the small box where the ring was weakly. "G-give this to her…" he said.

Tono took the small box. He looked at Tsubasa's blood-covered face. "Tell her… I still love her and I always will. And tell her…" Tsubasa said with all his strength. Tono listened carefully and remembered the exact same words Tsubasa was telling him. "…Tell her I'm sorry that I won't be with her anymore. But I will always watch over her and our son…" he said.

Tono's eyes unconsciously released tears that crawled down his face. "And Tono, thanks for everything. We're still brothers… forever and ever…" Tsubasa's eyes released tears as well.

Tono sniffed as his tears dropped down Tsubasa's face. "See you later… To-…-no…" Tsubasa said to him as his last words.

"Tsubasa…?" Tono's eyes widened in fear. "Tsubasa… TSUBASA, WAKE UP!!" he shook Tsubasa's corpse.

But no matter how he shook hard, Tsubasa was really dead. He hoped that it was just a big and scary nightmare… but it was all reality. He had to accept that his best friend, whom he treated like his own brother, is dead.

End of inner Flashback

Mikan couldn't believe the story she heard from Tono. She told her self that it was just a big lie. A big joke that Tono and Tsubasa himself was playing on her.

"I don't believe that!" she said to him.

"THAT'S JUST A LIE!!" Mikan shouted.

Tono knew that would happen. He sighed in disbelief. "Mikan, he wanted me to give you this…" Tono said as he pulled out his hand from his pocket and gave Mikan the black box Tsubasa told him to give her.

Mikan stared at the box. "What is this?" she asked, almost demanding.

"Mikan, tonight, Tsubasa was supposed to propose to you." Tono said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Mikan's eyes widened. 'Tsubasa was going to…p-propose?' she thought in shock.

"Well, I'll escort you home, Mikan. I know Tsubasa doesn't want you to walk alone while going home" Tono faced down.

Mikan hugged the proposal box tight. Her eyes released tears continuously and silently nodded. Mikan and Tono both stood up and got a taxi. Tono paid for the both of them. He felt sorry for the poor woman. And poor kid, Youichi, he lost his father at an early age.

Mikan looked at the box the whole time. She didn't take her eyes off of it. Until, she got to her apartment.

She opened the door and saw Youichi sleeping in the baby crib soft and sound. As Mikan stared at Youichi longer, the more she wanted to cry and at the same time, work hard to make Youichi happy and go to an exclusive school.

She went to him and carried Youichi in her arms. "Don't worry, sweetie… I promise to take care of you…" Mikan said in a whisper while crying silently and kissed his forehead.

End of Flashback

"That's what happened…" Mikan looked away with her eyes.

Everyone stared at her. No one uttered one word. "So you're really not yet married…" Natsume just said.

Mikan looked at him. "Wait, how come you know Tsubasa?" she asked.

Natsume looked at Yuka. She came near Mikan and held her on the shoulder gently. "Tsubasa's father is my partner-in-work, Mikan. I'm his godmother, not to mention" Yuka said.

Mikan nodded slowly with an "Oh…"

"Well anyways, past is past. Let's enjoy the present time!" Yuka grinned. Alex came with a tray with fruit juices. Yuka took one glass and raised it in the air. "Cheers to all of us~!" she said happily.

Mikan and the rest got one as well. "Cheers!" They all gave a toast and then drank their fruit juices. "So who wants more fun?" Yuka asked. The kids rose their hand quickly "WE DO!!" They laughed.

"Is that all you can give? I can't hear you!!" Yuka grinned as she placed her knuckles on her hips.

"WE WANT TO HAVE FUN!!!!" The kids both screamed.

"Okay then~!" Yuka raised her hand childishly. "We shall go to the…"

"AMUSEMENT PARK~!!!!!!!!" she said in excitement. The two kids hugged her. (Enter pink background with yellow and pinkish white bubbles)

Mikan and Natsume sweat dropped. Natsume's face twitched. "She's like a woman YEARS younger than us…" he said.

Mikan nodded. "No offense; she acts more of a kid than Aoi and Yo-chan" she said.

"That's my mom…" Natsume sighed in disbelief. Mikan just nodded.

Well, that's how a fun day should be right?

To be continued

I know it took me such a long time but I really had a problem with schedule…especially last week's schedule. Periodic exams and all. But, at least I made this short chappie about Mikan and her supposed-to-be-husband right? Well…. Review~!!