Disclaimer: Everything belongs to J.K. Only my characters belong to me.

A/N: The words that are in italics are thoughts.

~*~~*~The Truth~*~~*~

It was a sunny afternoon in August, and Harry was playing Quidditch with the Weasleys twins and Ron. Hermione and Ron weren't talking to each other, because they just had a heated row last night about.well, about something.

"Hey Harry! Pass it to me!" Ron was speeding towards Harry on his old Shooting Star, when George called out.

Harry immediately threw the Quaffle to George, who caught it deftly. George then sped off with it towards the other side of the field, when quite suddenly, out of nowhere, Hedwig came into view. The snowy owl had a letter tied around its leg, and it was flying toward Harry.

"Hey girl," cooed Harry to Hedwig, when she landed on his shoulder. Harry took the letter and Hedwig flew off to get a drink from her cage, which Harry had left open.

"Who send you the letter?" asked Fred, who had flown down next to Harry. "Dumbledore," replied Harry in a dumbfounded voice. "What did you do Harry?" asked Fred in an imitation of Percy. Harry shoved Fred playfully, and proceeded to open his letter. It said, it emerald-green ink:

Dear Mr. Potter,

Hello Harry, I believe you are enjoying your summer at the

Weasleys. However, I want you to come back to Hogwarts

tomorrow. It is urgent and I will be there to pick you up at

a quarter to nine. Please show this to Molly and Arthur, and

say hello to them for me.


Albus Dumbledore

Harry looked over the letter again, to check if he missed something.

Why do Dumbledore want me back at Hogwarts so soon? Is it Voldemort again? Harry swore loudly. "Whoa there buddy, what's bugging you?" Harry looked up at George, who just joined Fred and Harry. "Dumbledore wants me back at Hogwarts tomorrow. I think it has something to do with Voldemort." Fred and George flinched at the sound of the name, but overlooked it. "Maybe Dumbledore just wants to check on you Harry, I mean, about what happened last year with," George was cut short by Mrs. Weasley shouting. "Dinner is ready!"


The next day, Ron, Harry, and Hermione stood out side waiting for Professor Dumbledore. "Don't worry about it Harry," said Ron. "Yhea, we'll send you loads of owls," added Hermione, obliviously trying to cheer Harry up. "Thanks guys" Harry smiled weakly.

It wasn't that Harry didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, He probably missed the castle more than anybody else. The reason why Harry was so gloomy is because he had a very peculiar feeling about this.

Harry sighed again. Dumbledore said he was taking me by Portkey, well, it's better than Floopowder. On the other hand, Ron and Hermione seemed to be avoiding each other lately, and Harry had a feeling that it had nothing to do with the fight.

I just wish that they could admit it already, I mean, they liked each other since last year. Harry smiled secretly to himself. Maybe they just need a little push. Maybe I can give them that little push. They'd just better make me their Best man at their wedding.

When Harry was still plotting ways of getting Ron and Hermione together, Dumbledore apparated in front of them. "Hello Professor," said Hermione and Ron politely. "Hello," replied Dumbledore, blue eyes twinkling. "Harry? Are you ready to go?" "Huh? What? Oh hello Professor, yes, I'm ready." Dumbledore looked at Harry for a moment, as if trying to look through him. After a while, Dumbledore broke into a smile and told Harry that he looked more and more like James each year.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*************** *********************************************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Harry felt his head spin, as the Portkey transferred him and Dumbledore to Hogwarts. Then quite suddenly, Harry felt his feet slam into the ground and him falling to the floor. "I hate Portkeys," declared Harry. Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles. "Come on Harry, they're not going to wait forever." "Who's they?" asked Harry, skeptically. "You'll see, you'll see," was Dumbledore's answer.

The walk to Hogwarts was unusually quiet. When Dumbledore and Harry reached the wooden front door. Dumbledore knocked three times, and the door swung open to revel Professor McGonagall. She looked just the same as I last saw her, thought Harry. Well of course she does, it's only been two months.

"Albus, you've got him?" asked McGonagall. "Yes Minerva. He's right here." Dumbledore then steered Harry inside. The next moment, Harry felt as though all the wind got knocked out of him, as Dobby the house elf hugged Harry around the middle. "Harry Potter is back! I is so happy! Harry Potter is I's greatest friend! I is so happy!" "Thank you Dobby," Harry managed to choke out. "Now will you please let me breathe?" Dobby immediately let go of Harry. "Will Harry Potter need something? I is going to the kitchens, I can bring something for Harry Potter," squeaked Dobby. "No thanks Dobby, I don't need anything"

"But aren't you hungry Harry? You haven't had any breakfast." Harry turned around to Dumbledore, who had spoken. "I did already have breakfast Professor. Did you think Mrs. Weasley would let me go without breakfast?" Dumbledore laughed. "Of course not"

Dumbledore then turned around to speak with Dobby. "Please bring Harry trunk up stairs to the fifth year boys dormitory." "Yes sir," squeaked Dobby again and he ran to get Harry trunk. "Harry, lets go into the Great Hall. I have something or rather someone to show you." Harry only nodded.

McGonagall led Dumbledore and Harry into the Great Hall. The door was closed, but with a wave of her wand, the iron doors opened. Inside was just as Harry expected it to look like. The clouds were swirling together in the enchanted ceiling, and the torches were out because the light shown from the magnificent windows provided light.

Still as McGonagall led them to the front table, where all the teachers sat, no one spoke. While at the teacher's table, all were watching Harry move closer and closer. The man on the right side of Remus Lupin spoke. "Do you think he'll recognize us?" "Don't worry, I'm positive that he will, after all, you are his parents," answered Remus

A/N: dun dun duuuuunnnnn....... what will happen? Will Harry believe that his parents are alive? Or is this all part of Voldemort's plan?