Well, this is the last chapter for this story, I think, unless I come up with an idea but I doubt I will. But have really enjoyed writing it and I love this pairing, (but honestly, it's so MayaXPhoenix). Thank you to all of you who have read this and thank you to those who have reviewed, I love you all =D

So last but not least, Chapter 5! (sorry about chapter 4 where I put chapter 3, didn't realize till just now)

The morning was grim for Edgeworth. Actually, most mornings were. He sat up on his bed and looked around his dimly lighted bedroom, filled with wooden furnishings and paintings that were, frankly, pointless. He never really had the time to properly decorate his home, it just wasn't an interest of his.

A few moments later, he was dressed in a fine, distinguished suit, one that would indicate he was about to go do a case. He picked up his suitcase, and some train tickets. He was going out of town to investigate the case. He didn't seem too ecstatic, his vacant expression showing there was nothing to look forward to. The case will go his way, a guilty verdict will be achieved, all would be well.


The whistles blew nauseatingly at the train station, as Edgeworth trudged through the platform, the dark warrior he was, the tail of his suit waving as he moved. He reached his platform, seeing his train was not there. He looked at the clock above. It should be here. A droning voice sounded over the tannoy system.

"Attention, the train scheduled for 9:00am at Platform 5b has been delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience, it should arrive in at least an hour. Thank you."

Edgeworth groaned irritably. He viewed a rigid bench, sighed and seated himself, crossing his arms the way he'd do to patronize the defence attorney. He'd do this a lot, in this case it was directed at the service the train station provided.


A half hour later, Edgeworth was still at the train station, waiting somewhat patiently. A train arrived, but it wasn't his. Passengers flowed in and out of the train. In the scuttle, he noticed someone familiar, she always was easy to see with her spirit medium outfit, Maya. She didn't notice Edgeworth, so he found himself calling for her.


She turned and saw him, and smiled, and traipsed towards him, trying to avoid being pushed over by the always careless passengers going in and out, determined to get to their destination fast enough to ignore others. She finally got there.

"Mr. Edgeworth, hi."

It was for more easier to talk to her now.

"Greetings, Maya. What are you doing here?"

"I just came back from Kurain, you?"

"Oh, I'm actually going out of town for a week to prosecute a case."

"Sounds awesome! I'm sure you'll give the defendant what for. You certainly did with me!"

Edgeworth chuckled.

"Thank you Maya, I hope I do."

Screeching of the train tracks clattered, as Edgeworth's train approached.

"That's my train, about time."

He stood up and bid Maya a farewell.

"I'll see you when I get back, goodbye Maya."

"Okay, bye."

Edgeworth nodded and walked towards the door. For a split second, Maya regained her thoughts and called him back.

"Wait. Mr. Edgeworth?"

Edgeworth turned back.


Maya with a little hesitation, slowly breathed.

"Do you want, when you get back I mean, to do something together, sometime?"

Edgeworth raised both his eyebrows, a little lost, it was out of the blue.

"Oh, you mean like a date?"

Edgeworth thought for a second that she may have not meant that, and was wishing secretly in his mind that she was to steer clear of embarrassing himself.


Edgeworth's mind came to rest. Now all he had to do was answer. He didn't have no objections, but it was Maya, of all people. However, their recent incidents involving each other, it wasn't so strange anymore.

"I, sure, alright."

"Really? Cool. So, what do you want to do?"

Edgeworth was about to suggest something, but the train conductor's voice was loud.

"All aboard! One minute left."

Edgeworth and Maya looked at the train and sighed.

"You better go I guess."

"Yes. But, I'll call you from my hotel."

"That'd be good."

They smiled at each other, then deciphered a suitable way of initiating a good bye. They settled for shaking each other's hand. The Maya leaned over, and gently kissed him on the cheek. As she pulled away, he felt her face move away and was tempted to complete what he never finished a few days ago at her apartment. But the train was about to go.

"All passengers aboard!"

Maya exhaled.

"Well, goodbye Mr. Edgeworth."

Edgeworth decided not to go just yet. He held her and kissed her, the way he would have. It was elating, and people were watching but he couldn't care less. She returned to him and they both made the moment something to remember throughout the next week when they won't see each other. They broke away from each other, and caught their breath, unwillingly. They looked at each other, and laughed.

"Well, that was interesting." Edgeworth commented.


The train conductor checked his watch.

"All right, we're leaving now."

Edgeworth stopped.

"Wait I still need to get on."

The train conductor frowned with vast discontent.

"Well get on the bloody train then!"

Edgeworth concurred and turned to Maya.

"If that's all Maya, I'll be going now."

"Yeah, bye."

Edgeworth quickly stepped towards onto the train. He turned around and waved to Maya and she did the same. Soon enough, the doors brushed closed and he found himself waving good bye to white paint. He slowly put his hand down and the train began to move and drove away. He held onto the pole near him and recalled the previous moment. A pleased smile appeared, and he light- heartedly made his way to find a seat. Looking out the window, watching the outside scenery shift, but only one thing was on his mind: seeing Maya again. Likewise, back at train station, Maya's hair swung as she skipped through the platform, with a luminous grin. Mr. Edgeworth wasn't the conventional type of man she'd go for, but that's what made it more worthwhile. One thing was on Maya's mind: Mia is going to love this, Pearl is going to kill me.



6 days later, in his hotel room, sat in his hotel room where he was given a beautiful view of the ocean. He suddenly began to appreciate this view, seeing as he would miss it when he would leave. It reminded him of Maya, who was at the moment lying peacefully in her bed eyes open, staring at the ceiling. She slanted towards her bedside table to turn off her lamp. They thought of each other, and the kiss… it was amazing. Click, the lamp turned off, and the next day when Maya and Edgeworth would see each other again drifted into Maya's dreams.