A/N: Hey guys, thanks so much for everyone who reviewed and added The Windowsill to their faves. It mean a lot to me and I really appreciate it. So as promised, this is my new chapter story. It may be epic… sorry. So this was actually a dream I had last night and I was like… "must…feed…to…the masses!!!" So here it is

Summary: Jasper is the son of the governor of a British Territory off the coast of the UK and is engaged to Maria, the Duchess of Spain. Alice, a local midwife's daughter, and a nurse, is called to serve as Maria's personal nurse and servant. Read on to see what mayhem and fluff and mayhem and… *cough* fluff, ensue.

Chapter 1

(Alice's POV)

"Alice, sweetheart, please don't pull at your apron, you look silly" my mother flicked her arm wildly at me, her eyes narrowed in a silent threat. I hated that she cared more about her reputation and having some sort of bragging rights to say that her daughter was the soon-to-be personal servant to Maria of Spain, than she actually cared about my feelings towards the entire situation.

"This is ridiculous, mother. The woman is a complete nightmare; all of her subjects have said so." The thought of working for Maria made me want to scream. I glanced out the side of the carriage in anticipation to see the ocean for the first time. I had grown up in Bath, England and moving out to the Isle of Covington was a bittersweet transition. My mother sighed into her hands and looked at me with what could only be described as pure distaste.

"Your siblings would have loved this opportunity, Alice." She put an emphasis on my name like it was burning her tongue to say it.

"I doubt that" I muttered. Before my mother could protest what I had said, the carriage had stopped at a dock and I leapt from it carefully. A large man pulled my things from the back of the carriage and began loading them into a boat.

"You must be Alice." He smiled warmly at me like he had a joke he wanted to tell me. I smiled back and offered my hand. "I'm Emmett. I work for the Royal family. Grew up working for them in fact" He rolled his eyes and continued loading my things. I liked Emmett already.

"Is it true what they say about her, Emmett? That she kills any woman that even looks at her Fiancé?" I wanted to know as much as I could about this Maria before I was bound to her side as her own personal lap dog.

Emmett threw his head back and laughed, "That's a little dramatic. She is quite a witch though." I giggled at Emmett's comment and helped him move my last bits of luggage into the boat.

I turned to look at my mother, tears now collected in the corners of her eyes. I groaned and threw my arms around her. "I'll write to you every day, now don't fuss over me you have four more kids at home for you." I felt her heave into a sob against me.

"Oh, Alice, do visit me if you can." She stroked my hair fondly and I had suddenly forgotten what a nightmare she had been these past few days.

I hugged her tight again and smiled before letting Emmett help me into his boat.

The Isle of Covington was not far from the mainland, I could see after only a few minutes of travel. Emmett had made some small talk with me and motioned for me to come sit by him.

"You know I took the job at Covington so that I could afford nice things for my wife. She's always been into fashions and nice jewelry." Emmett smiled fondly, clearly thinking about his wife.

"What's her name, Emmett?" I wanted to know more about her instantly. He smiled down at me and sighed

"Her name is Rosalie. They finally let her move to the Isle with me last month. It's been so long without her. Maria appointed her as her assistant of sorts." He handed me a locket with a heart on the front. I pried it open with my fingertips, cursing that I bit my nails in this moment. The woman inside was stunning and I gasped. Her skin was fair and smooth like porcelain and her long golden locks fell softly around her beautiful face.

"She looks like an angel" was all I could muster up before I handed the locket back to Emmett. He nodded before looking down at me.

"So what about you, Miss Brandon? Any handsome young man back at home?" He concentrated closely at the dock ahead of us. I shook my head and then realized he wouldn't have seen it.

"No, no one for me." Saying the words made my stomach hurt and I swallowed hard. Emmett looked at me curiously and smiled.

"You're young, you have time" he pulled into the dock and three young men helped tie us onto land. "Rosalie is going to show you around" Emmett gleamed and gestured to the angel gliding towards us. She extended a slender pale hand and I touched it lightly, shaking it even lighter.

"I'm Rosalie McCarty, let me show you where you're staying" she smiled kindly and I followed quickly after her waving a simple goodbye to my new friend Emmett.