Changing for love .... By ishotsherlock.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my imagination.

A/N: This is sort of A/U. And came from my sick and twisted mind.

Chapter 1.

She had always been told by her father that she was no good, nothing but trouble, a worthless waste of space and that she should have been aborted when they found out her mother was pregnant. She had found that hiding from her father when he came into her room in the middle of the night was a bad idea and would result in another hospital stay, always under a different name if they had to go to the same hospital. If he wasn't verbally abusing her then he was beating her, her mother or brother. But one day that all changed.

The police car pulled up to the front of the house, and even they could hear the screaming and shouting coming from inside. This had been happening since the family had moved in three years ago. At least four times a week one of the neighbours would call and say it was all kicking off in the house. But this time it would be different. The two young cops got out of the car and made their way up to the front door. The taller of the two went to knock, but then noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Getting a weird feeling, he un-holstered his gun, then slowly inched the door open with the toe of his boot. The shouting inside got louder and he tried to make himself heard over the din coming from somewhere inside. "Police.... Police, can you come to the door please." they waited but no-one could hear him over the screaming, so they moved into the house searching rooms as they went. They had one room left and that was the kitchen at the end of the hall, where the shouting was getting louder.

The tall cop spoke again. "Police, can you come to the door please." getting no response from the person shouting incoherently in the room, the two cops opened the door. At first as the door swung open they only saw a normal kitchen but as the door swung wider the sight before them chilled them to the bone. A woman was kneeling over a mans body plunging a knife in over and over and splashing blood across herself and the room with each stroke. The body lying on the floor had an ever growing pool of blood seeping out from all sides, the face was no longer recognisable and the chest was being pulverised by the butchers knife being repeatedly plunged into it by the hysterical woman.

Standing just out of the range of the swinging knife was a young skinny child, with her eyes closed and holding a doll up to her chest, as the knife swung by her again another layer of blood splattered across her front. She was covered in blood from the top of her head to the tip of her bare feet, and shaking uncontrollably. But she made no noise as another layer was added, she just stood there in silence.

The younger cop clamped his hand over his mouth and fled from the house. The taller of the two got onto his radio and requested back up, while trying his hardest not to throw up or pass out. He slowly tried to make his way over to the woman asking her to put the knife down, but all she did was swing the knife at him, catching his arm with the tip. He backed off for a few moments to check his arm, luckily it had only caught his sleeve. Looking up the young cop decided to see if he could get the girl out of the kitchen. He inched his way behind the woman, but as he reached out to get the girls arm, the woman screamed "No, you will never touch us again." as the knife plunged into his stomach. He watched as the woman went back to plunging the knife into the body on the floor. He staggered back against the nearest wall and slumped to the floor holding his stomach with one hand as he sent out an officer down call on his radio. He saw a dish towel hanging from the chair and grabbed it, holding it to his bleeding stomach.

The young cop went back into the house after hearing his partners call, he ran to the kitchen and avoided looking at the mess on the floor, spotting his partner slumped against the wall with a bloody towel clamped to his stomach, he went over to him. "Keep holding that, I'm gonna get you out of here." he grabbed his partner under the arms and dragged him out to the front lawn. He looked up at the screeching of tyres and saw uniforms running towards him. "Straight through, in the kitchen, male DB, woman with a knife and a young girl." he shouted as the other officers ran into the house, the paramedics arrived and started to assess the wounded cop. They quickly got him on to a gurney and started I/V lines on both arms then quickly got him into the waiting ambulance and with sirens and lights they sped out of the road.

In the kitchen three cops lay on the floor holding their legs, the woman had swung the knife so fast that none of them had time to get out of the way. Another cop was on his radio requesting medical assistance while trying to keep the woman's legs from kicking him in the head, he looked over at the other three laying on the hysterical woman all of them trying to keep her under control and only just managing to.

The little girl still stood shaking in the same place as before, but now she had her eyes open and was looking at the mess in front of her. Her mother had four cops holding her down, but she was still struggling. Her father lay in front of her, his blood was now surrounding her feet. She didn't recognise him any more, his face and chest was just bloody pulp, but all she could think was "I'm free, he can't hurt me anymore... no-one will ever hurt me again like he did." she then did something she had not done in a long time, she smiled, it was small but it was there.

Someone gently took her hand and led her outside, she heard the young cop being sick next to the door, she heard one of the neighbours tell the woman holding her hand that her name was Sara Sidle. She saw the looks of pity on peoples faces as she sat in the cop car and the same looks on the people in the hospital after she had been examined. Again the same pitying looks in the home she was placed in the next night. But a year later the looks changed at the library when one of the librarians found her reading a book on dominant and submissive relationships.

So now she knew, not only that her father had been an asshole but that he also had a dominant side to him that only showed itself at home, and that's when Sara made the promise to herself, she would never be the submissive in any relationship and no-one would ever treat her the way her father had treated her.

A/N: Hi everybody let me know if you would like me to continue this weird story.

Amanda :D