Chapter Twelve

"Pookie! The Halloween party is tomorrow night! We need a great costume. Joanne, are you even listening to me?"

Joanne looked up from her book. "What?"

Maureen huffed, annoyed. "The Halloween party. We still need a costume."

"Uh-huh," Joanne replied absently. "You figure that out."

"I need your input! Otherwise you will just have to wear what I put in front of you," Maureen said, still trying to get her girlfriend's attention.

"Whatever you say, babe," Joanne answered, completely engrossed in her book.

Maureen grinned. "Ok then. I'll pick our costumes. All you have to do is wear it." With that, she ran out of the room to talk to Angel and Mimi.


A few hours later, Joanne was just waking up from a rather long nap. She had fallen asleep while reading, shortly after Maureen had gone to find Mimi and Angel. Just as she opened her eyes, she could hear her girlfriend giggling across the room. Vision still blurry with sleep, Joanne sat up, calling out, "Maureen?"

"Pookie! You're awake!" Maureen squealed, jumping onto the bed and tackling Joanne with a kiss.

Joanne chuckled. "Hello to you, too."

"So," Maureen began, pulling the darker girl into a standing position. "You know how you told me I could pick out our costumes for tomorrow night?"

"Yes…" Joanne replied cautiously, catching the mischievous gleam in Maureen's eyes.

"Well," The drama queen continued, a grin splitting across her face, "I decided to get Angel and Mimi in on it and have matching costumes as a group!"

"But I thought only we were going to have matching costumes, not the whole group," Joanne said, slightly disappointed. She had been excited to share this night with Maureen from the moment she had heard about it.

"Oh, baby, we'll have plenty of time to have matching costumes in the future. But both Mimi and Angel are single, and Angel is having a really hard time right now. You know that. Plus, I think I have a plan to get her and Collins back together."

"Really? How?"

"It's all in the costumes, Babe. Will you just trust me, and go with the plan? Please?" Maureen pouted lightly. Joanne smiled, nodding and patting the bed to beckon her girlfriend. Maureen happily bounced back over, receiving a kiss on the neck.

"Hmm…" Joanne sighed into Maureen's shoulder. "You said we would have matching costumes in the future. Does that mean you can imagine yourself still with me come next Halloween?"

"Absolutely," Maureen answered, wrapping her arms around Joanne and kissing her temple. "I can totally see us together in a year."

"What about in ten years?" Joanne asked.

Maureen's grip loosened. "…I don't know, Jo. I like you, and I like being with you, but in ten years who knows how much we both will have changed. I mean, maybe we'll change so much that we won't be compatible anymore. Maybe this is only a high school fling. Maybe you'll want to settle down when I may never want to. Maybe—"

"Mo," Joanne interrupted, placing a hand across the babbling brunette's mouth, "Are you happy now?"

Maureen nodded quickly, eyes wide. "Of course I am, Pookie."

"Then that's all that matters," Joanne replied, sealing her statement with a kiss. Before she could pull away, Maureen wrapped a hand behind her head, deepening the kiss. Darting her tongue into the other girl's mouth, Maureen slowly pushed Joanne down on the bed and straddled her waist. Joanne smiled into the kiss, allowing Maureen complete control. Just as the make out session began to heat up, the door burst open, and Angel and Mimi tore into the room.

"Oh," Mimi said, stopping suddenly, "Sorry, is this a bad time?"

"Yes," Maureen replied.

Joanne slapped her, and pushed the other girl out of her lap. "What do you need?"

Angel held up a wardrobe bag, her grin widening. "We have our costumes!"

Maureen squealed, jumping off the bed. "Where did you get these?!"

Angel giggled. "I know a friend who knows a friend who has some friends who dressed up as the Spice Girls two Halloweens ago. Believe me, it always helps to have a drag queen as a best friend."

"Wait," Joanne sputtered, "The Spice Girls?! There is no way in hell I'm dressing up as a damn—"

"You have to!" Maureen exclaimed. "It's okay if we're missing one Spice Girl. None of us could pull off Ginger Spice anyway. But it would just be ridiculous if we were missing two Spice Girls! And besides," she said, lowering her voice, "Look how excited Angel is. She hasn't been this happy since the stuff with her and Collins. Do it for her. She needs this. Please??"

"Okay, okay," Joanne sighed, muttering quietly to herself. "But I better be Scary Spice."

"Of course, dear." The drama queen replied. "And believe me, I'll definitely repay you later…"

Joanne grinned. "Maybe we can get them to leave, and you can repay me now…"

Maureen nodded, turning to their friends. "We love you guys, and appreciate the costumes, but can we try them on later?"

"Yeah, yeah…" Mimi said, chuckling at the two. "We'll leave you two to get your freak on. Come on, Ang."

"No sex!" Angel exclaimed, her giggles still audible after the door was closed.

"What would we do without those two?" Maureen sighed, running her fingers through her girlfriend's hair.

"We would not be the Spice Girls," Joanne muttered, allowing the brunette to take over.


Ding dong.

The four girls stood outside Collins' door as they waited for someone to open it. The only one who had known where to find his house was Joanne. Not even Angel had seen him off campus before tonight. They could hear a loud crash from inside and loud laughter before the door finally opened to reveal a tall boy with shaggy golden hair.

"Hi, I'm Roger," The boy said, opening the door to allow the girls in. He was wearing a shiny purple shirt and tight black pants, with a matching band wrapped around his head. "I'm a rock star," he grinned.

"ROGER!!" Angel exclaimed, jumping into his arms. "I missed you!"

"Hey, Ang!" Roger laughed, hugging her tight. "Who are the rest of these lovely ladies you've brought?"

The girls introduced themselves one by one. "We're the Spice Girls!" Maureen squealed. "I'm baby spice."

"I'm sporty spice," Mimi said.

Angel giggled. "I'm Posh Spice."

"And I'm Scary Spice…" Joanne muttered, scuffing the ground and refusing to look up. Maureen, noticing this, wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and whispered something in her ear. Immediately Joanne perked up immensely, a grin splitting across her face.

"Do I want to know what you just said to her?" Mimi asked.

"Definitely not," Maureen replied, plopping onto the couch. "Hey, where is everyone else?"

"They're around here somewhere…" Roger answered. "MARK!" he screamed, causing the girls to jump.

Shortly after, all of them heard a door slam and an unfamiliar voice say, "You look fine! Just fix your shorts!" A blonde boy came bouncing around the corner. He was wearing a plain white tee-shirt with a tie and a beret atop his head. Around his neck was an ancient video camera. "Hi, I'm Mark," the boy finally said, blushing slightly as he looked around at all of the girls. "I'm a film director."

"And a cute one at that," Angel chuckled, pulling her old friend down next to her on the love seat. "Do you still carry that old camera around?"

"Everywhere," Mark agreed.

"Now all we're missing is Collins…" Mimi observed, looking around from her spot on the couch.

"I'm right here," A muffled voice said from further down the hall. "Urgh, these damn shorts…"

Angel slumped significantly at the sound of the dean's voice. Mark rubbed her back soothingly, having been told the entire situation.

Finally Collins appeared from a door toward the back of the room. He was wearing a soccer uniform, complete with shin guards and a soccer ball. Written across his shirt was David Beckham. Eyes automatically locking with Angel, he made his way over to her. Kneeling in front of Posh Spice, he looked up and said, "I know I've made plenty of mistakes, Ang, and I'll make plenty more, but none will be as big as this one. You mean more to me than anything in this world. I'd give up everything just to be with you. Will you be the Victoria Beckham to my David?"

Angel smiled, pulling her lover onto his feet. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"I think I might have a clue…" he replied, pulling the drag queen into a deep kiss. Then he swung her into his arms. "Come along, Posh. We've got some catching up to do. The rest of you can mingle and get to know each other. Maureen, be good!"

"Why do you always single me out?!" Maureen huffed, leaning into Joanne. The just laughed as the newly reunited couple made its way upstairs for some privacy.

"What now?" Mimi asked, looking around.

Roger turned on some music and held out his hand. "Care to dance?" Mimi happily obliged, quickly followed by the rest of the group. It was the beginning of a new and glorious friendship.


Sorry for the Hiatus folks! Don't worry, this story isn't over! Read and Review!