A/N: Alriiight, Alriiiiight. Seriously, I have four reviews on a story that's gotten over a thousand hits? If I don't start getting reviews I won't even bother to continue this story. I only do it because I like to, and it's upsetting that four people have reviewed, when so many people probably read the chapters, and have it as a story alert!! So… you know the deal, review or no story. Simple. I'd take ideas, hopes, views and guesses for the story. Call me desperate, but I don't want this story to fall upon blind eyes. (get it? Deaf ears, blind eyes. Ahahah. Okay!)

DISCLAIMER: I didn't come up with Harry Potter or it's characters, JKR did, so bow to her, not to me! But you can purchase me a 2009 Honda civic!

"Ron, Harry! Come quick!"

Man did she think it was a little bright in here. What's that noise? Hermione was startled, and she hated to be startled. When she finally came to, she realized Ginny was standing over her, beginning to look bug-eyed.

"Hermione! About time. You've been asleep for two days!"

"Thanks Gin, I feel loads better now that you have told me I've been in a coma."

"Oh hush, Hermione. It was nothing like that. You moved every now and then, I knew nothing was wrong."

The boys took that moment to rush through her door, looking slightly disheveled, almost like they'd just jumped off of their broomsticks.

"Hermione! You look well, do you feel well?" Harry breathed out. He never was one to overly worry.

"Yeah, 'Mione. You slept for a bloody long time, you should feel right as day," Ron chimed in.

"I feel better boys, thank you. Thank you, too, Gin for staying with me. How'd you guys get in here?" Hermione questioned. She didn't think Draco would be too kind to allow them access. Someone must've did some vicious wand work.

Huge grins spread across the three students faces.

"Ronald! Harry! You two should know better, especially you Ronald! You're a prefect! I cannot stand for violence in my own Heads area!" Hermione whispered heatedly. Sure it was Malfoy, but he was Head Boy, as was she Head Girl! These kinds of situations were not allowed whatsoever.

"Granger," A deep, attractive voice wrapped around her head, and settled into her eardrums. It was none other than her savior, Draco Malfoy. "They definitely didn't kill me, like I'd give them a chance," he scoffed, "however, I did allow them entrance this one time." Hermione tried to speak up, but he raised his hand in arrogance and continued, "No need, Granger. It won't happen again and it doesn't mean I'll be inviting my own friends up to party, I simply had no time to check in and make sure you were still breathing. I also had no desire to touch you again, I took almost 10 baths after I took you to the Hospital Wing," he shuddered and looked as if he were disgusted. "Good day, filth. As for all of you, if you don't clear out by seven this evening, I'll forcefully remove you."

"Bloody bastard," Ron said under his breath.

Hermione was near crying now. Really, what did she do to deserve him being rude to her for almost seven years? She's always kind, helpful, and definitely a sweetheart, but Malfoy must be looking past all of that. 'Must be my condition, that's why I'm upset' she logically thought. He'd never made her this upset. She was just trying to understand why after so long he could put her in this situation.

"Don't bother, Hermione," Ginny cooed. She was always maternal, and there was no doubt she was a female Weasley. That was truly why Hermione loved having Ginny as a best friend, the support and the love that she had just built into her.

"Yeah, Hermione! He's worthless Hippogriff shit if I've ever smelled any, and being Hagrid's friend, I have," Harry joked. The group busted into side-splitting laughter, and around five minutes later, when they all calmed down, they decided to leave her be.

"Bye, Hermione!" they all spoke while walking through her bedroom door. She suddenly felt abdominal pains creep back into her body, and grabbed for the potion on her bedside table. She quickly swallowed the bitter-tasting liquid, feeling an all too comfortable slumber fall over her.

It was around five when Hermione awoke, and she felt more than rested. However, knowing the bookworm, she knew she had homework to do, and before her limbs could protest she rolled out of bed to get somethings done.

She gathered her books and took the stairs slowly one by one. Her body still ached, like it did every year, but like every year, again, the pain still increased. The common room was incredibly quiet, but she didn't mind one bit. Malfoy must've left, and his time frame of 'seven' must've been when he'd returned. Whatever, she thought. It was not her job to keep tabs on ferret face, even though she now felt indebted to him.

Hermione sighed and took a seat at her mahogany desk, settling into the chair to get some much needed work completed. Once she had her books open, there was no stopping her, and before she knew it it was dark and the common room lights flickered on. "Like magic," she spoke aloud, to no one, well, so she thought.

"What, Granger? The idea of magic just now hitting you? A little too late, though, isn't it?" Count on Malfoy to walk in at the most awkward moment. When she didn't speak up, he so rudely began again. "Cat got your tongue, eh Mudblood?"

"Malfoy, please. Can't you say something nice, and even if you can't, can you perhaps say nothing at all? Being called a Mudblood doesn't make my heart swoon like it may other girls. Shit's gotten old, so have you. But, continue to waste your own breath, see if I care." she bit back, not as harsh as usual, but it still was sharp.

It earned her a response. "Granger, I'm not your bloody puppet, where you can simply ask me to do something. I am a Malfoy, and Malfoys do whatever they so desire." He began walking towards her, sneering ever so viciously. This frightened her a bit as memories popped into her mind.

"I'm sorry Malfoy, I'm so sorry, I won't do anything. Honestly, just please don't hurt me." She had now worked her way into a ball and was hyperventilating.

"What the FUCK Granger? Do you think I'm going to back hand you or something? I was just trying to intimidate you, not beat the shit out of you. Calm down." He started to sound a little annoyed, but when she didn't pull out of her moment, he backed up a little bit, put his hands up as if surrendering, and started again.

"Granger? Granger, it's fine, it's good, I won't touch you, look! I'm all the way over here. Do you want me to get Pothead and Weasel over here? I'm sorry, Granger!"

"No, no. No!" Hermione finally spoke, and began to calm down. She went to their personal kitchens and grabbed a glass of water and curled up in one of the window's deep sills. She didn't even acknowledge his presence.

"Granger? You alright? You look a little pale? You sure you're fine?" He didn't seem as worried as curious. The brightest witch in their year, and she's having fits? Where's the logic in this world!

"I-I'm fine." was all she could reply. Hermione heard him rifling through his book bag, and figured he was going to stay. She went back to her homework, deciding something had to take her mind off of it. The curse. The curse and the man behind it. She knew this would be trouble…



Next chapter, Malfoy digs into why Hermione flipped a load, and you all will find out why as well… duhnduhnduhn(: NOW! DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW, that is if you want to find out what Hermione had a fit . I seriously won't continue this story if no one wants to read it. If you don't want to read it, give me an idea why. It's just gotten started, there's so much more, but if no one wants it, why give it? Once again, REVIEW(: love you, mean it! Btw, it's probably not going to go how you 'think' it's going to go, so if you want to see how it really goes, which I do tooooo, please do what's awesome & feedback.