Bella. That's it. I have no idea what my last name is. In fact, I have no memory of my childhood at all. Aro, my "father", a vampire, has told me many times that the past is too horrific for me to be able to relive through memories. So he took it upon himself to have my memory wiped clean. All that he's disclosed to me is that my mother, a human, died when giving birth to me. Aro claims to be my biological father, so with no memories to go by, I believe him. After all he's treated me as such ever since I can remember.

I live in Volterra, Italy with him, my uncles and their many followers. As a half breed, half-human/half-vampire, I have many different characteristics that pertain to both species. At age 16 I officially stopped growing, living, breathing. However, my eyes have stayed the natural murky brown they've always been and to my great displeasure my clumsy human tendencies remain.

Many of the vampires living in the castle resent me, a human, for which I can't blame them. I've been told on many occasions that my blood is significantly sweeter and more potent than most humans they've ever encountered. So, yes, to answer your question on more than one occasion I've almost become the meal. However, said vampires were "taken care of" and never seen again. I think you can understand what happens after that.

I'm sure you've heard of the special abilities that some vampires acquire through their transformation. Mine is...unusual to say the least. I have two, I can read minds, for one, which isn't that impressive but my other ability is unheard of in the vampire world. Whenever, someone tries to use their power on me I'm not the one that suffers, it's them. Aro says that it's like not only my brain but my whole physical being has a rubber wall around it. Whatever is "inflicted" on me, bounces right off of me and back at it's creator. It makes me strongly despised, especially by little Jane.

Ah, Jane. What to say about her. Well, she can inflict internal pain on someone. It's excruciating, and renders you immobile. It scarred many of the vampires within our coven. When she tried to do it on me though, she ended up on the floor, writhing in pain. Serves her right. Shes a sadistic little brat. The only reason she's still here is because she's one of Aro's most trusted guards, making her "special". But what I wouldn't give for her to be gone.

No matter, my seventeenth birthday is in less than two weeks and then I'm free to leave Volterra as I wish. Aro and I made a deal that after the day of my seventeenth birthday I can do whatever I want. I can't wait to be on my own. I want to find out about my past. I love Aro and he's treated me well, but I want to know who I am. I need to know where I come from. I can't shake the feeling that there's something everyone knows and that they're keeping from me. I get a lot of pitying looks and sorrowful glances when I'm spending time with father. I don't understand why.


I got up with a sigh. I detest that name with everything in me and he knows it.

"Come in!" I yell, even though he's sure to hear it if I were to whisper.

"Good morning sweetie," Father says with a smile as he hugs me. "Heidi is taking you dress shopping today, so hurry up and get ready."

I groaned loudly. "She loves to torture me doesn't she?"

Dad chuckled softly. "She just enjoys spending time with you sweetie, now hurry up and get ready she'll meet you in the garage."

I nodded with a sigh as he left the room. I quickly threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, and my favorite navy blue t-shirt. I hopped around my room looking for my left shoe to my black pair of converse. Hopping wasn't such a good idea on my part since I fell as I finally found the other shoe.

"I'm alright!" I yelled out as I put my other shoe on. I could hear quiet laughs out in the hallway, no doubt from others passing by. My clumsiness was no secret here. I grabbed a a sweatshirt and ran out of my room nearly crashing into Jane.

"Watch where you're walking, you clumsy excuse for a human," She growled out as I ran past her down the hallway.

"Love you too, Jane. Why don't you go eat or something, you're a little on the grouchy side," I laughed quietly as I could hear her muttering to herself. It sounded like "why do we even keep her here" and "danger to others".

I skidded to a halt as I made it to the garage. Heidi was sitting on the hood of my Ferrari bouncing her foot up and down impatiently. She looked up as she heard my arrival.

"Bella! My god child, must you be so slow? Fashion waits for no one, let's go!" She nodded her head to the passenger side as she got in. I sighed and could hear Heidi's whimsical laugh as I got in muttering "stupid law abiding vampires". Sure their diet leaves more to be desired, and they never follow the speed limit, but I'm not allowed to drive my car because I have yet to get my license. Sound fair to you?

"Bella, Bella, Bella," she tsk'd as I pouted. "I'll let you in on a secret, I'd be more than willing to let you drive, it's just that I'm too selfish."

I rolled my eyes as she zoomed out of the castle, no doubt leaving tire marks in her wake.

She looked at me with a serious expression on her face, that I'm sure to anyone else would have been terrifying. "Some rules for today. I want to hear no whining. This is the last chance I get to dress you up and make you look fab-u-lous. You are to try on whatever I throw at you with no protest. Stick to those rules and we'll have a great time." She smiled as she looked back at the road.

I sighed but nodded my head none the less. I'm more of the suffer in silence type anyway.

Okay guys, if you haven't picked up on it by the end of this chapter, I'm not starting after the preface. You'll see eventually. Thank you so much for reading this though. It's my first fanfic and I'm trying my hardest. Leave reviews though. Any kind I really don't care, at this point any review is a good reaview.