So here goes the last chapter. I'm so sad to finish this story but everything has to finish at some point. Thanks a lot to all of you who had help me and review my story. You guys are truly amazing! Thanks a lot to my beta ScarlettBlush, for or her help and patient with my mistakes, lol, she made this story so much better. Anyways….. ENJOY IT AND HAPPY READING!

Seven and a half months later

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday dear, Emma, happy birthday to you….."

"Blow up the candle, sweetie," Draco says excitedly holding Emma while she looks at her birthday cake and the guests surrounding her in fascination.

Can you believe it? My baby girl turns a year old today. It's been incredible these past few months with her and Draco.

When Emma turned six months old she started teething. It wasn't exactly easy and I was really scared for her because I felt it was too soon for her to start growing her teeth. Molly and Narcissa (yeah Narcissa has been involved in Emma's life) told me that it was normal for a baby at six months to start teething. That day Emma got a really high fever and Draco and I didn't know what to do. We realized that something was odd when she started sucking Draco's thumb.

When she was eight months she started crawling….well, not really, she used to move first, like a little beautiful worm….but anyways, she started moving around and then eventually started crawling. That almost made us crazy, she was always moving around the house and Draco and I didn't know how to make sure that she stayed put in the same place while we were working.

When she was ten months old, she started saying little words like 'No' and repeating Ma all the time. Draco didn't like it one bit, he thought she was going to say Dada first since she's a daddy's girl. I didn't know what to do, I almost died from excitement.

When she was eleven months she started trying to get up on her own. She doesn't walk without help yet, but she does move around a lot holding on to the sofa or tables. It's a little nerve racking because we need to make sure that she doesn't grab anything and put it in to her mouth.

Now she's twelve months old. Whoa! A year. It feels like I just had her and now she's turning a year old.

And along with that her looks have slightly changed. Well, for one she looks a lot like Draco: big gray eyes, same pale features, and the same gestures. The only difference is that her hair are curly, but not like mine, thank God!

"Sweetie, try to blow the candle, this is the candle," Draco says again pointing at the number one Little Mermaid Ariel candle. I decided to throw her a small, muggle birthday party in honor of my parents. They would have loved that.

"Draco, she doesn't know how to blow it," I say grinning getting closer to them to help her. "I think you should blow it if we don't want her to eat the candle."

"It's her candle, babe," he says rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but she doesn't understand that, now blow it, and oh wait a minute, 'cause I want to take a picture of it too," I say walking back in front of the table.

"Come on Malfoy, we don't have all day," Ron says impatiently sitting next to his wife Sofia who is three months pregnant. They married once Ron found out about her pregnancy; he didn't want to face the wrath of his mother's famous temper.

"Shut it, Weasel, this is a special day for Emma, I don't want to just blow the candle," he says sneering at Ron. Till this day they still don't have the greatest relationship.

"Draco, please come on," I say again a little annoyed now. Gosh, this man is so dramatic sometimes.

"Oh, fine." He leans closer to the candle taking Emma with him and blows slowly, because I guess he wants to make pretend that it was Emma.

Emmaline starts giggling when she sees the candle relight itself.

"Hermione, don't tell me you used one of those muggle candles that you have to blow and blow," Ron says annoyed. "I'm getting old here."

"Oh, Ron, why are you complaining so much? No….I didn't use one of those candles…….George used it," I say after a couple of seconds chuckling.

"Weasel I'm going to kill you!" Draco says continuing to blow the candle.

"Mate, I knew that it was going to be you blowing it out, I needed to do it," George says cheekily.

When Draco is finally done blowing the candle he walks to the bench and sit down with Emma in his lap.

I go to him smiling and take hold of Emma. She goes willingly and fast. She loves moving around and being held by someone or another.

"You shouldn't be angry because it wasn't easy to blow up the candle," I say smiling pleasantly. He's such a drama queen.

"I'm not mad because of that," he mutters looking up at the clear blue sky.

Frowning, "Then why are you angry?"

"I wanted Emma to blow out the candle," he says stubbornly.

"Draco, she's a baby, she doesn't know how to do it," I say sitting down next to him on the bench. We decided to throw the birthday in the park near our new place.

Yes our new place. When Emmaline was eight months old we decided to give it a shot and live together. Draco bought a house in London where he could be close to his job and I could also be close to my company.

My company is doing pretty well. Women loved the idea of receiving help. I love it more because I get to be with Emma most of the time. I still take her to Molly because I want her to love her like a grandmother, but I also take Emmaline with me to work, except the days when I have a meeting or need to go out for meetings.

Now I truly feel like I have accomplished something big. I don't feel like a slave any more, I feel like I can do anything I want. It's great being your own boss.

Draco helps a lot with the company too. Every single day he drops by to see how things are moving. He takes his role of administrator very seriously.

"I know that she's just a baby, Hermione. I'm just being stupid," he says sighing.

"Yeah you are…" I pause because I know Draco well enough to realize there's more to this, "What's really bothering you Draco?"

"I don't know….I think it's the idea of knowing that Emma doesn't depend on us fully anymore."

"Draco, she just turned a year old," I say feeling a little disheartened at his sad expression.

"I know but five months ago she didn't move around and we needed to take her everywhere. Now she already crawls and walks holding on to stuff, soon she's going to be walking alone and then she's going to be potty training. Before you know it she'll be eating alone. She's growing up so fast," he says stroking Emmaline's hair tenderly. Emma looks at him and gives him one of her adorable smiles.

"Draco, I know she's growing super fast, but we have to enjoy every single moment. You can't succumb into depression just because she doesn't depend fully on you. And besides, if it makes you feel better, she's not going to stop depending on you until she's seventeen and that's a long road from now."

Don't get me wrong, I understand Draco completely. I used to feel just like him just two weeks ago when I was done with the birthday preparations, but then I realized that there's not much that I can do. I either feel sad because she's growing and don't enjoy her or try to enjoy every single moment I have with her.

"I know….I'm not even going to think of her as a teenager." He shudders at the very idea, "There will be so many arseholes wanting to be with her. I can see it already. Emma is going to be so beautiful," he says with a proud smirk.

"True, but for now let's just think about her as an infant," I say smiling.

He nods and we walk hand in hand towards the guest, which are not much I have to say; only his parents, the Weasleys', Harry, Chris and Kingsley.

Of course, there's always the curiosity of how Narcissa even ended up being here. Well it hasn't been easy. But she helped me a lot at one point in time when I needed it and since that moment I decided to give her another chance. It happened when Emma was six months, three days before she started teething to be exact, she was lying on my bed when she decided to roll around like all children seem to do and ended up falling down and hitting her little head hard on the floor.

I almost died when I saw her on the floor. She was crying hysterically. Draco wasn't at my place at the time, and Molly was busy with a family visiting from Germany. I really didn't know what to do. I knew that I needed to go to St. Mungo's but I didn't know if it was safe to Floo or apparate with Emma in her condition. So without knowing what to do and with an almost sleepy Emmaline in my arms I decided to write to Narcissa. I knew that I couldn't let Emma sleep; she might have had a concussion. I also knew that Narcissa would do anything for her. I wrote to her asking for her help. It was a short letter not even explaining what happened just telling her that Emma was hurt. Narcissa took only one minute to get to my place.

She wasn't happy with me, she even cursed and told me that I was an idiot. But at that moment I took it because I did feel like that. After calming down she told me that we needed to take Emma to the hospital.

When we got there the doctor checked her fast and told us that everything was perfectly fine. He even told me that it wasn't the first baby that rolled over a bed and fell down. If he thought that was going to help; it didn't. To this day I still feel really bad.

When I got home Narcissa stood there helping me, but miraculously not saying anything at all about what had transpired between us. After that day I realized that at least I could trust her with Emma. I mean, if she didn't fight to take her away from me when I put her in danger I doubted she was going to do it at all.

So that's how Narcissa is now involved in our lives. I'm not going to say that it's easy having her near me every time, I still don't' like her. She's always bitching about the way we raise Emmaline, what she should eat and how she should be dressed. She also complains a lot about the place where we live because she thinks Emmaline deserves everything they have at the Manor. I even heard her once asking Draco to take us to the Manor to live with them, but Draco knows more than that and didn't even ask me about it giving her a blunt no.

"Oh, finally you bring Emmaline near me, I wanted to give her my present now," Narcissa says taking Emmaline in her arms expertly.

"Mother, you didn't buy her the horse, right?" Draco asks with apprehension.

"Of course not, she's too little for that. But I did buy her those stunning outfits that I saw in the kid's store. And I also bought her a house," she says smiling. Narcissa, I have to say, looks really beautiful when she smiles.

"You bought her a house?" I ask shocked.

"Well, not literally, it's a kiddy house," she says pointing to a little castle near us. You know like one of those from Playschool.

"Oh gosh!" I say looking at Draco.

"You don't have to thank me. Everything for Emmaline," she says proudly.

"Oh, that's not it. Emmaline already has that castle," I say smothering my laughter at her expression.

"Draco why didn't you say anything?" Narcissa barks out.

"Mother, you were really happy, I didn't want to take that away," he says half grinning.

"Oh….well thank you for being so kind. Now I have to go get it exchanged and get the other house."

"There's not enough room for another house in our backyard," I say honestly.

"Oh, but it's not going in your back yard, it's going into mine. I need to have entertainment for Emma when she goes to the Manor," she says matter-of-fact.

"Oh, nice thinking," I say.

"It's time for my present," Molly interrupts. "It's not much but I'm pretty sure Emmaline is going to love it."

She brings a beautiful, iron tricycle. I gasp because I used to have one identical to it, Draco, on the other hand just looks at the thing like it's going to kill Emma.

"That thing is dangerous for Emmaline," Narcissa says when she finally is able to talk.

"No, it's not. I used to have one when I was a toddler," I say defending Molly fast, I don't like it when Narcissa tries to say something against Molly.

"And you never fall down?" Draco asks surprised.

"No, I didn't, because my mother looked after me," I say taking Emmaline and placing her on the tricycle. Emma starts giggling, smacking her hands together and trying to bop up and down the seat. She tries to move the peddles but she can't reach them, yet.

"See she loves it," I say smiling broadly.

"Yeah I can see that," Draco says kneeling down and kissing her forehead.

One hour later Draco and I are cleaning everything in the park with the help of Molly. The rest of the guests have already left. Narcissa was the first one to take flight but I don't mind at all. I sort of feel uncomfortable with her presence, because I need to be polite all the time with her instead of being myself.

Oh, you might wonder where Regina is. Well she's not in London. Regina got married two weeks ago and is still on her honeymoon. And it's going to be for a long time. She told me that she was going to have about two months of honeymoon time and she really deserves it and needs it. She needs it mostly because after a long battle her father passed away two months ago, two weeks before her wedding was supposed to take place. She canceled everything until her father was buried and she was ready to say 'I do' to her fiancé Gustav. She felt bad for not being here, but I guaranteed her that I didn't mind not having her because I wanted her to go with Gustav and take her mind off of her father. But then surprisingly I received a letter from her two days ago and she told me that she was having the time of her life. She was at Germany at that moment. She even wrote in her letter that her first night with Gustav was great, he took special care of her fear of sex and she told me that she truly enjoyed it.

"Emma had a lot of fun," Draco says looking at Emmaline who's sitting on the grass playing with new blocks that Harry gave her.

"Yeah, it was a really great first birthday," I say softly looking at her.

"I wonder what she's going to like next year?'' Molly asks when she's done cleaning the bench where the cake was.

"Let's worry about what she's going to like tomorrow," Draco says smiling broadly at Molly.

And I smile at the sight. Draco is so nice towards Molly and Molly likes Draco very much. She treats him just like she treats me or any other person who's close to her. I can see that Draco finally likes her very much and trusts her a lot when it comes to Emmaline.

And I'm so glad that everyone can get along just fine. I don't know how I was going to deal if Draco didn't know how to hang with the Weasleys. But thank goodness he has really changed for the good and now he's happy to join us at dinner, or going to the park, or even going to play Quidditch with Ron and Harry while I talk with Molly and Sofia.

I'll I can say right now is that life at this moment is so easy for me.

Two years later…

Can you believe it's been two years all ready?

Things have gone extremely well since then.

Emmaline is three years and a month old. She's already talking fully and is running and doing devilish and funny things. Her hair is shoulder length, silvery blonde, with curls at the end. Her eyes are a shade of gray mixed with tinges of blue. Over all she still looks a lot like Draco and I don't think that's ever going to change.

Draco is still working at the Ministry but he's being raised from his position.

Me, well I'm still in charge of my company. I love my work. I have so much time for myself and for Emmaline who every single time enjoys more and more of my company. Regina is working with me but not full time, three months ago she had a baby girl name Kelly. Kelly looks just like Regina.

As for my friends Ron and Harry. Well Harry finally married Ginny after a long engagement and they are living in Italy for a couple of months. Ron had a baby boy name Martin, and Sofia is again pregnant with another baby boy. Harry and Ron are still working as Aurors. The only person that is not there now is Chris.

After a long time considering it he left and headed to America to live with Sam and her sister. I heard that he's really happy there.

And what about me?

Well I'm content. I'm happy and sure about how my life turned out.

I'm in my house at this moment getting Emmaline ready to go visit her grandparents. Draco is going to meet us there.

"Mummy, daddy is oing?" Emmaline asks for the hundredth time today.

"Yes sweetheart, daddy is going to meet us at grandma Cissa's house," I say tugging her sweater.

"Gampa oing to be there too," she asks curiously.

"I guess so," I say getting up and walking to my room. Emmaline trudges behind.

Narcissa and I have established a sort of relationship. We are not good friends or nothing close, we barely have a good relationship for Emma's sake. But surprisingly enough Narcissa can be a lot of help when I need to dress Emmaline and don't know what to put on her. Narcissa has an eye for fashion. She's also a lot of help when I need someone to watch over Emma, you see Molly already has Martin and I don't like leaving Emma as well. I also enjoy going to the Manor because Lucius can be a really funny man once you get to know him.

"I like talking with Gampa and Gamma," Emma says sitting down on my bed while I get dress.

I nod and smile at her. Emmaline loves her grandparents so much.

Once I'm ready I grab her hand and apparate to the Manor. Narcissa is already waiting for us at the sitting room.

"Oh finally, I'm starving. Where's Draco?"

"Still working," I say taking my jacket and putting it on the rack.

"Do you want to start eating or are we supposed to wait for Draco?" she asks after a couple of seconds.

"Where's Mr Malfoy?"

"He's not going to come; he's meeting a few old friends."

"Emma, are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah," Emma says rubbing her belly to emphasis what she just said.

"Well I think we better start without Draco, Mrs Malfoy." Even though we've been working a relationship for a long time we haven't left the stage of formality. Narcissa and Lucius still call me Miss Granger or simply Granger.

Yeah I'm still a Granger and that's not going to change for now, or soon. Draco and I have been engaged for a while now…seven months to be exact. But marriage is not close yet. I seriously don't want to get married for a while. For Draco and me getting married it involves more bigger responsibilities than just living together. We are not ready to take that step yet. Narcissa doesn't like it, she thinks that it's stupid to wait, but honestly what's the point? What's the deal of having a paper that says "You are married" when we are almost married without a paper? Plus I don't have to change my name. I really don't care what people think, like I said I'm content with how I'm living.

"Mother, I'm home," I hear Draco from the door way.

"Daddy," Emma yells blowing raspberries with her mouth with all the excitement.

"Emma, it's bad manners to shout at the table," Narcissa reprimands.

"Sorry Gamma," she says lowering her head, her bottom lip jutting out.

"I don't think it's bad manners Mrs Malfoy, it's bad manner if she's out in a restaurant but she's at a house with people she knows," I say. "You can scream if you want to, sweetie."

I don't want to fight with Narcissa, but she has to stop telling my daughter what's right and wrong. Me and Draco decide what's right or wrong for her.

"Emmaline," I hear Draco yelling out from the door way and a minute too soon I see him almost running to the dining room and kneeling in front of Emma with restrained enthusiasm. "I bought you something."

"Let me see," she squeals.

Draco takes out from a bag a princess chest from Ariel. Emmaline is still very fond of the Little Mermaid.

"Pretty," she whispers once the chest is in her hands.

"I knew you were going to like it," he says walking towards me. He gives me a quick peck on the cheek. "Hey babe, how are you doing?"

"Good, almost no morning sickness," I say grinning. Oh, darn it, I forgot to say. Draco and I are having our second kid. I'm nearly seven months. This time the pregnancy has been a wonderful ride. Draco has been with me every step of the way making sure that I'm eating right, that I'm not stressing a lot, that I'm not carrying anything heavy. Of course, it can be a little annoying sometimes, but over all, I love his attentions. Emma loves the idea that she's going to be a big sister. Zarek Julian Malfoy is supposed to be due on December the 24th, and I'm really hoping for that. I don't want him making an appearance in this world before he's supposed to like it happened with Emmaline.

"That's good baby, we only have two months to go to have Zarek with us," he says sitting next to me grinning.

I nod and smile at him.

And suddenly I can't stop smiling, because if someone told me a couple of years ago that everything was going to work so fine I would have sent that person to hell right away. But things did work just perfect, and I'm grateful because out of a shitty situation everything turned out perfect.

Life is not easy, life is a complicated deal. Life can make you sad and happy all at the same time. Life can be hell and then heaven the next minute. Life can also be a great journey to live, especially when you live it with people that you truly love. But if I can put all that into one word and after all that has been going on in my life I can say that LIFE IS A ROLLER COASTER.

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